英语人>词典>汉英 : 在...之间 的英文翻译,例句
在...之间 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
amongst  ·  between  ·  betwixt

更多网络例句与在...之间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, a light diffraction layer having micro structure of slit pattern or diffraction lattice is formed between the black matrix and the red, green, or blue color filters.


Once again the astute among you will notice the little fairing in between the tube and the plane.


One microgram of aFGF was injected into the fracture site between the first and the ninth day after fracture either every other day or every day.


In phase calculate of phase-shifting interference technique,Because of the periodicity of function arctan,all the phase values are ranged over-π to π.


In between sanding/priming, I will be starting on on making the towed array parts.


A bond is made between a flexible PWB and the ITO conductive lines on the glass at the edge of the display with a multitude of conductive paths enabled by compressing conductively coated plastic microspheres in an epoxy matix.

一契约打在之间一灵活PWB 和在在展示的边缘的玻璃上的ITO 导电的线由於众多导电的道路透过压缩使能够 conductively在环氧的matix里涂上塑胶microspheres。

Excellent cyclists like Sevilla, Mancebo, Santi Perez, Moreno are among the stars of this team which will be managed by Jesus Suarez Cueva, a former Kelme team champion in the 80's and a personal friend of Alfredo 在2004年10月一个月的团队创造了新的机会亲,以品牌为技术供应GIOS


"Foreshadowed" in that verse should be "forewritten," ie, the false teachers referred to had been predicted as coming in among the flock.

&预示&在这首诗应该是& forewritten &,也就是说,虚假的教师提到已经预言,作为未来在之间的羊群。

Spikelets laterally compressed, with 2 to several florets, disarticulating above glumes and between florets; rachilla villous; glumes longer than lowest lemma, sometimes as long as spikelet, narrow, membranous, 1-veined; floret callus linear, hairy; lemmas lanceolate to ovate, hyaline, 3–7-veined, villous on back, entire or 2-dentate, awnless or with a terminal awn; palea glabrous or sometimes pilose; female plants with sterile anthers present.


Each packet makesone quart.E-9971 Tangerine/Orange FlavorEo9973 Concord Grape Flavor15A fun way to get good stuff in fruits and vegetablesA NUTRILITE~ FRUJI CONCENTRATED FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES BARAs part of a meal or a between-meal snack, this cranberry-raspberry flavored bar gives kids the nutritional equivalentof three whole, peeled apples, the added benefits of theexclusive NUTRILITE Phytonutrient Concentrate, and keyphytonutrients in amounts equal to those found in 5+ servingsof fruits and vegetables.

各个小包牌子一夸脱。E-9971 蜜桔橙色味道Eo9973 一致葡萄味道15乐趣方式得到好材料在水果和蔬菜NUTRILITE~ FRUJI 被集中的果子和菜酒吧作为膳食或在之间膳食快餐一部分,这个蔓越桔莓调味的酒吧给孩子营养等值三整体,被剥皮的苹果,增加的好处的专属NUTRILITE Phytonutrient 集中,并且钥匙phytonutrients 在数额相等与那些发现了在5+服务水果和蔬菜。

更多网络解释与在...之间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ambulance救护车;野战医院 | amid在......之间;被......包围 | anonymous来源不明的;无特色的

prep, amid:在...之间;在...之中

99,"n.","shambles","混乱(场面);毁坏(景象);废墟" | 100,"prep.","amid","在...之间;在...之中" | 1,"n.","eat up","吃光"

amongst p:在. . 之间

lung n肺 | amongst p在. . 之间 | stomach n胃


between-wind-and-water 不定水线区 | betwixt 在......之间 | betwixt 在...之间

international, interline, interject, interpersonal:在...之间;...际

in- 内;入 inside, inject, indoor, inland | inter- 1)在...之间;...际 international, interline, interject, interpersonal; | 2)互相 interchange, interview, interact, interconnect

on the lips of:出自......之口,在......之间流传

in de ance of 不顾,无视 | on the lips of... 出自......之口,在......之间流传 | codes and regulations 规范与条例

among one selves:在...之间

make oneself understand 让别人懂得自己的意思 | among one selves 在...之间 | some 一些(可数或不可数)

THRU through:穿过;通过 遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中

THRT thrust 推力 | THRU through 穿过;通过 遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中 | TIE bus tie系,拴,捆,扎 汇流排联系

di antara:在...之间

Disember , 十二月 | di antara , 在...之间 | di atas , 在...之上

inter- between, among:相互,在...之间

indoor 室内的 | inter- between, among 相互,在...之间 | interuniversity 校际之间