英语人>词典>汉英 : 基督教教派 的英文翻译,例句
基督教教派 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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When sects that were defined as heretical in their dissent--Waldenses, Albigenses, Cathari, and others--emerged to counter or contradict Roman Catholic concepts of Christian essence, they had to go into hiding or were pushed into enclaves beyond the enforcing reach of the custodians of official teaching.


Roman Catholic, Orthodox and many Anglican Christians venerate Mary, as do the non-Chalcedonian or Oriental Orthodox, a communion of churches that has been traditionally deemed monophysite (such as the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt and the Ethiopian Tewahedo Church).


As I am basically from Kerala, I would like to point out a problem faced by Christian religious groups over there.


The concept of the millennium and the apocalypse referred to in Revelation has been an important part of certain Christian sects, but it has held less significance for most Roman Catholic and Protestant groups. Believers in Christian millennialism differ about when Christ will return to earth, how the millennium will start, and the nature of the millennium.


His conversion to Catholicism in 1990 was just the "completion and right ordering" of all he had learnt in the Lutheran church, including the prayers he had been taught by his pastor father.


I am 36 years old, married with two children, a devoted Christian of the Catholic Denominations.


How come it is become only Symbolic now, in most of the Christian denominations.


In fact, the fastest growing Christian denominations in North and Latin America are Pentecostals, Baptists and Methodists, all of the evangelical ilk.


This extension of the term to all Christian denominations results no doubt, from the tendency of the modern non-Catholic world to consider all the various forms of Christianity as the embodiment of revealed truths and as equally entitled to recognition.


While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter.

目录 导言宗教的实质第一编原始的梦境:原始宗教第一章宗教的产生第二章图腾崇拜第三章祖先崇拜、灵物崇拜和偶像崇拜第四章从多神崇拜到一神崇拜第五章古埃及宗教第六章古巴比伦宗教第二编苦难者的宗教:犹太教第一章犹太民族的诞生第二章以色列人在埃及第三章出埃及记第四章以色列人定居巴勒斯坦第五章欧洲人统治下的犹太人第六章犹太人的大流散第七章犹太人回归故土的热望第八章犹太教经典第三编天国之道:基督教第一章耶稣传奇第二章基督教的产生第三章基督教的变迁第四章中世纪基督教第五章改革运动第六章近代基督教第七章经典、组织和礼仪第四编信主独一:伊斯兰教第一章伊斯兰教之前的阿拉伯第二章伊斯兰教的产生第三章早期伊斯兰教的传播第四章哈里发时代第五章四大王朝时代第六章近现代的伊斯兰教第七章伊斯兰教派运动第八章经典和礼仪第五编痛苦中的生路:佛教第六编信仰的疆土:宗教在世界各国……购买此商品的顾客也购买了·文学简史·东方哲学简史/简史文丛系列·快读二十四史·千万别卖家具--终端销售攻略·读者文摘精粹版1:幸福像花儿一样查看此商品的顾客也查看了·宗教简史·神圣的存在--比较宗教的范型·神之简史·中国人的心灵图谱:魂魄·世界宗教寻踪

更多网络解释与基督教教派相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


是从罗马帝国延续下来的, 所以一般被视为正统, 我们所说的基督教则是在16世纪从罗马分离出来的新派, 主要以德国马丁路德(Martin Luther)的路德教派(Protestantism), 法国加尔文(John Calvin)的加尔文教派(Calvinism)及英国国教三大支为主,

churchgoing:经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的

churchgoer | 经常去做礼拜的人 | churchgoing | 经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的 | churchianity | (基督教)教派派性


churchgoing | 经常上教堂的 上教堂 上教堂 经常去做礼拜的 | churchianity | (基督教)教派派性 | Churchillian | 邱吉尔作风的


婚配(Matrimony):男女信徒成亲时,要到教堂举行结婚典礼,求得上帝的祝福. 基督教主要节日 基督教的节日繁多,有各教派共同的节日,也有各教派自己的节日. 各教派较重要、共同庆祝的节日主要有: 圣诞节(Christmas)--纪念耶稣诞生的节日.


Nervilia 芋兰属 | Nestorian 基督教教派 | Nestorian 基督教教派


Nestorian 基督教教派 | Nestorian 基督教教派的 | Netherlands 尼德兰


Nervilia /芋兰属/ | Nestorian /基督教教派的/基督教教派/ | Netherlander /荷兰人/


Victorian 维多利亚女王时代的人,维多利亚女王时代的代表作家 | praetorian 执政官,禁卫队 | Nestorian 基督教教派

the Anglican Church:英国国教; 圣公会

4 Church [C] particular group of Christians; denomination 基督教教派; 派别: | the Anglican Church 英国国教; 圣公会 | * the Catholic Church 天主教

the orthodox eastern church:东正教

天主教(Catholicism)、东正教(the Orthodox Eastern Church)和新教(Protestantism)是基督教的三个主要教派. 基督教是世界上第一大宗教,其信徒约有18亿人,与伊斯兰教和佛教并称世界三大宗教. 基督教产生之后,在罗马帝国境内,由于地理、历史、文化和政治等方面的原因,