英语人>词典>汉英 : 基出脉的 的英文翻译,例句
基出脉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Actinodromous(palmate; digitate) Describing a form of leaf VENATION in which three or more primary veins radiate from the base of the lamina toward the margin, as in sycamore, resulting in a leaf that has several large lobes or several leaflets all originating at the same point.


Leaf blade with one obvious pair of basal veins, abaxially not very densely hairy; epicalyx lobes as long as pedicels.

叶片具一对明显的基出脉,背面的并非有密毛;副萼裂片倍于花梗。 13 S。 cinnamomifolia 樟叶苹婆

Leaf blade without a pair of basal veins, abaxially very densely hairy; epicalyx lobes much longer than pedicels.

没有一对基出脉的叶片,背面的有密毛;副萼裂片远长于花梗。 14 S。 pinbienensis 屏边苹婆

Leaf blade with 3-6 palmate basal veins and 1-3 pinnate veins on each side of midrib distally.


Leaves distichous, shortly petiolate; stipules ovate or elliptic, caducous, leaving small scars; leaf blade often oblanceolate, leathery, base cuneate, margin entire or nearly so, venation pinnate, sometimes with 3 basal veins, often glabrescent.


Leaves simple, alternate or opposite, exstipulate, margin entire or dentate, venation pinnate or triplinerved.


Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, leathery, margin entire, venation pinnate or palmately triplinerved.


Leaves alternate, petiolate, thinly leathery or papery, margin dentate in apical half, rarely entire, lateral veins 2 or 3 pairs, lowest triplinerved.


Leaf blade usually ovate-elliptic, base more or less obliquely cordate, basal veins 5, petiole ca.

卵状椭圆形的叶片通常,基部多少斜心形,基出脉5,5 厘米的约叶柄 11 S。

Three-nerved, with the two lateral nerves arising from the midnerve above the base.

离基三出脉的 Triplinerved 三脉,两侧脉从中脉基部的上方分出。

更多网络解释与基出脉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


三出脉的 trinervious | 三硝基甲酚 trinitrocresol | 三硝基甘油 trinitroglycerin;glyceryl trinitrate

parallel venation:平行脉

平行脉(parallel venation) 主要是单子叶植物所特有的脉序. 叶片的中脉与侧脉、细脉均平行排列或侧脉与中脉近乎垂直,而侧脉之间近于平行,都属于平行脉. 其中所有叶脉都从叶基发出,彼此平行直达叶尖,细脉也平行或近于平行生长,称为直出平行脉,


名 称简介 鱼尾菊 (Zinnia Linn.) 菊科(Asteraceae) 相关内容 直立,一年生多年生草本,高30-90厘米;茎被短毛. 叶对生,通常无柄,多少抱茎,心状卵形至椭圆形,长4-10厘米,宽2-5厘米,被短粗毛,具3或或5条特别明显的基出脉. 头状花序直径5-10厘米,


半翅目 (Hemiptera), 缘椿科 (Coreidae)本科椿象通常具有以下六项特征:体型窄长、有单眼、触角四节、跗节三节、四节喙形成刺吸式口器,前翅上无楔片(cuneus),端膜部上由一条基部横脉送出许多分枝之直的横脉.