英语人>词典>汉英 : 地理生物学 的英文翻译,例句
地理生物学 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This is the website of Geobiology and Astrobiology University of Southern California.


The Geobiology and Astrobiology group is a joint group.


What we need is integration of the data and precepts of everything from molecular biology to the geobiology of mass extinctions and evolutionary rebounds - entities and processes of vastly different spatiotemporal dimensions.


You can't just dismiss this out of hand,' says Joseph Kirschvink, a professor of geobiology at the California Institute of Technology.


The Geobiology/Astrobiology group, organized by Professor Kenneth H.

地理生物学/太空生物学研究组是由Kenneth H。

The Geobiology and Astrobiology group researches on Geobiology studies of the interactions that occur between the biosphere and the geosphere, and Astrobiology studies of the big bang, progressing to the destiny of man, the limits of life and habitability on our planet, organisms in certain condition, and the detection of extraterrestrial life.


The Geobiology/Astrobiology group studies of Geobiology and Astrobiology, including elements of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere, the limits of life and habitability on our planet, organisms living at unusual conditions, searching for extraterrestrial life, and Mars.


The study, by Greg Wanger, Tullis Onstott and Gordon Southam, was published in a recent edition of the journal Geobiology .


You can't just dismiss this out of hand," says Joseph Kirschvink, a professor of geobiology at the California Institute of Technology."It's not unreasonable for these animals to have evolved seismic escape responses in this fashion.


Division of Biology is dedicated to education and research on broad areas of biology including cellular biology, biophysics, developmental biology, genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, cellular molecular and developemental neurobiology, integrative neurobiology, computational biology, geobiology theoretical neurobiology, structural biology, and immunology.


更多网络解释与地理生物学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


生物地理学是记录和理解生物有机体空间格局的学科,它研究生物过去和现在的地理分布,理解改变物种和生物群系(Biota)空间格局的生物学和自然地理过程(Brown & Gibson, 1983; Cox & Moore, 1993; Brown & Lomolino, 1998;


> (dendrology) 是林业院校所特有的一门专业基础课,是林学、森林资源保护和游憩、水土保持与荒漠化防治、草业等专业的必修课程. 本课程以>为基础,其 研究对象是树木的形态特征、系统分类、生物学特性、生态学特性、地理分布、资源利用及其在林业生态工程、经济开发及环境美化中的


在最新一期出版的>(Geobiology)杂志上,美国科学家公布了他们的这一最新发现. 科学家表示,其实,在地层深处生活着许许多多的、独特的微生物种群. 通常情况下,只能在深度钻探项目或大规模采矿工程中才有可能接触到这些微生物.

population genetics:族群遺傳學

"国家地理"说进化论的新证据来自于"族群遗传学(population genetics),生物化学,分子生物学,和...遗传学",不过是在对读者"玩弄词藻". 读者可以从Michael Behe写的"达尔文的黑匣子"(Darwin's Black Box)里发现进化论在生物化学上无法逾越的障碍.

Trifolium repens:白车轴草

育及其动物地理学研究 张春光 中国科学院动物研究所30470262 C010309 猎隼(Falco cherrug)繁殖生物学及其种群状况研究 马鸣 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所30470270 C0111 铜污染胁迫下白车轴草(Trifolium repens)与白车轴草单孢锈菌


项目概况:核桃(Walnut)是我国具有几千年栽培历史的传统经济作物,近几年在种植、生产、加工、出口等方面,具有稳定发展的趋势. 据资料表明,自90年以来,国内核桃的生产量逐步上升,从栽培区域的角度,依据地理、气候因素、核桃生物学特性和社会经济因素均表明,


geobiology 地理生物学 | geogenic 地球成因学 | geoinduction 大地感应

phyletic evolution:种系进化

他在<<物种起源>>中使用'变种'这词共24次,8次指的是变异体,6次指地理种群,还有10次则含糊不清(既可理解为变异体,又可能是指种群);(2)他的形态种概念(与他以前的生物学种概念相反);(3)他经常把物种的增殖过程和种系进化(Phyletic evolution)混淆不分;

crossing over:交换

1888年才在巴黎大学(Sorbonne)创立进化生物学系,就是现在称为"交换"(crossing over)的过程. 如果在配子形成(减数分裂)1872年魏斯曼介入了华格勒(Moritz Wagner)与达尔文之间关于地理隔离作用的矛盾,他承认某些蝴蝶的正模(model)与模拟者(mimic)极其相似,


早在19世纪前叶,例如施勒格尔(Schlegel)和贝尔德(Baird)这样的鸟类学家就强调种群样本采集或系列标本采集,以便进行个体的以及地理的变异研究. 鸟类学家与某些昆虫学家例如爱德华.波尔顿(Edward Poulton)和卡尔.乔丹(Karl jordan)一起倡导了生物学物种概念.