英语人>词典>汉英 : 在马背上的 的英文翻译,例句
在马背上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They stayed in their saddles for long period of time, sometimes days without ever dismounting.


And yet, in Raissa, at every moment there is a child in a window who laughs seeing a dog that has jumped on a shed to bite into a piece of polenta dropped by a stonemason who has shouted from the top of the scaffolding,"Darling, let me dip into it," to a young serving maid who holds up a dish of ragout under the pergola, happy to serve it to the umbrella-maker who is celebrating a successful transaction, a white lace parasol bought to display at the races by a great lady in love with an officer who has smiled at her taking the last jump, happy man, and still happier his horse, flying over the obstacles, seeing a francolin flying in the sky, happy bird freed from its cage by a painter happy at having painted it feather by feather, speckled with red and yellow in the illumination of that page in the volume where the philosopher says:"Also in Raissa, city of sadness, there runs an invisible thread that binds one living being to another for a moment, then unravels, then is stretched again between moving points as it draws new and rapid patterns so that at every second the unhappy city contains a happy city unaware of its own existence."


Historically, the instability of northern nation on horse outside of Great Wall origins from the labilization of northern atmosphere, while the stability of southern nation origins from the plantation.


As Ichabod was an unskilful rider, he had much difficulty in keeping his seat.


Still, it's close to the historic center, just above the Vatican and the Trastevere neighborhood — and the panorama from the top takes your breath away. At noon, the quiet is momentarily broken by the single shot of a cannon, to mark the exact time, a tradition that dates back to the 19th century.


For those that are interested in horseback riding they have stables where you can rent horses.


The bullfighter, or matador, and men on horseback wait for the bull to charge. The mounted men, called picadors, pierce the bull's neck with lances until his blood spews like a water fountain.


The hunt always begins on horseback, the eagle riding blindfolded on the leather-covered arm of its owner.


The hunt always begins on horseback, the eagle riding blindfolded on the leather-covered arm of its owner.


The hunt always begins on horseback, the eagle riding blindfolded on the leather-covered arm of its owner.


更多网络解释与在马背上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


equatorial /赤道仪/ | equerry /掌马官/侍从武官/ | equestrian /骑马的/马的/在马背上的/骑手/

equestrianism:马术 (名)

equestrian 骑马的; 在马背上的; 马的 (形) | equestrianism 马术 (名) | equestrienne 女骑手, 马戏团女骑手 (名)


影片中大部分的马术表演者来自驻扎在新疆地区的中国人民解放军77营中30个种族的 哈萨克族(KAZAKH) 骑兵. 这些年青人只有少数超过了20岁,从小就在马背上长大, 是他们在亚洲高原上喂养牲畜. 另外还有100名哈萨克族骑马人参加了寂寞平原的战斗 场面的拍摄.


蒙古族(mongol)是一个富有传奇色彩的民族,其意为"永恒之火",别称"马背民族",史称"蒙兀室韦"、"萌古"等,额尔古纳河畔是他们的摇篮. 这样一个马背上的民族,在十三世纪初叶,曾凭借其过人的智谋和凌厉的攻势东征西讨,奇迹般地连通了亚欧大陆,



Life in snakeskin was slithering:生命在蛇皮上是光滑的

Life in horseback was gallivanting, 生命在马背上是游荡的 | Life in snakeskin was slithering, 生命在蛇皮上是光滑的 | Life in oven was sizzling, 生命在烤箱中是焦灼的

Life in horseback was gallivanting:生命在马背上是游荡的

Life in seedlings was blossoming, 生命在幼木中是花开的 | Life in horseback was gallivanting, 生命在马背上是游荡的 | Life in snakeskin was slithering, 生命在蛇皮上是光滑的

Spurring the horse on the way:我骑在马背上

背弃我的姑娘 Left me alone,so far away | 我骑在马背上 Spurring the horse on the way | 箭一样的飞翔 I will try to find thee

the Light Hussars:轻骑兵

and was accepted to my father's old regiment,|被父亲的那个团接收, | the Light Hussars.|轻骑兵. | I used to think we rode into the war on horseback,|我过去常想,我们会骑在马背上,上战场,

Looks like he's been living out of saddlebags most of his life:好像他一辈子都生活在马背上

Very friendly young fella.|很友善的年轻人 | Looks like he's been living out of saddlebags most of his life.|好像他一辈子都生活在马背上 | Got his horse in the corral.|他的马也在马厩里