英语人>词典>汉英 : 在船外 的英文翻译,例句
在船外 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与在船外相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Assault craft; portable boat with an outboard motor,used for making attacks across rivers,etc


Either of two lengthwise fins attached along the outside of a ship's bilge; reduces rolling.


The next two months were spent out in the sun and wind, reconstructing the piers, hammering the boathouse together and hauling garbage off the beaches.


Ship speed was first calculated by dropping overboard a log attached to a reel of line knot ted at regular intervals; the number of knot s exposed while the log drifted and a sandglass emptied gave the vessel's speed in knot s.


Ship speed was first calculated by dropping overboard a log attached to a reel of line knotted at regular intervals; the number of knots exposed while the log drifted and a sandglass emptied gave the vessel's speed in knots.


Ship speed was first calculated by dropping overboard a log attached to a reel of line knotted at regular intervals; the number of knots exposed while the log drift ed and a sandglass emptied gave the vessel's speed in knots.


An armed man involved in an overnight standoff with police outside the Showboat Casino in Atlantic City has surrendered peacefully. Police were called after security reported a man on a shuttle bus with a gun. Three people were briefly held hostage on the bus. No one was hurt.


What would I do if I became a millionaire Perhaps buy a cottage in the country, for us to share Where we would awaken to the song birds call Watch the leaves change colour in the fall Sit on the porch in the sun Seeing the world go by, and having fun Just think of all that country air, filled with the ozone of the sea Being woken in the dawn , by the waves crashing on the shore The crying of the gulls searching for food evermore Breakfast then out in the boat Cruising around islands ever so remote Playing a fresh fish on a rod, and line Going ashore and cooking it in a fire


The Vessel to be employed in lawful trades between safe ports, anchorages or places where she can safely lie always afloat, except at such places where it is customary for similar size vessels to lie safely aground, within Institute Warranty Limits excluding The Charterers shall have the option of trading outside these Limits, provided the Vessel is insurable by the Owners' Underwriters, and have also liberty of trading zones where Owners are required to pay for extra war risk insurance premium.


The Vessel to be employed in lawful trades between safe ports, anchorages or places where she can safely lie always afloat, except at such places where it is customary for similar size vessels to lie safely aground, within Institute Warranty Limits excluding The Charterers shall have the option of trading outside these Limits, provided the Vessel is insurable by the Owners' Underwriters, and have also liberty of trading zones where Owners are required to pay for extra war risk insurance premium.

航行范围 4.Trading 本船在伦敦保险人学会保证条款的范围内,川航于本船能经常安全浮起的(但同样大的船舶照例安全搁底的地点可以不浮起),安全港口,锚地或地点,进行合法贸易,在船东保险人承担的情况下,租船人可派船在许可外的地区,进行贸易,也可随意派船到船东需要支付兵险附加保费的地区进行贸易。

更多网络解释与在船外相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cargo Bays:货仓,塞满你额外的燃料弹药的地方

Equipment Slot:裝備槽,顯示你目前裝備的物品,包括推進器,防護盾,隱形裝置和反飛彈 | Cargo Bays:貨倉,塞滿你額外的燃料彈藥的地方.. | Ship stats:顯示你船現在的屬性,紅色那條是原始屬性,白色是實際屬性


包括龙骨翼板、弯曲外板及上舷外板三部分. (二)船架(Frame)船架是指为支撑船壳所用各种材料的总称,分为纵材和横材两部分. 纵材包括龙骨、底骨和边骨;横材包括肋骨、船梁和舱壁. (三)甲板(Deck)甲板是铺在船梁上的钢板...


除运费收入外,还有大笔延滞费(demurrage)可收. 台湾运到越南最多的是「生水泥」[注四],船在卸货港外下锚,就通知货主代理行,船已准备就绪可开始卸货,通知后下一工作时间开始,就计货主的卸货时间(这些在Charter Party内都须订明,


譬如,在被主体体验的情绪与表情之间就存在一种连续性,后者仅仅是前者这一内在来源的"外流"(outflow)而已. 当船山声言"阴阳之几动于心,天地之产应于外. 故外有其物,内可有其情;内有其情,外必有其物",声言"写景至处,但令与心目不相暌离,


overboard /在船外/到水中/ | overbold /鲁莽/ | overbought /超储/



anchor ice:底冰

anchor hoy 运锚船 | anchor ice 底冰 | anchor in roads 在港外锚地抛锚

a fine for dumping trash on public land:因在公用土地上倾倒垃圾而受的罚款

dumped the load of stones. 卸下装载的石头 | a fine for dumping trash on public land; 因在公用土地上倾倒垃圾而受的罚款; | dumped the extra gear overboard. 把多余的装备丢到船外

Team-building offsite meetings:在威斯康星州某个湖边

They say we're in it together. What a joke.|他们说我们坐在同一条船 多可笑啊 | Team-building offsite meetings|在威斯康星州某个湖边 | at some lake in Wisconsin.|开增强团队精神的厂外会议


倘若你稍有懈怠,拥有至高权力的船长会用"九尾鞭" (Cat O' Nine Tails)鞭打你. 如果你经常都在偷懒,你将会被扔出船外. 最后,在度过了几个月或者几年这样的生活后,你还常常被扣欠工资. 在那个失去的时代中有一个名叫威廉.斯科特(William Scott)的海盗,