英语人>词典>汉英 : 均质性 的英文翻译,例句
均质性 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与均质性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is obviously influenced by the base level up and down changings, pore space variation and sediment alimentation. Through analysing the relationship between the course of base level up and down cycles of high resolution sequence strata and the reservoir physical behavior, six heterogeneity models of diff...


But current research work is mainly based on the sandstones microscopic anisotropism and the macroscopic anisotropism.


In debouch bar, heterogeneity in bar side is the most serious, and that in bar host is more serious, and that in bar top is middle.


This makes the study of the area more difficulty.The sand reservoir clastic fragment, the characteristics of infillings, digenesis and the structure and evolution of pores have been studied by means of many techniques including of microscope, EMS, high pressure mercury intrusion and thin section.


The analytical solution of the beam response was obtained by applying the Fourier integral transformation and the residue theorem, followed by a comprehensive parametric study to investigate the effects of the subsoil depth, the material stiffness and the load speed on the beam response.


As the aeolotropism development of cracks in carbonate reservoir, so far not a very good seismic reservoir crosswise prediction method application for the aeolotropism carbonate reservoir, especially in the seismic, logging joint inversion, is mainly continues to use the reservoir crosswise prediction method that suitable for the isotropic clastic rock reservoir.


This conglomeratic sand body has the characteristics of medium-high permeability, medium-high porosity, fairly serious heterogeneity and sensitivity. The lateral strong heterogeneity is in the northern part and the vertical one is in the upper part.


Base on core observation and grain size analysis, and under associated consideration of logging trace characteristics, Chang8 reservoir in study area is classified into three sedimentatal microfacies, subsea river, mouth bar and river flank.3.The mian diagenesis in study area are: mechanical compaction, cementation, metasomasis and denudation in late diagenetic phase.4. In allocation of reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity, more heterogeneticer reservoir, class 1 and class 2, mainly locate in the center of subsea river or crook and divaricate of the river; class 3 and class 4 mainly locate in river flank, and the physical property of these locality are better.5. Diagenesis of reservoir have influence on the pore structure which influences the reservoir microscopic heterogeneity. The better the pore structure is, the slighter the reservoir microscopic heterogeneity is; on the contrary, the reservoir microscopic heterogeneity is serious.


The reservoir rock types in the region of interest are grain limestone, algal limestone, cryptite, siltstone, muddy limestone and mudstone. The thesis identified as a result of changes in the deposition causing the heterogeneity in plane, and then the geological oil reserves have been calculated in accordance with the areal heterogeneity.3、Based on the data of core analysis, bore logging, array induction imaging log and FMI, porosity and permeability model were built using regression analysis. Through testing 45 rock samples, a, b, m, n value were obtained and used to calculate single-layer oil saturation value using the Archie formula. According to the theory of laterolog and inductolog, resistivity ratio and cross plot were used to identification effective thickness. Effective thickness was identified delicately in 103 wells. Based on the over work, active porosity and oil saturation was calculated accurately.4、According to observation of 100 pieces of the thin slices, cast thin slices and 383m core in three wells, the chief diagenesis in this area were compaction, cementation, denudation and cataclasis. Cementation and denudation were universally influenced active porosity this area. The intergranular pores, residual pores and secondary pores were formed in thin carbonated reservoir of lacustrine facies.5、The influence of reservoir heterogeneity to reservoir calculation was analyzed systematically using actual data. And the conclusions were as follows:①The principal reason leading to oil distribution unequal is interior structural feature of reservoir in structural hydrocarbon reservoir.


Using maximum flooding surface and local explosure erosion surface as the correlation framework surface in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles, sand-body in the 3-th hierarchical base-level cycles formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles may be correlated layer by layer. The law of the sand-body and the characters of reservoir heterogeneity formed in the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycles are discussed. The study shows:①During early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subaqueous distributary channel formed, continuously stacked vertically, and migrated in limit range laterally, and channel sand-body stretches farther longitudinally, and lacks interbeds of mud rock and siltsand in sand rock, reservoir heterogeneity is relatively weak.②During mid-period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level cycle rising, subsaqueous distributary channel migrated actively, channel divided and converged strongly to form netted sand-body and sand sheet mainly, but interbeds of mud rock and siltsand increases gradually in sand-body, reservoir heterogeneity increased.③During later period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level rising and early period of the 4-th hierarchical base-level falling, reservoir sand-body was poor, and only form thin sand-body of subsaqueous distributary channel, subsaqeuous creveas and distal mouth bar, sand-bodys are surrounded by mud and silt rock.


更多网络解释与均质性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

macroscopic heterogeneity:宏观非均质性

macroscopic fracture 宏观裂缝 | macroscopic heterogeneity 宏观非均质性 | macroscopic homogeneity 宏观均质性

Homogeneity test:均质性实验

均质性 homogeneity | 均质性实验 homogeneity test | 均质 homogeneous

chemical homogeneity:化学均质性

chemical heterogeneity 化学不均一性 | chemical homogeneity 化学均质性 | chemical property 化学性质

homogeneousness:均质性; 均质性

hint "n. 暗示,提示" | homogeneousness 均质性; 均质性 | human "n. 人,人类"


homogeneously fluidized bed 均匀流化床 | homogeneousness 均质性 | homogenesis 同质

non homogeneity:非均质性

非直升机之垂直起降 non-helicopter VTOL | 非均质性 non-homogeneity | 防冰汽化器 non-icing carburetor

nonhomogeneity of materials:材料的非均质性

nonelastic range 非弹性段 | nonhomogeneity of materials 材料的非均质性 | nonhomogeneous state of stress 不均等应力状况


nonuniformity coefficient 不均匀系数 | nonuniformity 非均质性 | nonuniformly weighted patterns 非均匀加权组合

textural anisotropy:结构非均质性

结构可渗性 textural accessibility | 结构非均质性 textural anisotropy | 结构组合 textural association

inhomogeneities of reservior:储层非均质性

生、储、盖组合:Source-Reservior-Seal | 储层非均质性:inhomogeneities of reservior | 储层非均质性:Reservior heterogeneity