英语人>词典>汉英 : 堂哥 的英文翻译,例句
堂哥 的英文翻译、例句


elder male cousin with the same surname
更多网络例句与堂哥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chandler: I need you to come to this bachelor party for my weird cousin Albert, you know he's the botanist.

你得来参加我的怪堂哥 Albert 的告别单身派对。

My older cousins took care of picking the bones and sealing them in a cinerary casket.


It was also my cousin's birthday.


Many, many such things, when I did not understand, but feel that they are ferocious cousins.


So I'm guessing it'll be your cousin, Hussein.


When I was jut six years old, my brother and my dad knew how to play tennis, my cousin and my uncle also knew how to play tennis.


When i was a kid,I had a brother I am worship.So my idol is my brother.


I first saw KISS in 1976 - I was very young, so I went with my cousin. I was so excited because I caught one of Ace Frehley's guitar picks. It was broken, but I didn't care. It was at Nassau Coliseum in New York. They ruled that night.

我第一次看KISS现场是1976的纽约,那时候我还很小,我是和我堂哥一起去的,我超级兴奋,因为我捡到了一个Ace Frehley的吉他拨片,尽管是破的,但不会没在意。

My brother and my cousin had a tennis training class when they were six years old.


"IT IS very tricky to sack a cousin," observes Francesco Trapani, the chief executive of Bulgari.

&要炒掉堂哥是件很尴尬的事,&宝格丽的执行首席官Francesco Trapani说。

更多网络解释与堂哥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The big brother:一哥 - 贾浩全

1986 堂口故事 - Mickey Lee Tongs: a Chinatown story | 1987 一哥 - 贾浩全 The big brother | 1988 乌龙贼替身 - 陈亨/周德根 Mistaken identity

Martina McBride:(乡村女歌星)

Shania Twain(仙尼亞堂恩,鄉村流行天後) | Martina McBride(鄉村女歌星) | Ricky Martin(拉丁帥哥)

San Pedro:圣彼得

a)索里亚~圣彼得(San Pedro)和圣多明哥(Santo Domingo)安静的西格恩萨(Sigiienza)大教堂朝圣~圣保德里奥(San Baudelio)莫札拉布风格的教堂布尔戈斯大教堂(Burgos Cathedral)的金色忧郁8.沿着堂吉诃德的脚步去往拉.曼查(la Mancha)之路在钦乔(Chinchbn)用餐~堂吉诃德的风车杜西尼亚(Dulcinea)的房子~堂吉诃德出生的山洞瓦拉多

Ricky Martin:(拉丁帅哥)

Shania Twain(仙尼亞堂恩,鄉村流行天後) | Martina McBride(鄉村女歌星) | Ricky Martin(拉丁帥哥)

Steve's second cousin, Patrick:史蒂夫的二堂哥派屈克

I'm the godfather.|我是教父 | Steve's second cousin, Patrick.|史蒂夫的二堂哥派屈克 | It'd make a good story. Little Brady brought us together.|你写出了好故事吗? -小布莱迪让我们齐聚一堂


在叔叔 /舅舅 (uncle) 家时﹐晚上和表哥 / 表弟 / 堂哥 / 堂弟 (cousin) 同睡. 他睡着了﹐但是他