英语人>词典>汉英 : 增强的 的英文翻译,例句
增强的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
enhanced  ·  increased

更多网络例句与增强的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results are listed as following :㏕he best anti-erosion proportion of resin present is 25wt% in the condition of silicon carbide reinforced SMCC, while the alumina reinforced SMCC is 40wt%.(2) The better anti-erosion results was achieved with the ratio of silicone resin to acrylic resin containing hydroxy being 3: 1.㏕he composites coating tends to be more brittle when added in alundum particles. It also means that the maximum erosion peak of alundum reinforced SMCC tends to normal angle.甌he change of erosion rate of SMCC can be divided into two stages with the increment erodent velocity: the slow erosion stage of the beginning and the stable erosion stage.


Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound(1) Renal occupied lesions: the contrast-enhanced imaging feature of renal cell carcinomas are multiformity. It was different in time of start-enhancing and start- expurgation and intensio.3 cases revealed wash-in contemporarily and 6 cases revealed wash- in quickly in time of start-enh ancing.In time of start-expurgating, 3 cases showed wash-out quickly, 3cases revealed wash-out contemporarily,3 cases showed wash-out slowly,6 cases revealed a higher contrast enhancement and 3 cases revealed a even contrast enhancement in enhancing intension; 4 cases with renal cyst s,outline had more clear and inside had no contrast media washing in and enhancing;3cases with renal angiomyolipomas washed in slowly,washed out slowly and equal or low enhanced ; 2cases with renal columnar hypertrophy were no outline appearance and the same enhancement and ech o as the nomal rena tissue.


Chapter two was developed the fundamental theorem of speech enhancement, in which the characteristics of speech versus noise, and the model of the speech formation as well, were analyzed. By Combining the conventional evaluating method for speech enhancement system with modern techniques, a new method was proposed, and an experimental system was eventually worked out.


The layered video decoding system comprises a base layer decoder for receiving and decoding a base layer video stream; and an enhancement layer decoder for receiving an enhancement layer video stream and the decoded base layer stream, and generating a decoded enhanced video output, wherein the enhancement layer decoder includes: a plurality of inverse discrete cosine transform /IDCT modules; and a selection system for selecting one of the IDCT modules.


The digital speciemen image of adult Helicoverpa armigera Hubner was acquired using a digital camera in an image acquisition environment.Several methods of image enhancement were covered, including linear smoothing, median filtering, linear greylevel transformation, contrast stretching, image inversing and histogram equalization. Results demonstrated that these methods evidently enhanced the speciemen image of H.

digital image ;本研究以棉铃虫成虫标本作为数字图像源,设计了图像获取环境,以数码相机做为数字图像获取设备获得了棉铃虫成虫的数字图像,介绍了昆虫数字图像增强的方法,包括图像的线性平滑、中值滤波平滑、线性灰度变换、对比度拉伸、图像求反以及直方图均衡化等增强方法,证明这些方法对棉铃虫图像具有明显的增强作用。

Enhancement of tumor emerged during early postoperative period that has not shown up before surgery is regarded as postoperative reactional enhancement.


Enhancement of tumor emerged during early postoperative period that has not show n up before surgery is regarded as postoperative reactional enhancement.


Enhancement of tumor emerge d during early postoperative period that has not shown up before surgery is regarded as postoperative reactional enhancement.


Enhancement of tumor emerged during early postoperative period that has not shown up before surgery is regard ed as postoperative reactional enhancement.


In this project, the selection criteria of matrix and reinforcement for obtaining composites with high strength and toughness are determined. The as-cast and aged microstructures of composites reinforced with particles of different strength are observed, and their metallurgical conditions and stabilization mechanisms are analyzed. The aging precipitation behaviors and mechanisms are studied. Some characteristics of nano-materials (micro-distortion areas) are found in 150nm- Al2O3p/Al composites and their formation mechanisms are expatiated. The "flexible" restriction to the deformation of the matrix by low strength AlN particle is observed by in-situ TEM and SEM techniques, and the mechanisms of its resist on cracks propagation and its contribution to composite strength are revealed. The high temperature deformation behaviors of Al2O3p/Al composites are studied. A rare-earth coating is established on sub-micron Al2O3 particles, leading to an improvement in wettability between coated Al2O3 and liquid aluminum and a decrease in infiltration pressure. The strength and ductility of coated particles reinforced composite are also increased. The interfacial characteristics, bonding structures and their formation mechanisms are studied, and the crystal orientation relationships between reinforcement particles and aluminum matrix are investigated. Finally a lighter composite with better balance of strength and damping properties is reinforced with hollow ceramic microballoons of ultra-lower strength.


更多网络解释与增强的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chemically amplified:化学增强的

chemical-mechanical collector 化学-机械转换器 | chemically amplified 化学增强的 | chemically-amplified resist 抗化学腐蚀性,抗化学蚀刻能力,增强型化学保护层

EASIE Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe:欧洲S模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目

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enhanced greenhouse effect:增强的温室效应

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Interpolated Resolution:插值分辨率--通过软件来提高分辨率,因此也称为软件增强的分辨率

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enhanced metafile record:增强元档案记录

增强元档案 enhanced metafile | 增强元档案记录 enhanced metafile record | 增强的不归零 enhanced non-return-to-zero,ENRZ

Dimensioning enhancements:增强的标注功能

Layer Properties Manager 图层特性管理器 | Dimensioning enhancements 增强的标注功能 | Bhatch Dialog enhancement 增强的填充图案对话框

DXF enhancements:增强的 DXF 格式

dbConnect-Database Connectivity 数据库连接 | DXF enhancements 增强的 DXF 格式 | HTML Help HTML 格式的帮助