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Darwin discussed about some anomalous forms in fresh water basins, which belong to the remnants of some interesting orders. Because these anomalous forms exhibit the anomaly of geographical distribution e.g. Ganoid fishes, or morphological anomaly such as Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren , they may be called living fossils. It is believed that Darwin presented the facts of the above anomalous forms, and used the term "living fossil" in order to further illustrate the subject of "Circumstances Favorable for the Production of New Forms Through Natural Selection" in Chapter IV. The term "living fossil" appears on page 486 again in the last Chapter, i.e. Chapter XIV "Recapitulation and Conclusion", where Darwin emphasized the significance of so-called "living fossils".
Loeb, 35, who tells fans on her website that her growing Kitty collection includes leg warmers and a waffle maker, titled her last album "Hello Lisa" and plastered the cute cat on the cover.
洛普,因此Kitty对一批成年人也很有吸引力。35岁的洛普在她的网站上告诉歌迷们她的Kitty收藏品不断增加,其中包括袜套和华夫饼干机。她上一部专辑取名为"你好,莉萨",封面上还贴着可爱的Kitty。分页共1页,1/1页次 1页
However, we have a time found that business card printing and membership card to make a car when you are finished, the selected page is found close to one third of the printed placard out quality issues.
While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct/,the one papyrus fragment/ raises the specter/ that another may be unearthed/, showing/,for instance/,that it was a posthumous production/ of the Danaid tetralogy/ which bested Sophocles/,and throwing the date/ once 第 65 页(共 101 页) more into utter confusion.
尽管这个新学说看起来几乎一定正确/,可是这个莎草纸的残片/却引起了恐惧/,即另外一个残片可能会被挖掘出来/,显示出/,比如说/,它是作者死后发表的遗作/ Danaid 四部曲的一部/它击败了 Sophocles/,这样就置于作品的年代/又一次/在极度的混乱之中。
Software Description: About ArcSoft PhotoPrinter, This program offers you the ability to print multiple images on one page and multiple pages at one time.
ArcSoft PhotoPrinter 这个程序提供你能力在一页和多的页上一次打印多个图片图象。
This is how the star spangled banner was meant to be flown on the end of a pole of its own, free to wave majestically in our own free air.
美国国旗应当挂在旗杆上,自由自在地在美国领土的上空美丽庄严地飘扬。分页共1页,1/1页次 1页
The second war I experienced was right on the morning of 9/11/2001, when I got up and open up my home computer screen, I found there were 2 photos at the very first page of AOL website, with 2 jets hitting 2 skyrockets, I was thinking it might be a Fool's Day type trick.
Darwin discussed about some anomalous forms in fresh water basins, which belong to the remnants of some interesting orders. Because these anomalous forms exhibit the anomaly of geographical distribution e.g. Ganoid fishes, or morphological anomaly such as Ornithorhynchus and Lepidosiren , they may be called living fossils. It is believed that Darwin presented the facts of the above anomalous forms, and used the term "living fossil" in order to further illustrate the subject of "Circumstances Favorable for the Production of New Forms Through Natural Selection" in Chapter IV. The term "living fossil" appears on page 486 again in the last Chapter, i.e. Chapter XIV "Recapitulation and Conclusion", where Darwin emphasized the significance of so-called "living fossils".
The closest period of time everyday the snapshot circumstance of the website, website already a few months Baidu from collect experienced 10 days now half month updates snapshot to arrive 24 hours to update again to a week, update a few pages to update several much pages to from, arrive 24 hours from 24 hours of a few pages the snapshot of 200 much pages, this paragraph of time understands eventually, to Baidu snapshot should update ability 24 hours to be have weight, baidu did not use PR value to measure the weight of a website like Gu Ge, what does that use, I feel to return is the time that snapshot updates, the jump overing that a website updates in 24 hours has weight more more, because do not think what giving just is Baidu weight really, cannot use PR to see, of course this is pure belong to an individual close a point.
Ready-made hot tea is never served; Americans believe that when a restaurant pours boiling water directly over the tea in the kitchen it violates the customer's constitutional right to control the tea's strength.
端上来的绝对不会是沏好的茶。美国人认为,哪家餐馆要是在厨房里用开水沏茶,那就侵犯了宪法规定顾客自己掌握沏茶火候的权利。分页共1页,1/1页次 1页
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1950年7月24日,一枚"保险杠"(Bumper)导弹从3号发射台升空,揭开了卡纳维拉尔角历史新的一页. 这种导弹其实就是V-2头上顶一枚"女兵下士"探空火箭,就算是多级导弹了,此前它已经在白沙靶场进行了6次试飞,这是它第一次从美国东海岸升起.
Happy Farm 圣诞节更新 这一次的更新主要是圣诞节的相关产品,点选圣诞老人图示的圣诞商店(Happy Farm Christmas): 圣诞农作物分为农作物(Crops)跟装饰(Props) 农作物在12/16更新后有五页 这些圣诞农作物除了第一页第一排的
在第251页上,维里科夫斯基指出,卢西恩(Lucian)没有意识到雅典娜是行星维纳斯". 可怜的卢西恩似乎误解了阿芙罗狄蒂就是行星维纳斯. 但在第361页的脚注中,看来有一个小小的失误,在那里,维里科夫斯基第一次也是仅有的一次用到"维纳斯(阿芙罗狄蒂)".
nuclear 核子的、原子能的、中心的 | nutritional 营养的、滋养的 | overleaf 在背面、在次页
overleaf 在背面、在次页 | objectify 使客观化 | obligation 义务、职责、债务
overleaf -on the back of:在背面、见次页
void -invalid 无效 | overleaf -on the back of 在背面、见次页 | conditions of carriage--货运条件
怪物与关闭的次元门当一道次元门关闭时,所有在 Arkham、高空区 (The Sky)以及郊区 (Outskirts)的怪物,如果有着与该次元门相同的次元标志(dimension symbols,参考第十页"移动怪物"的部分)时,则把这些怪物移回怪物杯内.
nutritional 营养的、滋养的 | overleaf 在背面、在次页 | objectify 使客观化
overleaf /在次页/ | overleap /跳过/看漏/省略/ | overlending /超贷/
其内容包括:您的帐号、重要通知、帐户余余额(Balances) 页有您帐户的资产明细,并 出您的帐户在一个月内交 的次. 2.2持股(Positions) 查阅持股明细按此处. 持股 (Positions) 页 出您帐户内目前所持有的所有证券.