英语人>词典>汉英 : 坐马车旅行 的英文翻译,例句
坐马车旅行 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
coach  ·  coaching  ·  coached  ·  coaches

更多网络例句与坐马车旅行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches


Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days.


He drove a travelling carriage, drawn by six horses and surrounded by pages, adjutants, and an armed escort, along the route by Posen, Thorn, Danzig, and Knigsberg.


"Believe me, madame, I feel most grateful for your kindness, but I got out of my travelling carriage at your door this morning, and I am ignorant how I am installed in Paris, which I scarcely know; this is but a trifling inquietude, I know, but one that may be appreciated."


When they travel they will sit in carriages, and when they have dinner they will sit unbothered.

当他们旅行的时候,他们将会在马车中坐,而且当他们吃晚餐他们将会坐着 unbothered 。

Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now, fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days.
