英语人>词典>汉英 : 城镇规划 的英文翻译,例句
城镇规划 的英文翻译、例句


town planning
更多网络例句与城镇规划相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, with the rapid development of the small town, some problems and contradictions about the small town planning and construction in the Midwest Lack-developed Areas emerge by and by: lots of small towns have not transparent tactic steering and scientific economic management mechanism and pattern, leading to construction confusion, ground use squandering, environment pollution, industrial structure reasonable, infrastructure layout disharmonize; without supervise law and rule in the small town construction, leading to the small town being be out of harmony with the area, the function of small in the area is restricted; the small town resource being used freely, and the administration coming to chaos, leading to repetition construction, resource waste, and so on.


Since reforming and opening up, it is clear that form convergent, architecture convergent and culture convergent in China. The problem of town individuated has became a hot issue. Depend on the issue "Study on town individuated location in planning of medium-small towns "that directed by Professor Cheng Daoping in Shandong Normal University, this paper choose "Study on Individuation Measurement of Medium-Small Towns" for research, the purpose is that study on individuate level with quantitative method, is an integral part of the subject and important foundation for positioning of individuate towns.


By the combination of statistic analysis and typical interviews, normative analysis and case study, macroanalysis and microanalysis, this dissertation has made a deeply research on the problems of town building and planning.

论文采 用统计分析与典型调查相结合,规范分析与实证研究相结合,宏观层面与微观层面相结合的分析方法,对小城镇建设存在的问题和小城镇规划存在的问题进行较系统深入的研究,总结了小城镇规划的指导思想、内容、方法及实施保障等;探讨了地理信息系统在小城镇规划管理中的应用;并应用经济计量学方法和边际分析方法对基础设施投资问题进行定量研究,在此基础上提出并验证小城镇基础设施投资对政府财政的依存度假说;基于财政政策分析,讨论了市场体制在小城镇基础设施建设投资中发挥积极作用的可能性及途径。

Based on the plan experiment of rural reforming example town s, some new ideas ofsmall town planning combining with theory and experiment have been systematically approached.


Thereout, we put forward the imagination of the small town, and combine the generalized control and guidance with the small town planning design in practice.


Through predicting the science of developing scale of cities and towns, comparison of the space overall arrangement mode, the infrastructure is how fixed up direct against the question that plan to appear in content, Propose the solution and get the conclusion to these problems, Take shape to the urban master plan theory supplementarily to urban planning after guiding.


Based on premising the traditional function of water resources and ensuring socioeconomic development and security of residential environment and sustainable development of urban water resources,it is ...


AbstractThe Ancle seriously anafyses the current Plannin and conStrUct theOry of town and villages inChain, carefully studies the internal and intemational developing trends in the planning theory of townsand cities, inspectS the history of towns and villages planning and constrUct.


In the metropolitan area of Xi'an ,this paper choose the Ganting town of Hu Xian as typical town, the thesis analysed correlative influence between the town and the river, and gave advice from tow lays-town plan and construction of riverside.


The small town master plan revision is the same so.


更多网络解释与城镇规划相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

city designing:城镇规划设计

4工程项目咨询 Project Consultancy | 5城镇规划设计 City Designing | 6农业工程设计 Agricultural Project Designing

dormitory town:卧城

在"大伦敦规划"中,他实践了在世界规划界酝酿已久的城市功能"有机疏散论",即把超负荷的城市功能疏散释放到大都市周边的小城镇及区域. 此前,大都市周边的小城镇仅供居住,称为"花园城市"(Garden city)或"卧城"(Dormitory Town).

The Australian geographer:澳大利亚地理学家","英 ","人文地理

501 European urban and regional studies 欧洲城市与区域研究 英 人文地理 | 502 The Australian geographer 澳大利亚地理学家 英 人文地理 | 503 The Town planning review 城镇规划评论 英 人文地理

town planner:城市规划者

town landscaping 市镇风景布置 | town planner 城市规划者 | town planning 城镇规划

urban planning:城镇规划

urban patteren 城市形式 | urban planning 城镇规划 | urban renewal 市区改建

urban construction:城镇结构

规划控制:urban planning control | 城镇结构:urban construction | 城市林业:Urban forestry

reginal planning:区域规划

regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 | reginal planning 区域规划 | urban system planning 城镇体系规划

reginal planning:区域规划 地域计画

regulatory detailed planning 控制性详规 调整详细计画? | reginal planning 区域规划 地域计画? | urban system planning 城镇体系规划 都市制度企画?计画?

Small town planning:小城镇规划设计

"现代建筑造型理论与方法","Theory and Method Of Modern Architecture" | "小城镇规划设计","Small town planning" | "园林景观设计概论","Theory in Landscape Architecture"

Small town planning:小城镇规划

中小城镇:medium and small town | 小城镇规划:small town planning | 小城镇形象:image of a small town