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在...之底部 的英文翻译、例句


at the foot of
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In this paper, the bump patterns for flip-chip packages are discussed first, then an experiment is setup to study the dispensing phenomena for different bump patterns, and the CAE software is used to analyze and identify with experiment mutually. From these thorough comparisons and analytical analysis, the existence of channel could slow down the flow, the high density of bump could speed up the flow, and it could avoid the air trap by modified the bump and channel's arrangement on flip-chip package. Then flows in rectangular microchannels driven by capillary force and gravity are discussed; furthermore, the theoretical model of flow in microchannel driven by capillary force and gravity is formulated from the Navier-Stokes equations.

本文首先针对覆晶底部充填进行相关理论推导、实验与模拟,探讨不同凸块配置模型所造成的波前不平滑现象对底部充填流动的影响;即依据相关参数建立模型进行底部充填实验,同时以CAE(Computer-Aided Engineering)模流分析软体进行模拟,在完成理论探讨、实验与模拟分析之后,交叉比较理论、实验与模拟分析结果,归纳出影响底胶充填流动之因素,由结果显示在凸块密集度较高的区域,凸块可以帮助流动,但是在凸块区后方的沟槽区域则因为凸块区所提供之流量不足,所以会造成波前落后的现象,另外藉由修改凸块与沟槽配置的关系,可以有效的控制波前形状的变化情形,避免产生包风现象。

Golden Eagle shares (600,232): Xinjiang's Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture flax cultivation and processing scale in Xinjiang in recent years, ranking the first, the company is currently the largest in the local linen enterprises in Xinjiang, flax planting area has reached more than 20 mu, raw material control strategies the company formed from the flax plant into linen finished base of a complete industrial chain, with the flax prices bottomed out a rebound to start the bottom of the unit signs due attention.


Ajax son of Oileus never for a moment left the side of Ajax son of Telamon, but as two swart oxen both strain their utmost at the plough which they are drawing in a fallow field, and the sweat steams upwards from about the roots of their horns- nothing but the yoke divides them as they break up the ground till they reach the end of the field- even so did the two Ajaxes stand shoulder to shoulder by one another.


Following the coniunctio of the autumn equinox the dead sun-god, like the dismembered Osiris, plummets to the midnight nadir at the very bottom of the lower vessel of night, undergoing the 'night sea journey' of the hero to fulfil the mystery of rejuvenation in a mythical underworld,6 carried into the darkness by the tide that ebbs rapidly away, passing into the lower vessel of night upon the winter solstice.


After an epic battle, Diablo was imprisoned within the remaining Soulstone, and this was placed at the bottom of a large labyrinth within a cathedral in the town of


The chelys-lyra had the same kollopes and plektron as the kithara, but the plektron cord was attached to the base of the outer arms more often than to the base of the soundbox.

以下内容引用自Diane Touliatos-Miliotis的文献:Chelys-lyre的其他部件包括:一个donax,这可能是安置在两角之间为之起桥梁和支架作用的芦苇杆;pecheis,里拉琴从外部置入共鸣箱的部分;zugon或者crossbar,被刻上刻痕并架在两角上部的末端,里拉琴像萨基拉琴一样也有kollopes和琴拨,但固定琴拨的绳索常常栓在角外侧的底部而不是共鸣箱的底部。

The "pecheis"were the arms of the lyre that entered the soundbox from the front. The "zugon" or crossbar was notched across the upper ends of the arms to which the seven strings of sheepgut were attached. The chelys-lyra had the same kollopes and plektron as the kithara, but the plektron cord was attached to the base of the outer arms more often than to the base of the soundbox.

以下内容引用自Diane Touliatos-Miliotis的文献:Chelys-lyre的其他部件包括:一个donax,这可能是安置在两角之间为之起桥梁和支架作用的芦苇杆;pecheis,里拉琴从外部置入共鸣箱的部分;zugon或者crossbar,被刻上刻痕并架在两角上部的末端,里拉琴像萨基拉琴一样也有kollopes和琴拨,但固定琴拨的绳索常常栓在角外侧的底部而不是共鸣箱的底部。

1Also known as the French baroque style of Louis XIV of France, and its furniture is characterized by: majestic, with exaggerated, the classical form of thick, elegant graceful emphasis on comfort, Although the use of the mat, using a straight line, and some combination of arc-shaped curve and rectangular, symmetrical structure features, the use of oak, walnut and some European and Lei Muk forging, inlay with wood plaque, wooden shovel, such as Liriodendron, furniture bottom have braces, structural firmly until late cancellation rungs; both carving and fine inlay work, or part of another gold-plated or gold-plated silver, mosaics, painting, painting, in this period of the development process, the original straight leg into a curve leg, Desktop for the marble and fine嵌石workers, high armchair, wall layout with well-carved bracing the lower part of the snail-shaped narrow leg platform; decorative patterns, including the rising sun inlay gemstones have shaped pins around head-ray, in the oval with a double "L"-shaped, forest god of the mask,"C""S" shaped curve, dolphins, face lion body, head and claws, rams head, or turtle, olive leaves, diamond-shaped flower, fruit, butterflies, palms and water lily leaves short irregular dispersed layout and human fable of ancient weapons.


Encapsulant was driven by capillary force into the space between the chip and substrate. Underfill technique can protect the electrical device and prevent the device from destroying because of external force. Underfill has many defects including the fill time is too long, the situation of short shot and air trap are caused easily, the yield of product of Flip-Chip is not highest and the products are universal. Therefore, there are many factors being studied in this paper to sum up the influence of underfill of Flip-Chip process cause by model parameters.


In Figure 6, a square-based pyramid is cut into two shapes by a cut running parallel to the base and made of the way up.

iii 图六为一个正方形底的锥体。若从底部向上并在之高度平行横切,并

更多网络解释与在...之底部相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the breast:吃奶的

at the bottom of | 在之底部 | at the breast | 吃奶的 | at the climb | (黑话)当飞贼; 专干从屋顶侵入盗窃的勾当

at the foot of:在.之底部

filament purolyzer 热丝热解器 | at the foot of 在.之底部 | business loan 工商业贷款


高炉内部自下而上,划分为炉床(Hearth)、炉腹(Bosh)、炉腰(Belly)、炉胸(Stock or shaft)、炉喉(Throat)等部分,及其顶端另装有炉顶设备(见图五-1). 炉床底部有出铁口,在其上方之适当高度处有出渣口,但两口位置并不在同一垂直线上.


高炉内部自下而上,划分为炉床(Hearth)、炉腹(Bosh)、炉腰(Belly)、炉胸(Stock or shaft)、炉喉(Throat)等部分,及其顶端另装有炉顶设备(见图五-1). 炉床底部有出铁口,在其上方之适当高度处有出渣口,但两口位置并不在同一垂直线上.


此槽状构造的右边 有卵石此为高美大桥北方 1.9 公里处内侧沙洲(scroll bar) 之沉积剖面,右边为河此剖面在2145 剖面东边5 公尺,剖面底部有中砾(cobble)层.


高炉内部自下而上,划分为炉床(Hearth)、炉腹(Bosh)、炉腰(Belly)、炉胸(Stock or shaft)、炉喉(Throat)等部分,及其顶端另装有炉顶设备(见图五-1). 炉床底部有出铁口,在其上方之适当高度处有出渣口,但两口位置并不在同一垂直线上.


在山洞底部,流淌着遗忘之河(Lethe)的一段支流. 山洞的入口处,长满了罂粟花与一些助眠的草药. 一个带翼的神灵,当他敲打魔棒或是扇动翅膀的时候,人就会入睡,他力量大于诸神,连宙斯也逃不过他的魔力,他的妻子是天后赫拉所赠,




构造:飞来峰(klippe)构造,由於逆断层作用,将陈有兰溪东侧之十八重溪层大规模的移动到该河西侧之新第三纪和社层之上. 且由於该残留岩块体底部与和社层接触带有明显断层泥 遗迹,更证实该断层之存在. 在北方之接触带,


空核(Aircore)背负系统的设计灵感来源于获奖的Atmos系列背包之空速(Airspeed)背负系统. 2根玻璃纤维支杆连接背垫中央的平衡碟与背包顶部及底部的高密度聚碳酸脂铸型翼. 网眼背垫在带来贴合稳固的同时也保证了充分的空气流通.