英语人>词典>汉英 : 城池 的英文翻译,例句
城池 的英文翻译、例句


city wall and moat
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Moses therefore gave to the children of Cad and of Ruben, and to the half tribe of Manasses the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sehon king of the Amorrhites, and the kingdom of Og king of Basan, and their land and the cities thereof round about.


In all your living-places the towns will become broken walls, and the high places made waste; so that your altars may be broken down and made waste, and your images broken and ended, and so that your sun-images may be cut down and your works rubbed out.


The city, not only numerous palaces, pavilions than Chlamys and Wai to the wall 10 meters high and 52 meters wide moat, and the post area, heavily guarded.


The person that decorticate says: Grabbing is the head hears of in person, sensory resembling is the have the groom move into one's house after the marriage that compare connecting with the boxing skill, and grab relative success to still can win addition of city natural resources according to official introduction, this meeting is " Chi Zha the Three Kingdoms " one big striking distinguishing feature and window, can escalate play greatly can enjoy a sex.


It had also pushed outwards beyond the wall into squalid extramural slums such as Shoreditch, Holborn, and Southwark and had reached far enough to include the independent City of Westminster.


Be of good courage and let us behave ourselves manfully for our people, and for the cities of our God: and the Lord will do that which is good in his sight.


Most depictions, including various images in Naples showing Parthenope (the siren for whom the ancient city—before Naples—in this area was named), show them to be 7mermaids.


I prefered to perceive the polis deeply for the cultural and historic comprehension that is rare to see in thailand.


Then, on the right and the left, to east and west, within that wall of the City, which was yet so contracted, rose the bell towers of its one and twenty churches, of every date, of every form, of every size, from the low and wormeaten belfry of Saint-Denis du Pas (~Carcer Glaueini~) to the slender needles of Saint-Pierre aux Boeufs and Saint-Landry.


Although of war and natural calamities everywhere asecene of devastation met the eye, you can still differentiate and analyze its hesternal charming and graceful bearing.


更多网络解释与城池相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从塞维利亚、格拉纳达到科尔多瓦,每座城池都有着不同种族交战留下的印记. 尽管当时的宗教镇压非常严酷,但由此也留下了多元文化的踪迹. 比如,阿尔罕布拉宫(ALHAMBRA)就留有完整的阿拉伯建筑风格,以及欧洲文艺复兴时期的装饰等等.




2=被俘=Cbf | zc 忠诚 coll | atc 所在城池 int


攻到第八(eighth)座城池,离子牙的home- town(家乡)不远(not far)了. 但是大家花了(take)三天时间,也没有攻下城池. 于是,子牙让疲劳的(tired)士兵停止攻城,自己和五个兵丁一起(together)到附近的山顶(on the top of mountain)去field trip(野外旅行).

accept the fluster of lost door keys:要接受遗失钥匙的慌乱

每天失去一些东西lose something everyday | 要接受遗失钥匙的慌乱accept the fluster of lost door keys | 我失去两个城池两条河流一片陆地i lost two cities,two rivers,a continent


除此之外,门将弗赖(Frey)亦是菲奥伦蒂那本仗最重要的人物之一. 众所周知,AC米兰的攻势凌厉,因此主队能否保持城池完璧,就要看其门将有多少功力. 弗赖本季表现出色,再加上球队近来状态甚佳,近5仗取得4胜1和,看来AC米兰今仗恐怕将面临一场硬仗.


英吉沙(Yangi Hisar),莎车,和和田(Khotan)等地的群众也都纷纷起义,把城池交给扎罕格. 但是阿发给耶非但没有如法炮制,还用他们的强力地位抵制伊斯哈给耶,于是永久性地削弱了伊斯哈给耶. 当清朝的军队于1827年前来平定这一地区时,

Modular city walls and archways:标准的城墙和拱门组件(用于建造城池的元素)

? Throne room 君主的住所 | ? Modular city walls and archways 标准的城墙和拱门组件(用于建造城池的元素) | ? Doors 门


但是她已经见过多次,所以并没有惊叹于这座城池由美丽的水晶建造而成,而在走进城池深处之后,这里便是她的目的地--位于水晶塔(CrystalSpire)内部的审判之城. 两人相对无语,现在的瑟希莉明明显显就是一只传说中的妖精(faeries)嘛!


当时比利时的两个城市,鲁汶(Louvain)因抵抗而城池残破、人民遭殃;首都布鲁塞尔(Brussels)则听劝于美国公使,未与德军抵抗,因而城池保全,人民免难. 胡适反对效法抵抗的比利时,"螳臂当车、以卵击石决不是英雄主义!