英语人>词典>汉英 : 地址部分 的英文翻译,例句
地址部分 的英文翻译、例句


address part · address component · address portion
更多网络例句与地址部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, we can input the relative address, and then the mouse position in the editor column, or the need to change the formula chosen absolute address of the press "F4" button on the content of the selected automatically address the relative and absolute address converted.


A method of addressing in which the address part of an instruction contains a relative address.


An instruction format containing four address parts.


If just want to clear part of the record, click on the IE toolbar "history" button in the left column address history, find the address or want to clear the next page, click the right mouse button, the shortcut menu from the pop-up select "Delete."


An instruction that contains three address parts. The plus one address is the address of the next


The lower layer, Internet Protocol, handles the address part of each packet so that it gets to the right destination.


Based on the existed research, the study found that the selection of these subjects have rarely been studied, so the selection of this theme has significance in the information society geography theory and can rich the tourist sites in geography study and can guide new thoughts. The second part discusses distance decay effects in web sever when attenuation theory be chose in electronic age location. It considers 7 factors: knowledge spillover environment and yi to technological innovation information reaches nature, decision-maker behavior,human capital factor, supply chain environment, yi to the developed communication net and network of communication lines reaches nature, agglomeration factor, commercial and trade circumstance. Part three studies location significance of outdoor sports websites. Though investigating and analyzing our country 30 cities's outdoor sports websites in China, the author gives out the location characteristics of outdoor sports websites in actual geographical space, and take Shijiazhuang for example, the author analyzes the stadiums gathering effection to the outdoor sports websites which are near the stadiums, and dividing the location into gathering area and non-gathering area the author studies the effects for information flow guiding people flow. Part four is the conclusion which includes four conclusions reached by this article.


Class B networks use a default subnet mask of and have 128-191 as their first octet.

将 IP 地址和子网掩码排列在一起比较,就可以分清该地址的网络部分和主机部分

The page table for virtual address space is stored in the part of kernel address space that is mapped differently for different processes. The page table page table is stored in unmapped but cached kernel memory.


The page table for virtual address space is stored in the part of kernel address space that is mapped differently for different processes. The page table page table is stored in unmapped but cached kernel memory.


更多网络解释与地址部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

address part:地址部分

address offset 地址偏移 | address part 地址部分 | address pattern 地址形式

LAP Lower Address Part:低位地址部分

LAP LAN Access Point 局域网接入点 | LAP Lower Address Part 低位地址部分 | LC Link Controller 链路控制器

NAP Non-significant Address Part:不重要的地址部分

NAK Negative Acknowledge 消极确认 | NAP Non-significant Address Part 不重要的地址部分 | PCM Pulse Coded Modulation 脉冲编码调制

UAP Upper Address Part:高位地址部分

TX Transmitter 发送端 | UAP Upper Address Part 高位地址部分 | UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 通用异步收发器

binary system:二进制

32位二进制(Binary System)表示,每8位为一8位位组(Octet),以符号"."分隔. IP地址由网络地址部分(Network Address)主机地址部分组成(Host Address/Nodes Address)用于IGMP组播(multicast)


您读完这部分之后, 将会明白网关 (gateway) 是什么, 子网掩码 (netmask) 用来干啥, 广播地址 (broadcast) 是如何构成的在一个网络中, 每台主机是通过其 IP 地址 (Internet Protocol address) 来被识别的.该地址由取值范围为 0 到 255 的四个数字组成.

dot address:地址

点分地址(dot address)以n.n.n.n形式的IP地址表示法,其中每个n以十进制表示4字节IP地址中的一个字节. 也被称为点分表示法或四部分点分表示法. 点分十进制表示法(dotted decimal notation)该表示法用以句号隔开的4个十进制数来表示一个由4个8位数所组成的32位整数.

physical address:实体地址

只需加载一小部分的数据 结构即可.为了程序设计师撰写程序方便,操作系统一般都将程序内存空间与物 3 理内存空间分开.这里所称的程序内存即是虚拟内存.物理内存内所使用的地址 称为实体地址 (physical address),而虚拟内存内所使

15.Identify the parts in specific protocol address examples:15.识别某一特定协议地址的每一个部分

14.Prepare to backup, upgrade, and load a backup Cisco IO... | 15.Identify the parts in specific protocol address examples. 15.识别某一特定协议地址的每一个部分 | 1.List the required IPX. address and en...

virtual address:虚拟地址是指由程序产生的由段选择符和段内偏移地址两个部分组成的地址

MBR :主引导记录,计算机最先读取磁盘的地方 | Virtual Address:虚拟地址是指由程序产生的由段选择符和段内偏移地址两个部分组成的地址. | Logical Address:逻辑地址是指由程序产生的与段相关的偏移地址部分.