英语人>词典>汉英 : 在另一个极端 的英文翻译,例句
在另一个极端 的英文翻译、例句


at the opposite extreme
更多网络例句与在另一个极端相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the opposite extreme, severe psoriasis may cover large areas of the body.


At the opposite extreme, the internet is being used to sell luxury goods.


At the other end of the spectrum is Eddie, who uses branching far too often.

在另一个极端的是 Eddie ,使用太频繁的分支。

Depersonalization makes it easier for people to accept negative stereotypes, pigeonholed, and, in the extreme, tolerate abuse and persecution of the people who have been depersonalized.


At one extreme is the arrangement made in Newfoundland from 1836 to accommodate all numerically represented denominations separately within a loose system (not until 1920 was a unified system of education developed which still works through five denominational subsystems); at the other extreme are the arrangements made in British Columbia which became decisive when it entered the Canadian Confederation to establish and maintain a free unified centralized nonsectarian system.


At one extreme, you could be a goodhearted fool and at the other extreme, you could attain knowledge without any emotion.


At one extreme, you could be a goodhearted fool and at the other extreme, you could attain knowledge without any emotion.


There is a very disturbing short story— Everything , by Ingeborg Bachmann—about a father who is scared of dominating, and scared of socialisation, such that he completely abandons any form of teaching/interaction with his child.

我们支配他们。在另一个极端,我们放弃责任,让机会或其他人介入,控制我们的孩子(Ingeborg Bachmann写了一个题为《一切》的短篇小说,讲的是一位父亲对主宰和社会化过于畏惧以至于拒绝对他的孩子采取任何形式的教育/互动)。

At the other extreme is a full-service multi-day heliskiing tour based in a luxurious mountain lodge where ski groups might comprise only 4 to 6 people.


At the other extreme, traditionally you've had a group of economists supporting a largely socialised economy in which most decisions were made by government, possibly using markets in various


更多网络解释与在另一个极端相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

analytic proposition:分析命题

这不仅是由于他在定义上将宗教先验地预设在一切文化之中,还由于他将"宗教是文化的实质,文化是宗教的形式"这一类综合命题(synthetic proposition)当作不证自明的分析命题(analytic proposition)来使用,以致推导出另一个极端的结论:"非宗教艺术根本是不可能的",

at the opposite extreme:在另一个极端

at most 至多,不超过 | at the opposite extreme在另一个极端 | at the peak of 在...高峰期

at the opposite extreme:在另一个极端 dLP无忧研修网

at most 至多,不超过 dLP无忧研修网 | at the opposite extreme在另一个极端 dLP无忧研修网 | at the peak of 在...高峰期 dLP无忧研修网

at the peak of:在...高峰期

at the opposite extreme在另一个极端 | at the peak of 在...高峰期 | at the request of 应...的邀请


才念了一年他就叛变了,成了一个无神论者(Atheist),按他自己的话说是从一个极端走到另一个极端. 也许当一个人对某个原本很神秘很深奥的事物知之甚多之后,甚至还发现里面有漏洞有瑕疵有荒诞之后,就很有可能神秘不在,深奥不在,


具有一个、两个或三个众数的数据集合分别称为单峰的(unimodal)、双峰的(bimodal)和三峰的(trimodal). 一般,具有两个或更多众数的数据集是多峰的(multimodal). 在另一种极端情况下,如果每个数据值仅出现一次,则它没有众数. 设x1,


内倾人格特征是:抑制(inhibited)、羞怯(shy)、缄默(reserved)和严肃(sober). 有重要的一点需要认识到,只有在极端的情况下我们才能谈及人格类型. 事实上,荣格曾提出过一种称作外倾-内倾的双极人格尺度. 大多数人不是处于两极的一个极端或另一个极端之上,


具有一个、两个或三个众数的数据集合分别称为单峰的(unimodal)、双峰的(bimodal)和三峰的(trimodal). 一般,具有两个或更多众数的数据集是多峰的(multimodal). 在另一种极端情况下,如果每个数据值仅出现一次,则它没有众数.

on the bench:在法庭上;在担任法官期间

at the other end of the spectrum 在另一个极端 | on the bench 在法庭上;在担任法官期间 | career judiciary 职业法官


这种将拉皮条(pimping)全然视为性剥削的论点在涉及跨国性交易的情形中更见普遍性. 另一个极端则是,将之视为是后现代资本主义社会中,少数族裔男性可得的街头反抗文化的一环(如O"Neill, 2001). 近来关於移民性工作者的研究则逐渐地转而分析,