英语人>词典>汉英 : 培训费 的英文翻译,例句
培训费 的英文翻译、例句


training expense
更多网络例句与培训费相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If is please dismiss me,but I incapably compensate the penalty and the high quota trainingexpense.


A lot of friends laugh at me this price is too cheap, especially bright comrade, it is too cheap that the SEO that says me directly grooms, because have a person from me here seek advice to groom after cost has 1000 yuan only, run to Comrade Jady again later there seek advice, the SEO of bright comrade grooms is 5000 yuan, later, that comrade chose bright, it is so cheap to feel I collect fees, look even if lack the expression of actual strength.


We will calculate, first phase network grooms 10 people, receive 1800 yuan each groom cost.


Still a kind of mode buys the pattern of the net completely namely, have the kind that at present bar rents bit of similar bazaar, of collection service fee, inn-keeper groom cost and advertisement promotion expenses, save those who issue platform to purchase, inventory and content spread cost, realize gain more easily.


更多网络解释与培训费相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

education additional tax:教育附加税

"职工培训费,培训费","training expense, education and training tax" | "教育附加税","education additional tax" | "喂料机","feeder"

Labour Union Fees:管理费用--工会经费

Travel: allowances 管理费用--差旅费 | Labour Union Fees 管理费用--工会经费 | Staff and workers training expenses 管理费用--职工培训费

Vehicles maintenance:油料费

车辆维护费 Vehicles maintenance | 油料费 Vehicles maintenance | 培训费 Education and training