英语人>词典>汉英 : 增加 的英文翻译,例句
增加 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accession  ·  add  ·  adding  ·  addition  ·  aggrandize  ·  augment  ·  augmentation  ·  eke  ·  enhance  ·  enhancement  ·  escalation  ·  fortify  ·  gain  ·  improve  ·  increase  ·  increment  ·  jack  ·  multiplication  ·  multiply  ·  push  ·  raises  ·  rise  ·  wax  ·  eking  ·  fortifying  ·  accessioned  ·  accessioning  ·  accessions  ·  adds  ·  aggrandized  ·  aggrandizes  ·  aggrandizing  ·  augments  ·  eked  ·  ekes  ·  enhances  ·  enhancing  ·  fortifies  ·  improves  ·  increases  ·  jacked  ·  magnifying  ·  multiplied  ·  multiplies  ·  pushes  ·  rises  ·  waxed  ·  waxes  ·  additions  ·  enhancements  ·  growths  ·  multiplications  ·  incr

add to · bring in · bump up · gain in · gear up · grow in · open out · put on · put sth on · push up
更多网络例句与增加相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Add to sth 增加 What he did has added to our difficulties!


Add to sth increase sth 增加某事物: The bad weather only added to our difficulties.


Add to sth increase sth 增加某事物: The bad weather only add ed to our difficulties.


The results indicate that as the value of fractal dimension is increased, the interfacial static friction coefficient first increases and then decreases; the interfacial static friction coefficient decreases as the fractal roughness parameter increases; while the inter-facial static friction coefficient increases as the material property or total normal load increases; the curve of static friction coefficient versus dimensionless total normal load is convex when the fractal dimension becomes smaller or fractal roughness parameter is larger or material property becomes smaller.


Results of analysis show that Generalized Paris Law can consider the complex crack propagation in the material of the pavement structure. The fatigue life of the pavement increases with increasing thickness of surface layer in a power function. Use of a thicker surface layer may extend the service life of the asphalt pavement. The fatigue life increases with decreasing modulus of surface layer in a power function with a negative exponent. However, since reduced modulus would scarify the structural strength and might cause rutting-related distress, caution should be taken when using low modulus materials for improving fatigue performance of asphalt pavements. The fatigue life increases with increasing modulus of base material in a power function. However, the fatigue life can not infinitely increases with increasing modulus of the base.


To increase:增加: upped their fees; upping our output.


The result makes clear: EThe tensile strength of TFE film increases somewhat along with the addition of drawing speed, and rupture outspread rate reduces;ETFE to succumb filmily somewhat along with the addition of drawing speed the addition that intensity follows drawing rate and increase somewhat, but the 2nd succumb intensity increases not big;ETFE to succumb filmily meet an emergency follows drawing rate increase somewhat, the 2nd succumb the amount of tangent and stretch model that meet an emergency reduces;ETFE film somewhat and model of the 2nd flexibility measure those who follow drawing rate to increase show downtrend, quantity of secant flexibility model and quantity of the 3rd stretch model do not have apparent change.


The result shows that the cooling capacity increases with increasing generator heat transfer. The coefficient of performance of the system increases when the quantity of the generator heat transfer is increased from 6 kW to 7 kW, however it decreases in the range of 7 kW-9 kW. When the fan frequency increases, the temperature of liquid ammonia leaving condenser decreases, while the cooling capacity and the COP of the system increases. When the flow rate and inlet temperature of water/glycol increases, the evaporator takes more heat away and the cooling capacity and COP of the system increases.

其结果可发现当发生器加热量增加,系统温度增加系统冷冻能力增加,但其COP於6 kW-7 kW 系统COP会有先增加,於7 kW-9 kW,系统COP会有下掉的趋势;在冷凝器方面,当风扇频率增加,冷凝器温度降低时,冷凝器出口冷媒随之降低,系统冷冻能力会有所提高,COP亦增加;在蒸发器方面,蒸发器卤水出口温度及卤水流量增加,可以使蒸发器带走更多的热量其系统冷冻能力及COP也就会相对增加

Through the flue gas and air characteristic analysis in supercharged boiler,the results showed that the value of parameters would increase with the increase of fuel consumption.And volume heat load of the furnace, fuel consumption, heat change between flue gas and convective heating surface and evaporation value would increase with the increase of compression ratio.The heat calculation would be different because of dissimilar thermal calculation in the turbo-compressor when the boiler load was changed.As the boiler load increased,heat loss in the turbo-compressor would increase and the efficiency of the boiler would decrease.The results of the boiler start-up simulation showed that the time of start-up would decrease with the increase of flue consumption ,but instantaneous pressure amplitude would increase.Steam water"s dymamic diversification would be more complex than flue gas"s,and dynamic characters of their parameters would be changed due to different boiler load and disturbance variable,which was shown by results of the simulation when boiler load was changed.


Because血流量增加the gastrointestinal tract after a meal, or after exercise血流量增加limbs will make the relative coronary insufficiency, caused by angina.


更多网络解释与增加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aggravated circumstances:增加严重性的情节 增加严重性的情节

aggravated 加重的 加重的 | aggravated circumstances 增加严重性的情节 增加严重性的情节 | agreement 协议 协议

Basilisk Scales:蜥蜴鳞片:增加能量和生命值上限

Agate 玛瑙:增加气系魔法等级,增加雷抗. | Basilisk Scales 蜥蜴鳞片:增加能量和生命值上限. | Bloodstone 血石:增加血系魔法掌握,增加其魔法伤害.


Bloody Vomit吐血:增加致命性和傳染性. | Bloodletter:增加致命性和傳染性. | Decomposer腐爛:增加致命性和傳染性.

obj booze:增加酒

!obj cheating! 增加食物 | !obj booze! 增加酒 | !obj ingboard! 增加

Charmed Silver:神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版

Cast Iron 精炼铁石 :增加护甲防御等级,增加负重.... | Charmed Silver 神往银牌:增加所有抗性,回复生命并提高恢复效果,献祭银牌的增强版. | Dark Obsidian 黑暗符文:增加诅咒魔法等级,并有机会在战斗时让目标被缓慢...

gain in yield:增加产率,增加产量

gain in wight增重,增加重量 | gain in yield增加产率,增加产量 | moisture regain回潮,吸湿;吸湿性

gain in weight:增加体重,增重量,重量的增加

gain in strength 增加强度,强度增长 | gain in weight 增加体重,增重量,重量的增加 | gain inequality 增益差

Fire Golem:增加火攻击力. 增加圣火攻击力. 技能具有组合加成

Iron Golem - 增加防御加成. 技能具有组合加成. | Fire Golem - 增加火攻击力. 增加圣火攻击力. 技能具有组合加成. | Teeth - 技能具有组合加成.

Hardest AC:数值增加(物理性防御力增加)

Hardest AC数值增加(物理性防御力增加) 6 11 17 22 28 G20 | Smart 物理性攻击的回避率增加 3% 7% 13% 21% 25% G10 | Strike 依攻击者伤害力的比例来反击 27 54 81 137 173 G10

Exploding Arrow:(爆裂箭)-增加了攻击率加成,增加火系伤害. 具有技能加成

Cold Arrow(冰箭)-增加了攻击率加成,增加冰冻伤害和法力消耗,具有技能加成 | Exploding Arrow(爆裂箭)-增加了攻击率加成,增加火系伤害. 具有技能加成 | Ice Arrow(急冻箭)-增加了攻击率加成,具有技能加成