英语人>词典>汉英 : 型锻 的英文翻译,例句
型锻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
swage  ·  swages  ·  swaging

die forming
更多网络例句与型锻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The following eight products were awarded as"China National Quality Metallurgical Product Gold Cup", they are regular carbon steel plate, low alloyed plate, hull plate, Cr12 steel forgings,high precision sized tube,pre-stressed stranded wire and high qualified wire.


According to the viewpoint that the thinnest part of the deforming metal is usually the important and decisive part of the deforming force , the influence of the bridge size of the fash slot on the die forming and the deforming force is analyzed.


The feasibility of using approximate function p in the analysis of forging procedure of screw press is discussed.


Our company specializes in manufacturing various stainless steel products, hardware accessories, marine hardware and other products, main products are as follows: Shackle (Bow type, Straight type, insurance, Japanese, Continental, American, reversing, rotary, fixed), chuck (Japanese, Continental, Americanê, German, American Forge, Din741), flower-lan (Japanese, American, Korean, closed), rotating ring (style, eye-eye , fork-eye), rings (Continental, Italian, Japanese-style), Pulley, Circle, D-rings, spring hooks, cargo hook, marine hardware (sleeve, slip cap, Smooth hinge base, side and base hinge, through-hole seat, single seat, etc.).


Calcining seed of rutile titanium dioxide was prepared at low temperature using metatitanic acid as raw material through alkaline hydrolysis, hydrolysis reaction, first washing, neutralization reaction, second washing and acid dissolution. These kinds of seed were added in the salt treatment, and the influences of calcining seed and calcination temperatures on the content of rutile TiO2 pigment were examined systemically.


Swaging—a tube or rod is forced inside a die and the diameter is reduced as the cylindrical object is fed.


According to heat load source of die cavity, temperature distribution gradient equations and heat flux equations and the peak value equations of temperature load at die cavity surface have been obtained with research of temperature distribution and transfer laws of die surface by unsteady heat transfer theory.


According to heat load source of die cavity, temperature distribution gradient equations and heat flux equations and the peak value equations of temperature load at die cavity surface have been obtained with research of temperature distribution and transf


According to heat load source of die cavity, temperature distribution gradient equations and heat flux equations and the peak value equations of temperature load at die cavity surface have been obtained with research of temperature distribution and transfer laws of die surface by unsteady heat transfer theory.


Since the foundation of our "quality-led, credibility first" business purposes, specializing in various aluminum sales, development, aluminum processing, aluminum longitudinal and transverse processing, specific areas include: all kinds of tubes, Bars, profiles, strips, free forging, die forging, aluminum, pure aluminum plate, alloy plate, wall panels, corrugated plates, pressure plate, embossed plate, roof and building decoration materials.


更多网络解释与型锻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

block swage:粗型锻模

Blocking gear 粗型锻传动机构 | Block swage 粗型锻模 | B.L.O.G.R.O(british lubricating oil and grease research organization)英国润滑油及润滑研究所


向其管体内插入心轴件,通过该心轴件将管体内的毛细组织紧压在管壁上,至管壁成形后,再将该心轴件抽出. 这样可确保热管管体经过上述型锻(swage)缩管加工成形后,其缩管管口仍能保持畅通,从而便于对该热管进行后续加工.


swaged joint 型锻结合 | swaged 型锻的 | swaging machine 型锻

swaged forging:型锻

swage-block 型钻 | swaged forging 型锻 | swaged joint 型锻结合

swaged forging:型锻,模锻

swab test 低电压试验 (试搪瓷表面缺陷 ) | swaged forging 型锻,模锻 | swager 压模器

swaged joint:型锻结合

swaged forging 型锻 | swaged joint 型锻结合 | swaged 型锻


swabstick 清除炮眼用木棒 | swaging 型锻 | swagingmachine 旋转锻造机

swaging machine:型锻机

swaged 型锻的 | swaging machine 型锻机 | swallow buoy 燕形浮筒

swaging machine:型锻机,擦洗机,锻冶机,锤造器

swager ==> 陷型模锻机,锤锻,锤锻机,旋锻机,压模器 | swaging machine ==> 型锻机,擦洗机,锻冶机,锤造器 | swaging mandrel ==> 型锻芯轴

hot swaging:热型锻

hot surface ignition engine 热球式柴油机 | hot swaging 热型锻 | hot test 耐热试验