英语人>词典>汉英 : 墨守陈规 的英文翻译,例句
墨守陈规 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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One should not always follow the beaten path,but he should try to blaze a new trail.

人不能总是墨守陈规,要另辟蹊径。本新闻共2页,当前在第2页 1 2

The Fates will prop you up on your feet and you will be able to blaze a new trail with this new self.


They are at the same time sensitive to the rights of the individual and habitual conformist.


On Britain's side, much was similarly out of kilter with the stereotypes.


There once was a nonconformist bird that decided not to fly south for the winter.

教育 曾经有一只不墨守陈规的鸟,他决定不飞到南方过冬。

A field that you may think is governed by level-headed, spreadsheet-wielding engineers is alarmingly prone to zealotry and taboos. Climate change is too important and too complex to yield to either.


He's not a stereotypical vampire.


Paul Krugman, the most recent Nobel laureate for economics, puts it with characteristic acerbity: the huge, strait-laced, bureaucratic corporations that ruled the roost before the dotcoms were, he says, like "socialism without the justice".


Paul Krugman, the most recent Nobel laureate for economics, puts it with characteristic acerbity: the huge, strait-laced, bureaucratic corporations that ruled the roost before the dotcoms were, he says, like "socialism without the justice".


How will metropolis elites of the modern society stick in the mud and be willing to live unromantic living?


更多网络解释与墨守陈规相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


workerengineer 工人工程师 | mutineer 叛变者,反抗者 | routineer 职员,墨守陈规者,事务主义者