英语人>词典>汉英 : 地奥司明 的英文翻译,例句
地奥司明 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与地奥司明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Several healthy effects of hesperidin and other citrus flavanoids such as naringenin, diosmin, nobiletin, etc, have been described either in vitro assays or in animal and human clinical trials.


We are always concerned about the international market for natural herbal products to changes in demand, research and development, production Epimedii, osthol, Diosmin, Ginkgo biloba, lycopene, blueberry, green tea and other plants more than 30 kinds of standard extracts, we have and will continue its efforts to develop all the useful people healthy plant extracts new products.

我们时刻关注着国际市场上人们对天然草药产品不断的需求变化,研究开发生产淫羊藿、蛇床子、地奥司明、银杏叶、、番茄红素、越橘、绿茶等30 多种标准植物提取物,我们已经且将会继续努力开发出一切有益人们身体健康的植物提取新产品。

Among these high value food ingredients citrus bioflavonoids, formerly known as "vitamin P"(hesperidin, naringin, diosmin, neoeriocitrin, and their respective aglycones, tangeretin, nobiletin, apigenin, luteolin or rutin, among others) have undergone increasing importance.

在这些高价值的食品配料中的柑橘生物类黄酮,以前称为&维生素 P &(橙皮苷,柚皮苷,地奥司明,新圣草苷,以及各自的苷元,桔皮素,川陈皮素,芹菜素,木犀草素或芦丁等)承载了越来越多的重要性。

更多网络解释与地奥司明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


地奥司明(DIOSMIN)属于生物黄酮类,是一种非常有潜力的抗癌新药,并能有效保护静脉系统. 该药是一种静脉亲和性药物,对于慢性痔疮患者能减轻症状,同时可预防急性痔疮的复发.


Diodone 碘奥酮[诊断用药] | Diosmin 地奥司明[毛细血管保护药] | Dioxadilol 地奥地洛[血管扩张药]