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型铁 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
swage  ·  swages

figured iron
更多网络例句与型铁相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Degree of symmetry Granite table, height vernier caliper, V block

蹄铁的对称度(花岗岩平台,高度游标尺, V 型铁

To develop new markets, achieve mutual benefit, we will be the spirit of customer first, abide by the contract, the price of suitable purpose and dedication to the vast numbers of users of our factory's flagship product is a test platform for the cast iron, cast iron crossed the platform, cast iron welding platform, cast iron assembly platform, power mechanical vibration test stand (also known as the trough or iron beams, and rail), cast iron box, testing rod, V-iron, granite platform as well as other rock measuring, flat iron, Mg-Al measuring series, square, flat feet, Mg, Al-light flat-foot, square angle square, square boxes, gear Beat Miriam, a 90-degreeì¨, migraine pendulum tester, crossed flat-panel, flat-panel assembly, welding plate, testing platform, surveying platform, Sizing Block machine Sizing Block, to track regulatory Sine, trough iron, power mechanical vibration test stand, combination of platform, portfolio assembled T-groove plate, instrument plate coordinate.

为开拓市场,实现互惠互利,我们将本着用户至上,信守合同,价格合适的宗旨,竭诚为广大用户服务我厂的主打产品是铸铁检验平台、铸铁划线平台、铸铁铆焊平台、铸铁装配平台、动力机械震动试验台、铸铁方箱、检验棒、 V 型铁、花岗石平台以及其他岩石量具,铸铁平板,镁铝量具系列,直角尺、平尺、镁铝轻型平尺、方形角尺、方箱、齿轮跳动仪、90度检定仪、偏摆检查仪、划线平板、装配平板、铆焊平板、检验平台、测量平台、垫铁、机床垫铁、地轨、正弦规、槽铁、动力机械震动试验台、组合平台、组合拼装T型槽平板、三座标仪平板。

The system of phase equilibrium data of the Fe-Cu base alloy is established relatively, the spinodal decomposition range of the Fe-Cu base alloy is calculated utilizing Thermo-Calc software, The composition range of the spinodal decomposition of the Fe-Cu base alloy is prognosticated with more accuracy; The self-formed mechanism of egg-type microstructure of the Fe-Cu base alloy with spinodal decomposition in the liquid-phase region under gravity conditions is theoretically investigated. Based on the analysis and calculation of interfacial tensile stress induced by the temperature gradient in the process of solidification, the theoretical results interpret preferably the self-formed mechanism of egg-type microstructure of the Fe-Cu base alloy through the analyzing of force states of metallic droplet in the rapid solidification.


SEM and TEM observations indicate that the prior austenite deformation not only refines the allotriomorphic ferrite grain but also promotes the nucleation of intragranular ferrite, both of which in turn contribute to the refinement of granular bainite cluster including its ferrite platelets and MA islands.


The secondary coil is equably enwind on the ring-shaped iron kernel following the ring-shaped bobbin machine.


There are three genetic types of mineral deposits in the Beiya ore district:① Cu-Au polymetallic deposits related to alkaline porphyries, comprising porphyritic Cu-Au deposits and polymetallic skarn deposits related to quartz-albite porphyry and quartz-K-feldspar porphyry;② Fe-Au deposits related to gabbro or basalt magma, consisting of magmatic Fe-Au deposits and sedimentary polymetallic deposits formed in caves and lakes; and ③ palaeo-placers formed at the weathering surface, in lakes and in karsts.


Now has casting, machining, finishing, flat-panel and other refinements of the workshop, the main products are cast iron flat-panel, flat line, the assembly of flat, square box, V-Rail, V-plane, parallel flat foot, the bridge-ping feet square, feet, machine-specific point of foot, bending plate, ladder Sizing Block, contour Sizing Block, migraine pendulum tester, gear beating device, machine tool inspection wand Adjustable Sizing Block Machine, Machine Tool Sizing Block shockproof, special wrench , explosion-proof tools, such as on-arc model; granite platform, flat feet, feet, square box, V-blocks, granite, table, Block, measuring instrument, such as granite.


Now has casting, machining, finishing, flat-panel and other refinements of the workshop, the main products are cast iron flat-panel, flat line, the assembly of flat, square box, V-Rail, V-plane, parallel flat foot, the bridge-ping feet square, feet, machine-specific point of foot, bending plate, ladder Sizing Block, contour Sizing Block, migraine pendulum tester, gear beating device, machine tool inspection wand Adjustable Sizing Block Machine, Machine Tool Sizing Block shockproof, special wrench , explosion-proof tools, etc.; granite platform, flat feet, feet, square box, V-blocks, granite, table, Block, measuring instrument, such as granite.


Key products include: cast iron plate, cast iron platform, the test platform, crossed platform, Maohan platform, fitter platform, table, Ping-foot, to me, V-type, V-iron, right-angle-foot, V-iron, foot bridge , Curved panels, machine damping Sizing Block, adjusted Sizing Block, partial-place, Jack, special wrench, gear Gear beat Tester; platform granite, marble slab, Ping-foot, V-iron, to me, Jiaochi, V-shaped blocks, such as platform support.

主要产品包括:铸铁平板、铸铁平台、检验平台、划线平台、铆焊平台、钳工平台、工作台、平尺、方箱、V型架、V 型铁、直角尺、V型铁、桥尺、弯板、机床减震垫铁、调整垫铁、偏摆仪、千斤顶、特种扳手、齿轮齿圈跳动检查仪;花岗石平台、大理石平板、平尺、V型铁、方箱、角尺、V型块、平台支架等。

Business: metal processing machinery manufacturing, mold | fixture | Instruments accessories processing | repair and sales of major products: flat-panel inquiry scraping, grinding plate, testing platform, crossed platform, the assembly platform , Maohan platform, surveying platforms, the basic platform, testing platform, welding platform, San Zuobiao platform, combined platform, T-slot splicing platform, parallel-foot, the bridge-foot, rectangular-foot, point-foot , Cubic feet, to me, V-Rail, the partial-place check, the new partial-place, micrometer, school-axis, flatness Qiaoban adjustable, adjustable level of regulation, crossed disk, magnetic to me, magnetic V-type planes, V-shaped pieces of steel planes, machine damping Sizing Block, adjustable Sizing Block, ladder Sizing Block, Pad, chrome-plated jack, the southbound span Jack, Park-testing wand, Park-Jiaochi, table with chrome Park Jiao Chi-chu, Her taper gauge, Her taper shank test rods, 7:24 taper shank test rods, proof-reading Cypriot ring for smooth, sinusoidal regulation, the board cards, aluminum model of the arc, the arc of mold Model-foot aluminum, magnesium-alloy-foot primers, Dummy Bar, granite slab, granite-foot, granite cubic feet, granite, me, V-shaped granite blocks, wrenches Plum, knock - Wrenches, stay wrenches, single wrenches, bending handle wrench, straight handle wrench, convex-wrench, pry bar wrenches, sockets and heavy anti-explosive tool product line.


更多网络解释与型铁相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Horseshoe Mesa:马蹄型铁台

05.Flight of the condor 飞行的神鹰 4:23 | 06.Horseshoe mesa 马蹄型铁台 4:54 | 07.New world 新世界 4:28

structural iron:结构型铁,结构钢

structural hardening 结构淬火,析出硬化 | structural iron 结构型铁,结构钢 | structural isomer 结构同分异构体

ilmenitite:钛铁岩 钛铁岩

ilmenitetypeelectrode 钛铁矿型焊条 钛铁矿型焊条 | ilmenitite 钛铁岩 钛铁岩 | ilmenomagnetite 钛铁磁铁矿 钛铁磁铁矿

profiled iron:型铁

primary sedimentary environment原始沉积环境 | profiled iron型铁 | proglacial environment冰前环境

profiled iron:异形钢,型钢,型铁

profiled bar 异形钢材 | profiled iron 异形钢,型钢,型铁 | profiled sheet iron 成形薄钢板

cyclotron dees:回旋加速器半月[型]铁

"cyclotron angular precession frequency","回旋加速器角进动频率" | "cyclotron dees","回旋加速器半月[型]铁" | "cyclotron frequency","回旋加速器频率"

tee iron T:型铁

tee fitting T形管 | tee iron T 型铁 | tee iron T型铁

Z bar:型铁

Z型铁 Z-bar | Z形曲柄 Z-crank | Z切割晶体 Z-cut crystal

set iron:铁样板,型铁

210 显热 sensible heat | 211 铁样板,型铁 set iron | 212 薄铁板,铁皮 sheet iron

Agogo Bells:(由两个锥型铁筒组成,比牛玲音高)

9.Cowbell 牛铃 | 10.Agogo Bells (由两个锥型铁筒组成,比牛玲音高) | 12.Musical Saw 乐锯