英语人>词典>汉英 : 埤 的英文翻译,例句
埤 的英文翻译、例句

low wall
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The pickled mustard waste from Dapi township contains a salt content level between 8-11%, the average pH is 4.0. The titratable acidity is around 1.2%, and moisture content and water activity is about 81% and 0.9 respectively. The total aerobic count and the yeast and mold count are both lower than 5 log CFU/g. The quality of pickled mustard waste is similar to pickled mustard and without off-flavor.

研究进行针对云林县大乡之酸菜加工之废弃物—酸菜尾的品质与卫生概况之调查,酸菜尾之盐含量介於8-11%之间,pH值平均约4.0、酸度平均约1.2%,水分含量平均约为81%、水活性平均值约0.9,具有与酸菜相似之品质,总菌数、酵母与霉菌数皆小於5 log CFU/g,且无不良之气味与外观。

Dropping off Pyrenean cols, it was clear the ride has been refined to the standards of the very best bikes.


The pickled cabbage special product of for the Yunlin County Tabision township, approximately has 1,500 hectares agricultural planters package of heart leaf mustard every year, usually around sows seeds in every year beginning of winter, approximately 80-100 day then recovers, is before the field insolation to expose to the sun 2 - 3rd, to the fading after some degree, except the tail leaf, the lamination shop makes in the big salt barrel to the cement, a leaf mustard, salt, generally speaking, 100 kilograms leaf mustards use 15-18 kilogram salt.

酸菜为云林县大乡之特产,每年约有 1,500公顷农地种植包心芥菜,通常在每年立冬前后播种,约80-100天即可采收,先於田间曝晒2-3日,到萎凋至某一程度后,除去尾叶,分层铺於水泥做成之大腌桶内,一层芥菜,一层盐,一般而言,100公斤之芥菜用15-18公斤之盐。

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manchineel; Hippomane mancinella:毒苹果(大戟科;树脂有毒)

乳房状的;乳头状的 mammose | 毒苹果(大戟科;树脂有毒) manchineel; Hippomane mancinella | 木王(雅) Manchurian catalpa

Linben Riverfront Park:林邊河濱公園

小琉球風景特定區 Siaoliouciou Scenic Area | 林邊河濱公園 Linben Riverfront Park | 新建功森林親水公園 Sinpi Jian-gong Water Park


地理位置:学院位于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省(British Columbia 以下简称BC省)温哥华地区(Vancouver)的高贵林市(Coquitlam),距温哥华仅半小时的车程. 温哥华地区主要包括:温哥华市,烈治文市,本拿比市,素里市,三角洲市,二市,

Sinpi Jian-gong Water Park:新埤建功森林親水公園

林邊河濱公園 Linben Riverfront Park | 新建功森林親水公園 Sinpi Jian-gong Water Park | 佳冬古厝群 Jiadong Old Houses

Peng Peng:抨怦砰烹嘭澎朋棚硼鹏彭膨蓬篷捧碰

PEN pen 喷盆 | PENG peng 抨怦砰烹嘭澎朋棚硼鹏彭膨蓬篷捧碰 | PI pi 丕邳坯批纰砒披劈噼霹皮陂疲枇毗蚍琵貔郫啤脾匹否痞擗癖屁媲睥辟僻