英语人>词典>汉英 : 堡垒 的英文翻译,例句
堡垒 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bastion  ·  fort  ·  fortress  ·  propugnaculum  ·  schloss  ·  stronghold  ·  tower  ·  ballium  ·  bastions  ·  citadels  ·  fastnesses  ·  fortresses  ·  forts

更多网络例句与堡垒相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Alma it states,"Yea, he had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts, or places of resort: throwing up banks of earth round about to enclose his armies…the Nephites were taught…never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy… they had cast up dirtround to shield them from the arrows…the chief captains of the Lamanites were astonished exceedingly, because of the wisdom of the Nephites in preparing their places of security…they knew not that Moroni had fortified, or had built forts of security in all the land roundabout …the Lamanites could not get into their forts of security…because of the highness of the bank which had been thrown up, and the depth of the ditch which had been dug round about…they began to dig down their banks of earth…that they might have an equalchance to fight…instead of filling up their ditches by pulling down banks of earth, they were filled up in a measure with their dead…And caused them to erect fortifications that they should commence laboring in digging a ditch round about the land…And he caused that they should build a breastwork of timbers upon the inner bank of the ditch: and they did cast up dirt out of the ditch against the breastwork of timbers".


And we wound up eating lunch at the old German fort at Sesfontein that looks so much like part of a movie set for a film like "Beau Geste" that I couldn't help but wonder whether Gary Cooper, Ray Milland and their pals from the French Foreign Legion were about to ride up on their camels.


While aboard, the Regent's every word and step would be monitored by the extensive security system Edwards had made operational as part of his Code Pyramid project-a system that had also managed to find its way into the council's public and private chambers, and into many of the fortress's Robotechnological labs and inner sanctums.


"Unclaimed Baggage"(this is done at Angor Fortress, 42.31) the Pack is in an orange barrel on the left entrance of the fortress, and the Rapier is on the weapon rack going through the right entrance of the fortress

&Unclaimed Baggage&(这个在苦痛堡垒,42.31)(包裹在一个靠近堡垒左入口的橘色的桶里,剑是在右边入口处的武器架上

They tell me that Nicolo Machiavelli, a learned young Florentine noble, secretary to my Lords of the Ten, is to leave with me at once.


Notwithstanding that, Messer Nicolo Vitelli in our times has been seen to demolish two fortresses in Citta di Castello so that he might keep that state; Guido Ubaldo, Duke of Urbino, on returning to his dominion, whence he had been driven by Cesare Borgia, razed to the foundations all the fortresses in that province, and considered that without them it would be more difficult to lose it; the Bentivogli returning to Bologna came to a similar decision.


While aboard, the Regent's every word and step would be monitored by the extensive security system Edwards had made operational as part of his Code Pyramid project-a system that had also managed to find its way into the council's public and private chambers, and into many of the fortress's Robotechnological labs and inner sanctums.


Ialdabode pays the cost of 5 power points for intellect fortress but forgoes Psychic Bastion.


In one of the few surviving mud-walled fortresses just outside Riyadh the celebrations of King Fahd's rule were in full swing.


These were not the rudimentary field works that the French anticipated, but an enormous network of forts, batteries and redoubts whose construction had been started the previous November - the Lines of Torres Vedras.


更多网络解释与堡垒相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Catapult Fort:投石车堡垒

221,Infantry Fort ---> 步兵堡垒 | 223,Catapult Fort ---> 投石车堡垒 | 224,Cavalry Fort ---> 骑兵堡垒

Cavalry Fort:骑兵堡垒

223,Catapult Fort ---> 投石车堡垒 | 224,Cavalry Fort ---> 骑兵堡垒 | 225,Chariot Fort ---> 战车堡垒

Chariot Fort:战车堡垒

224,Cavalry Fort ---> 骑兵堡垒 | 225,Chariot Fort ---> 战车堡垒 | 226,Weaponsmith ---> 武器铺

Crossbow Fort:弩兵堡垒

219,Confucian Academny ---> 孔庙 | 220,Crossbow Fort ---> 弩兵堡垒 | 221,Infantry Fort ---> 步兵堡垒


.冲5钻特卖 加厚 堡垒 (FORT)纯棉毛巾吸汗带 多色淘宝网.冲5钻特卖 加厚 堡垒 (FORT)纯棉毛巾吸汗带 多色

Infantry Fort:步兵堡垒

220,Crossbow Fort ---> 弩兵堡垒 | 221,Infantry Fort ---> 步兵堡垒 | 223,Catapult Fort ---> 投石车堡垒


fort 堡垒 | fortalice 小堡垒 | forth 往前


fort /堡垒/炮台/和印第安人交易的市场/ | fortalice /小堡垒/外堡/要塞/ | forte /长处/

fortification agate:堡垒玛瑙,城堡玛瑙

fort agate 堡垒玛瑙 | fortification agate 堡垒玛瑙,城堡玛瑙 | fossil coral 化石珊瑚

