英语人>词典>汉英 : 塔里木盆地 的英文翻译,例句
塔里木盆地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Tarim Basin
更多网络例句与塔里木盆地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The multiple superpositional evolution of the Tarim basin is controlled by the wave prcesses of earth's crust, and the main cycles of these processes are 740~760Ma, 200~230Ma, 100~110Ma, 60~70Ma and 30Ma.


Based on the criterion of reliability of paleomagnetic data, we report the paleomagnetic data of Tarim, which was our achievement in past 10 years. Combined with the paleomagnetic results of other researchers, an integrated paleomagnetic data of Tarim, since Phanerozoic, is published here.


There are abundant hydrocarbon resources in Silurian reservoirs in Tarim basin, and the stratum of the Silurian is the key exploration stratum in Tarim basin.


There are two branches stretched into China from Tethys during Cenomanian–Turonian in the Cretaceous, including the south branch, where occurred OAE2 in the Tibetan region, and north branch, where existed OAE2 in the southwestern of Tarim Basin too, thus it provided another evidence for OAE2's globality.


Directed under plate tectonics theories, author applied the relationship between orogenyy belt and basin, analyzation of proto-type basin restoration of Paleo-structures etc to systematically draw the Paleo-structural maps and Paleo-sedimental photographical maps on Z, O, S, D, C, P, T, J, K, E, N〓j, N1〓k, N〓k etc in Tarim basin.


Summarizing the reservoiring courses of large and medium gas fields in China, they can be divided into 4 types...


It is of great significance for the analysis of the petroleum accumulation and reallocation process in middle Tarim area as well as the whole craton area in Tarim Basin to correctly apprehend the petroleum accumulation conditions and model of Tazhong 4 Oilfield.


It is of great significance for the analysis of the petroleum accumulation and reallocation process in middle Tarim area as well as the whole craton area in Tarim Basin to correctly apprehend the petroleum accumulation conditions and model of Tazhong 4 Oilfield.


Whereas the seismic thermal lithosphere is about 150km thick, which means the Tarim lithosphere is not steady and became thinner. In this paper, writers analyzed the Tarim lithosphere thinning mechanism based on the tectonic thermal evolution quantitative method, and discussed three possibilities:the hotter India asthenosphere intruded under the Tarim lithosphere and made the Tarim lithosphere became unsteady;the bottom of Tarim lithosphere is heated by friction of the atheonosphere flow and washed off by the hot asthenosphere; the Xizang lithosphere delamination induced the convection, and the upflowing mentle heated the bottom of the Tarim lithosphere and make it enthinning.


This paper shows that crude oil in Tarim Basin possesses organic and inorganic binary genesis characteristics in accordance with the analysis of microelement and continental crust life matter.


更多网络解释与塔里木盆地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lepus yarkandensis:塔里木兔

塔里木兔(Lepus yarkandensis) 国家二级保护动物. 为仅分布于新疆塔里木盆地的特有种,成兔体重1.9千克长43厘米,尾短小仅8厘米,长有明显的一对大耳,为体长1/4. 前腿短,后腿长而强健,适于奔跳. 头背体毛沙褐,体侧沙黄,腹白. 为平原荒漠典型动物,

Lepus yarkandensis:塔里木兔 新疆塔里木盆地及罗布泊低地

Lepus sinensis 华南兔 长江以南诸省区 | Lepus yarkandensis 塔里木兔 新疆塔里木盆地及罗布泊低地 | Ochotona cansus 间颅鼠兔 西藏 青海 甘肃 四川等

Tarim River Basin:塔里木盆地水系

塔里木河流域:Tarim River Watershed | 塔里木盆地水系:Tarim River Basin | 塔里木河中下游:the middle and lower Reach of the Tarim River



Gazella subgutturosa:鹅喉羚

文摘:鹅喉羚(Gazella subgutturosa)为IUCN红皮书保护物种,国家二级保护动物. 该种可分为6个亚种,分布于西亚、南亚和中亚及其邻近地区;我国境内4亚种,分布于新疆准噶尔盆地、塔里木盆地、昆仑-阿尔金山,内蒙古西部,甘肃西部,青海柴达木盆地,

Ochotona cansus:间颅鼠兔 西藏 青海 甘肃 四川等

Lepus yarkandensis 塔里木兔 新疆塔里木盆地及罗布泊低地 | Ochotona cansus 间颅鼠兔 西藏 青海 甘肃 四川等 | Ochotona curzoniae 黑唇鼠兔 青藏高原

zygophyllum xanthoxylon:木霸王

塔里木盆地植物种类特别贫乏,盆地内超旱生的灌木荒漠最为突出;山前洪积扇上有极稀疏的膜果麻黄(Ephedra przewalskii)、木霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylon)、泡泡刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa)和沙拐枣砾漠;盆地中间有极稀疏的柽柳沙漠;


中国人告诉荣赫鹏说,中国的边界是沿着喀喇昆仑山脉以及印度河与塔里木(Tarim)盆地之间的分水岭. 一八九二年,中国人为了具体表明其领土主张,在喀喇昆仑山口树立了一个界石,界石上的铭文宣告中国领土自此开始. 英国人对这个行动是欢迎的,

tarim basin:塔里木盆地

征服带来的副产品是西部地区,对应于塔里木盆地 (Tarim Basin) 和吐鲁番地区 (Turfan Oasis) 的主要地带. 这对其著名的贸易路线很重要,这条路线是中国的丝绸运往西方的所在. 西北地区的人口大面积减少对匈奴的胜利有帮助. 由于黄河的改道,


西突厥帝国主要由西突厥斯坦、准噶尔 (Dzungaria) 和塔里木盆地构成,从更远处形成威胁. 中国对塔里木盆地进行争夺,收复的战斗从公元 640 年持续到 648 年. 在斗志昂扬的武则天的坚持下,中国军队于公元 656 年入侵西突厥斯坦,