英语人>词典>汉英 : 基因座 的英文翻译,例句
基因座 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与基因座相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DYS522 sites examine proptosis 5 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.6495,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS508 sites examine proptosis 6 discrimination power with personal allele, allelomorph to 0.7006,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS632 sites examine proptosis 3 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.5224,the excluding probability of paternit is;DYS556 sites examine proptosis 6 discrimination power with personal allele,allelomorph to 0.7454,the excluding probability of paternit is.


The majority of the loci are at the autosome and five loci at the Z chromosome.Four loci have multiple allelic series.

这些基因座多数位于常染色体上,有5 个基因座位于Z染色体上,有4 个基因座存在有复等位基因系列。

In all 22 loci detected, 18 and 11 loci are polymorphic between and within cultivar, respectively.


Methods Fifty pairs of fresh colorectal cancer and homologous normal tissues were genotyped with Identifiler Kit and the mutations generated in cancer tissues were determined. The mutation rates, the numbers of locus matched without identical allele (A0), 1 identical allele (A1), or 2 identical alleles (A2) and the number of total identical alleles IA(subscript n were calculated. Frequency distributions of A0, A1, A2 and IA were compared among CR-N group, unrelated individual pairs and full sibling pairs. Discrimination functions were established for individual identification from tumor tissues with discriminatory analysis.

用Identifiler系统对50对新鲜结直肠癌组织及其身源正常组织组进行STR分型,计算CR-N组中变异STR基因座及全不同基因座数(A0)、半相同基因座数(A1)、全相同基因座数(A2)和共有等位基因数IA(下标 n,比较CR-N组、无关个体对组和全同胞对组中上述参数的分布差异,通过判别分析建立判别函数。

The differentiation coefficient is 0.07 between three inbreed families respectively. The highest level of genetic homozygosity is in families Ⅱ at 18, but genetic variation is a little difference between inbreeding pig and mice. However, this study revealed the pattern of genetic variation at microsatellite loci in the 3 inbred families of WZSP with one of the most important findings to be the high level of unexpected heterozygosity at some loci, e.g. Sw874 and Sw936 that could be part of the unique genetics of three families. A hypothesis is that certain functional genes linked with such microsatellite loci may be involved in the maintenance of viability of these inbred families of WZSP remains for further investigation.


Meanwhile, Tibetan sheep (breeded in Sanjiaocheng of Qinghai, Huangcheng and Gannan of Gansu ), Mincounty Blank Fur sheep and Texel and Poll Dorset were controlled. The results indicated that polymorphism was tested at the loci of Hb, Tf and Es, that erythrocyte protein 1 and 2 were monomorphism. There were a couple of allele and three genotypes at the loci of Hb and Es. There were 10 genotypes at the locus of Tf, which was determined by 5 alleles.


OL alleles were found out in eleven loci. 11, 9 and 7 kinds of OL alleles were found in PentaE, PentaD, and D7S820, respectively. Allele frequencies of 18.4, 19.4, 26 in PentaE, 6 in PentaD, 30.3 in D21S11 were more 1.0‰.

在Powerplex16 System中的15个基因座有11个基因座发现OL等位基因,以PentaE、PentaD和D7S820基因座中发现最多,分别有11、9和7个。D7S820的等位基因9.1、9.2、10.1;PentaE中的等位基因18.4,19.4,26;PentaD中的等位基因6;D21S11的等位基因30.3的频率均大于1‰。

The ISSR markers were fitted to a 3:1 ratio of simplex and duplex segregation for the parental alleles, as the sweet potato was expected to be autohexaploid. Fourteen and nine quantitative trait loci linked to specific ISSR markers were detected for traits in (NH×TN27) and (TN27×NH), respectively. Twenty-two of these QTL-mapped markers were unique to the specific traits, and two were linked to two traits in each linkage map. These markers appear to be applicable to crop improvement.


Based on this information, offspring from 10 crosses where parents were known were genotyped by the 6 microsatellite loci and used for parentage analysis. The result showed that assignment success of the progeny to their 'true' mother and father was 88% and 78% respectively, which were lower than predicted by the Cervus simulations. This could be explained by the existence of null or mutant alleles and by Taq DNA Polymerase slippage in the microsatellite loci.

在家系混养的模拟实验中使用这6个高多态性的微卫星基因座从20个候选雌虾中找到真正母亲的概率为88%,从30个候选雄虾中找到真正父亲的概率为78%,低于理论预测值,分析可能与微卫星基因座中的无效等位基因,等位基因的突变以及PCR过程中 Taq 酶发生链滑移等因素有关。

Amon g them , four polymorphic loci with inevident genetic variation made little cont ribution to genetic variation of this population and other ten polymorphic loci with evident genetic variation made great contribution to genetic variation of this population .


更多网络解释与基因座相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2)等位基因(Allele) 位于同源染色体的同一位置上的基因,是由基因突变而起源的. 4)等位基因(allele)在一对同源染色体的同一基因座上的2个不同形式的基因.


对某一个体来说一个基因座只有一对等位基因,复等位基因是群体的概念. HLA存在为数众多的复等位基因. (2)共显性(codominant),共显性状态就是每世代中无论是纯合状态,这一对等位基因所控制的性状都能表现出来,HLA每个基因座上的等位基因都是共显性.


extine 花粉外壁;芽胞外膜 | extinguisher 消失基因,绝灭基因;灭火器 | extinguisher loci 消失基因座,绝灭基因座

gene mapping:基因作图

例如某个基因的所在. 而基因座上的DNA序列可能有许多不同的变化,各种变化形式称为等位基因(allele). 基因座在基因组中的排列位置称为遗传舆图(genetic map),基因作图(Gene mapping)则是测定基因座与特定性状关系的过程.




lobopodium 叶足 | loci (复数)基因座 | locus 基因座

extinguisher loci:消失基因座,绝灭基因座

extinguisher 消失基因,绝灭基因;灭火器 | extinguisher loci 消失基因座,绝灭基因座 | extra column effect 柱外效应


等位基因(Allele): 在染色体上占据相同位置的两个不同的基因 基因座(Locus): 基因在染色体所处的位置. 特定的基因在染色体上都有其特定的座位. 每个基因座上,有 两个等位基因. 显性基因(Dominant Gene): 在杂合状态中,

geminous locus,loci:基因座

四迭体,视叶 gemina | 基因座 geminous locus,loci | 成双的,双的 geminous,geminate

multiple alleles:复等位基因

HLA的多态性主要是由于复等位基因和共显性所致: (1)复等位基因(multiple alleles),位于一对同源染色体上对应位置的一对基因叫等位基因. 由于群体的突变,同一基因座的基因系列称为复等位基因,对某一个体来说一个基因座只有一对等位基因,