英语人>词典>汉英 : 堕落者 的英文翻译,例句
堕落者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pervert  ·  deteriorator  ·  perverting  ·  perverts

更多网络例句与堕落者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The test originally was to put Hydralisks at a later tech and have Corruptors be buildable earlier without a prerequisite building other than upgrading to the Lair.


The test originallywas to put Hydralisks at a later tech and have Corruptors be buildable earlier without a prerequisite building other than upgrading to the Lair.


For some people, I'd imagine the Corruptor would not be an option for battle.


Basically, the Corruptor seems to be a replacement for the Devourer.


No one wants to be remembered as a degenerate.


This is the work of a depraved mind.


You're a vicious tyrant and a villainous reprobate , and Ihate you for it !


And destroy all the spirits of the reprobate and the children of the Watchers, because they have wronged mankind.


Whether it is the falling wise men or it is the wisdom of the fallen men, all are predestined to fighting a fruitless and self-deceptive battle.


In Her forlorn state, R ā dh ā r ā n ī indicates to Krsna ,"You are called Uttamah loka because You are merciful to the wretched and fallen, but if You would be merciful to Me, then You would actually deserve this exalted name."


更多网络解释与堕落者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a man of Belial:堕落者, 惯于作恶的人(来自《圣经>

a man of affairs 担任重要职务的人; 见过大场面的人 | a man of Belial 堕落者, 惯于作恶的人(来自>) | a man of character 有骨气的人

a man of Belial:无赖,堕落者

Belial n. 彼列(撒旦的别名,林后6:15) | a man of Belial 无赖,堕落者 | benediction n. 礼拜末尾的祝福和感谢


把对手变成炮台的能力还在么?2,当隐形单位移动的时候,你能看见一些动画效果,这些效果提醒你了这些单位的存在. 感染者(Infestor)在地下移动的时候也有这类效果么?10,堕落者(Corruptor)的近况如何,把对手变成炮台的能力还在么?


Sorrow (:悲伤;忧郁;懊悔;遗憾) | Debaucher (:堕落者;放荡者) | Slave (:奴隶)

depravation:恶化; 堕落 (名)

depository 受托者, 贮藏所 (名) | depravation 恶化; 堕落 (名) | deprave 使堕落, 使腐败, 使恶化 (动)


deteriorative psychosis 衰退性精神症 | deteriorator 堕落者 | deteriorism 蜕化论


通常,越轨(deviance)和越轨者(deviant)这两个词往往让人想起那些堕落者、变态者和疯子. 因此,在你研究越轨之前,记住以下五点十分重要. 有时,行为是越轨了,但由于所违犯的规则并未被广泛接受,人们就不会认为这种越轨是不道德的.

The Fallen:堕落者

当然,实际电影当中的变形金刚"演员"数量要远比游戏当中更多,例如:大力神(Devastator)、机器狗(Ravage)、横炮(Sideswipe)、堕落者(The Fallen)、双胞胎兄弟(The Twins)、刹车(Skids)、挡泥板(Mudflap)等等,甚至还有很多连名字都没来得及报上就已经挂掉的变形金刚.

The Fallen:者

这次给我们带来的不仅仅是一击,继上个星期放出其终极版预告片后如今又流出三张海报. 三张都以金字塔为背景,分别是擎天柱(Optimus Prime)、大黄蜂(Bumblebee)还有充满怒气的威震天(Starscream),但始终没有堕落者(The Fallen)的迹象.

reprobate : humility:堕落汉 谦逊 堕落汉也可以谦虚

extrovert : reserve 性格外向者 沉默寡言 正确答案 | reprobate : humility 堕落汉 谦逊 堕落汉也可以谦虚 | zealot : loyalty 狂热分子 忠诚 狂热分子可以忠诚