英语人>词典>汉英 : 型钢轨 的英文翻译,例句
型钢轨 的英文翻译、例句


T rail
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According to equivalent circuit of the main welding circuit, a mathematic model was derived for maximum output power of theК-type alternative current rail flash butt welding machines. Based on the model, a high efficiency welding procedure was proposed, and the control program was designed.


Approval;Approved organizations;Bend testing;Butt welding;Definition;Definitions;Design;Dimensions;Electric welding;Flash welding;Inspection;Materials;Metal sections;Order indications;Performance tests;Permanent ways;Profile;Quality;Rail joints;Rails;Railway applications;Railway rails;Railways;Resistance welding;Sections;Specification;Steel welding;Steels;Suitability;Testing;Tracks;Travel ways;Vignol rail;Weldability;Welded joints;Welding;Welding engineering;Welding equipment;Welding processes;Weldings


Aiming at the engineering problem that K welding machine is used to weld PD3 60kg/m rail during welding production at present, the quality of the joint falls short of the standard of TB/T1632-91 because of the objection of grey-spots in the welding joint, this paper analyses the element which influence the welding joint quality in detail from the stability of flash of the accelerating step of the rail, finds out the relationship between the stability of flash-butt welding and the quality of rail joint, provides the measure for controlling the quality of rail welding and some gist for establishing perfect controlling system of welding joint quality

针对目前焊轨生产中采用K型焊机焊接PD3 60kg/m钢轨,接头灰斑缺陷多,性能难以达到部颁标准要求的工程问题,对材质、焊接电压、焊接工艺对接头质量的影响进行研究,并从钢轨焊接加速烧化阶段的闪光稳定性入手,详细分析了影响接头质量的因素,找出了钢轨闪光焊稳定性与质量的关系,提出了控制钢轨焊接质量的措施,为建立完善的焊接质量控制体系提供了依据。

It is considered that the formation mechanism of long pitch wear corrugations is the duplication and accumulation of uneven wear of rail tread during the course of wheelset slip-stick vibrations.


更多网络解释与型钢轨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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