英语人>词典>汉英 : 城墙 的英文翻译,例句
城墙 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rampart  ·  ramparted  ·  ramparting  ·  ramparts

city wall
更多网络例句与城墙相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ancient circumvallation in Jingzhou city is the most integrated one in Southern China.


It is elicited from investigation and study on Ming Dynasty Circumvallation that as protection is the target and development use is the measure, we should balance their relations


The ancient circumvallation in Jingzhou city is the most integrated one in Southern China. It is the city cultural landscape with especial value. It embodies the character of Jingzhou city.


As time passes by, the ancient circumvallation has been seriously damaged. To avoid the character fading away, the preservation of the ancient circumvallation should be strengthened.


Through analyzing the reasons of the circumvallation s damage and discussing the value of the circumvallation and the significance of the preservation, feasible suggestions have been made on the basis of existing protective measures: the preservation of the ancient circumvallation should rely on the whole society which should use the advanced technologies and methods and adopt legal means so as to provide reference for the theory and practice of the preservation of the ancient circumvallation in jingzhou city.


Its prominent sign that differs from the general settlement site is circumvallation. And the connotation of the castle tells us that the development of it is a little higher than the general settlement .


The geological engineering investigation of the ancient circumvallation arround Linhai city, should guarantee the safety of the cultural relic,and the investigation is to disclose the circunlvallation s condition, and provides the physical and mechanical properties of the foundation for consolidation design.


The ancient circumvallation The ancient circumvallation in Pingyao county is tamped with the clay inside and built by laying bricks or stones outside.


Surrounded with or as if with a rampart.


The structure of village of New Harmony and Phalanstere had such functions of defence as ramparts as well.


更多网络解释与城墙相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as bold as brass:脸如城墙厚

You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. 巧妇难为无米之炊; | as bold as brass 脸如城墙厚; | use a sledge hammer to crack a nut 杀鸡用牛刀(高射炮打蚊子);

casemate:城墙内的炮台, 炮塔

caseload | 待处理案件之数量 | casemate | 城墙内的炮台, 炮塔 | casement window | 竖铰链窗


circumvallate 用城墙围住 | circumvallation 城墙 | circumvascular 绕着血管或导管的

circumvallation:围以城墙, 城墙

circumvallate /用城墙围住/ | circumvallation /围以城墙/城墙/ | circumvent /绕行/陷害/包围/智取/


circumvallate 用城墙围住 | circumvallation 围以城墙 | circumvent 智取

The Xi'an Circumvallation:西安城墙

西安城墙(The Xi'an Circumvallation) 早在明王朝建立前,当朱元璋攻克徽州后,一个名叫朱升的隐士便告诉他应该"高筑墙,广积粮,缓称王". 朱元璋采纳了这些建议. 当全国统一后,他便命令各府县普遍筑城. 朱元璋以为"天下山川,唯秦中号为险固".


counterglow | 对日 | counterguard | (碉堡或城墙的)壁障 | counterinsurgency | 镇压叛乱(暴动), 反破坏 反游击战与破坏的


要塞一般是圆形或椭圆形的,一道土制城墙(rampart)环绕要塞,土墙上竖起栅栏(stockade). 很多大的要塞,如多塞特(Dorset)的梅登城堡(Maiden),都有两道或者多道城墙. 在城门的位置,两侧的城墙像牛角向外突出,


circumterrestrial 在地球周围的 | circumvallate 用城墙围住 | circumvallation 城墙

Hadrian Wall:哈德 城墙 / 哈德 城墙

Hadden-Cave, Philip 夏鼎基 | Hadrian Wall 哈德 城墙 / 哈德 城墙 | Haeckel, Ernst 海克尔