英语人>词典>汉英 : 均质化 的英文翻译,例句
均质化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
homogenization  ·  homogenize  ·  homogenizes  ·  homogenizing

更多网络例句与均质化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If this alloy is homogenized at 700℃ for 6h and slow cooled, the structure is that of large grains of α with twins, surrounded by coarse α+δ eutectoid.


To think related opinions critically helps us to homogenize cultural globalization which results in a utopian global village of culture, which is a disaster for the world's culture.


When we homogenize the milk, we also break it up into tiny particles so that the fat will not separate and collect at its surface.


When we homogenize it, some people believe that this releases a chemical called Xanthine Oxidase which makes the homogenized milk more cancer causing.


When we homogenize the milk, we also break it up into tiny particles so that the fat will not separate and collect at its su**ce.


Meanwhile, owing to Products Indifference, Perceivable Consumption, Brand Globalization and short life circle of Products, competition in product market has developed to competition of brand from that of price, quality and service.


In this paper, theory of homogenization was introduced into the calculation of plasterboard filled with concrete and Representative Volume Element model of plasterboard filled with concrete was established.


The constraints to the fluctuations of granular microstructure are also presented; and the intrinsic length scale parameter is discussed.


Observation on the ultrastructure of the radicle cell of cabbage seeds indicated that the ultrastructure changed with the seed vigor reduced, such as the segregation of cytoplasm from the cell wall, the fragmentation of cell membrane, the vesiculation of protoplasm, the homogenization of chromation, the disintegration of cytoplasm, the distinguishing of nuclear membrane and nucleous ,and so on.


This is an instance of arrested allopatric speciation due to genetic homogenization via rare long distance dispersal.


更多网络解释与均质化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

homogenizing anneal:均质化退火

均质化 homogenizing | 均质化退火 homogenizing anneal | 均质组织 homogeneous structure


均质化:均质化(homogenization)是指真皮结缔组织的一种无定形均匀一致的变化,组织染色呈嗜伊红,色淡,见于萎缩性硬化性苔癣、硬皮病等. ⑷玻璃样变或透明变性:玻璃样变或透明变性(hyaline degeneration)是指在组织内或细胞内出现玻璃样半透明的均性物质,

cell homogenization:细胞均质化

cell fusion 细胞融合 | cell homogenization 细胞均质化 | cell hybridization 细胞杂种化


但是市售牛奶做了两个很要命的步骤,就是均质化(homogenize)和高温杀菌. 均质化是指让牛奶的脂肪成分均等化而充分搅拌,但搅拌的过程中空气混入牛奶,使脂肪成为氧化类脂肪,简单的说就是生锈的脂肪. 而蛋白质的部分,牛奶所含有的为酪蛋白,


homogeneitytest结构均一性测定 | homogeneization均质化(作用) | homogeneous均质的;均相的


uniformizaiton均匀化 | uniformize使均匀化,均质化 | non-uniform scale 不均匀刻度


uniformization 均匀化 | uniformize 使均匀;均质化 | unilayer 单(分子)层

homogenized milk:均质化乳;均匀奶

homogenizer 均质机;匀合器 | homogenized milk 均质化乳;均匀奶 | homogeneous system 均匀系统


Homogenization均质化,均质作用 | Homogenizing均质化 | Homogenizinganneal均质化退火

homogenizing annealing:均质化退火

均质化,均一化 homogenization | 均质化退火 homogenizing annealing | 单极发电机 homopolar dynamo