英语人>词典>汉英 : 基础教育 的英文翻译,例句
基础教育 的英文翻译、例句


basic education
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The aim of the thesis is to get elicitation through the research of its basic education system and the contrast between the Bauhaus and our country s basic design education system.


We must resolve the relation between catholicity and adaptability of foundation education.


Yet the new basic education curricula show the curbstone and the unspecialized which cause the historic lack of new basic education curricula.


Chapter two analyzed matters related to balanced development of education theoretically. Although the new idea of developing basic education evenly has made scholars that are engaged in educational theories and practice pay much attention to it, researches on the issue of developing basic education evenly is still in the phase of attempt and exploration theoretically and demonstratively.


Based on the findings and some advanced experience from developed countries, this paper gives out some policy advice. For instance, the central government should set the elementary education fiscal investment as a fixed proportion to local GDP; the provinces with population outflow should get some inter-governmental grants to encourage the development of local elementary education. In the trend of fiscal decentralization, this paper is trying to figure out a trade off between the efficiency and the fairness of elementary education.


As proved in practice, carrying out researching study in teachers' college is not only propitious to improving students' integrated faculties but also propitious to course reformation in teachers' college ,further more, it is propitious to making high education and basic education come down in one continuous line , and to developing eligible teachers with high diathesis for basic education so as to accelerate the course reformation in basic education.


In recent years, the county, the county government efforts to implement the "Education Reform and Development of the State Council on the basis of the decision" to put on basic education, giving priority to the development of a strategic position to conscientiously implement the "county-based" management system of basic education as a important task of social development, grasp the party's education policy is implemented, grasping the implementation of educational policies and regulations, grasping the implementation of county-wide education development plan.


Basing on describing the basic knowledge of school management system of Chinese basic education, this article bring forward some new ideas: first, the author dont simply discuss the theories on school management system of school management system of Chinese basic education from perfect situation, but combining the factual condition of school management system of Chinese basic education; second, the article analysis profoundly the problem of School management system of Chinese basic education; third, after discussing the reform mode of Chinese basic education, the author further advance to change the coverall and unchangeable school management system and set up the school management method, which call integral whole two lines.


The thesis takes the fundamental education as its focus, and the new public management theory as its logic support, and applies the case research method to analyze the background under where the current western countries" fundamental education administrative system is brought out, and discuss the this system"s establishment process, and finds out policy suggestions appropriate for Chinese quasi-marketing reform on fundamental education which are expected to provide more theorise reference for the decision-makers of Chinese fundamental education.


In the mean time, basic education belongs to quasi public goods, its funds come from all levels of government whose fiscal capacity is limited. Therefore, it becomes a burning issue that how to transfer the limited funds to basic education in order to guarantee its quality.


更多网络解释与基础教育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


联邦与各州教育部达成共识,年度报告优先报告学校教育向着实现21世纪基础教育全国目标的进展情况,包括学生、学校和经费的统计数据,提供如下实在信息:方便入学(access and participation)、保持(retention)、出勤(attendance)、完成和升学(co

ceasefire line:停火线

Basic Education and Life Skills Programme;基础教育和生活技能方案;;UNESCO | ceasefire line;停火线;CFL; | ceasefire violation;违反停火;CFV;

Chapman University:地方非常好,电影,电视的专业都很出名

cloumbia college chicago 学校有个性,学费一般,录取容易,在chicago有地位 | chapman university 地方非常好,电影,电视的专业都很出名 | f art MN的教育在美国出了名,该学院偏重大理论和基础教育


在三十个学分中,十六个为必修(compulsory)学分,属于基础教育,一般建议最好在第九班至第十一班内完成必修课程(英文科除外). 另外十四个则为选修(selective)学分,为学生升学及就业做准备. 因此,学生进入十一班后,便应该根据志向、兴趣选科,



Chinese elementary education:中国基础教育

学术思想:Traditional Chinese Medicine education | 中国基础教育:Chinese elementary education | 语文美育:aesthetic education in Chinese teaching

elementary education reformation:基础教育课程改革

基础教育社会化:Socialization of elementary education | 基础教育课程改革:elementary education reformation | 中小学教师继续教育:Continuing education on elementary and secondary teachers


美国的基础教育缺乏通过"有结构"(structured) 性的游戏玩耍中学习(我所指的是幼儿基础教育). 但到了中国才发现问题更多,不仅仅是传统的"填鸭"式教育以及繁重的功课,大班教育,老师对学生的关注以及老师与家长的沟通都存在严重问题.

H.H. SHEIKHA MOZAH:卡塔尔国王、联合教科文组织基础教育和高等教育特使

H.H. SHEIKHA MOZAH,卡塔尔国王、联合教科文组织基础教育和高等教育特使 | H.H.Sheikh Hamad,Bin Khalifa Al-Thani的妻子, | LIZZIE TISCH,私人银行家

Basic Education and Life Skills Programme:基础教育和生活技能方案

central battery; common battery;中央炮兵连;CB; | Basic Education and Life Skills Programme;基础教育和生活技能方案;;UNESCO | ceasefire line;停火线;CFL;