英语人>词典>汉英 : 土耳其人的 的英文翻译,例句
土耳其人的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Turkish  ·  Ottoman

更多网络例句与土耳其人的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are there not crimes for which the impalement of the Turks, the augers of the Persians, the stake and the brand of the Iroquois Indians, are inadequate tortures, and which are unpunished by society?


When we consider The importancy of Cyprus to the Turk, And let ourselves again but understand, That as it more concerns the Turk than Rhodes, So may he with more facile question bear it, For that it stands not in such warlike brace, But altogether lacks the abilities That Rhodes is dress'd in: if we make thought of this, We must not think the Turk is so unskilful To leave that latest which concerns him first, Neglecting an attempt of ease and gain, To wake and wage a danger profitless.


It is said that unbearable slavery Suo Kazi Turks fled mohacs, there are days that they wear a hideous monster mask at night, sitting in the boat shouting and beating out the noisy sound, crossed the river at night, scare the Turkish people.


The Mongols defeat a Polish and Teutonic army, but do not ravage Western Europe.


A recent study by Alin Ozinian, an Armenian-Turkish researcher shows that such women arrive full of fear of "the Turk" only to return with stories of kindness.

土耳其籍亚美尼亚裔研究人员Alin Ozinian最近的研究表明,这类对&土耳其&人充满恐惧、战战兢兢去应职的妇女回来后,所言都是土耳其人的和睦亲切。

The city was again plundered by the Turks in the first years of the fourteenth century, then by the Catalonian mercenaries in the pay of the Byzantines, and once more by the Turks.

该市再次被掠夺的土耳其人的头几年, 14世纪,当时的加泰罗尼亚雇佣军支付拜占庭,一旦更多的土耳其人。

Some of the fault lies on the Turkish side: its reforms have slowed, prosecutions of writers for insulting Turkishness have continued, renewed fighting has broken out with Kurds and a new mood of nationalism has taken hold.


You also describe the PKK as fighting for "an independent Kurdish state", a sentiment that all but condones the killing of Turks.


"Swords with curved blades were used in India and Persia and were introduced into Europe by the Turks, whose scimitar, with its curved, single-edged blade, was modified in the West to the cavalry sabre."


"Swords with curved blade s were used in India and Persia and were introduced into Europe by the Turks, whose scimitar, with its curved, single-edged blade , was modified in the West to the cavalry sabre."


更多网络解释与土耳其人的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cyprus: Cypriot, Nicosia:(塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚, 此岛南部被希腊人成立的政府,其北部被土耳其人控制)

33. Austria: Austrian, Vienna (奥地利首都维也纳... | 34. Cyprus: Cypriot, Nicosia(塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚, 此岛南部被希腊人成立的政府,其北部被土耳其人控制), | 35. Malta: Maltese, Valletta(马耳他首都瓦莱塔...

Ancient Lycian Rock Tombs, Antalya, Turkey:土耳其:古利西亚人的峭壁石棺

土耳其:人头石山的巨神头像 Colossal Head of Antiochus I, Mount Nemrut, Adiyaman,Tu... | 土耳其:古利西亚人的峭壁石棺 Ancient Lycian Rock Tombs, Antalya, Turkey | 土耳其:棉花堡温泉 Pamukkale, Denizli, Tur...


Oslo /奥斯陆/ | Osmanli /土耳其人/土耳其语/土耳其的/ | Osmayal /欧斯马铝锰合金/




其中4成来自西欧各国,不过丹麦也有土耳其人(Turkish)、巴基斯坦人(Pakistani)、索马利亚人(Somalian),以及衣索比亚人(Ethiopian)等社群. 从6月开始到7、8月是观光旺季,这时候在哥本哈根国王新广场(Kongens Ny torv)旁边的新港(Nyhavn)徒步区,


[简介]土耳其人(Turkman)史称突厥. 8世纪起由阿尔泰山一带迁入小亚细亚,13世纪末建立奥图曼帝国,16世纪为鼎盛期,20世纪初沦为英、法、德等国的半殖民地. 1923年10月29日,成立土耳其共和国. 土耳其是紧临西方的亚洲国家,

Rossini Il Turco in Italia:羅西尼:在義大利的土耳其人

Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia 羅西尼:塞爾維亞的理髮師 | Rossini Il Turco in Italia 羅西尼:在義大利的土耳其人 | Rossini Armida 羅西尼:阿梅達

Rossini Il Turco in Italia:罗西尼:在意大利的土耳其人

Rossini Il barbiere di Siviglia罗西尼:塞尔维亚的理发师 | Rossini Il Turco in Italia罗西尼:在意大利的土耳其人 | Rossini Armida罗西尼:阿梅达


(2)土耳其人(Turks)有2-3万,为奥斯曼统治时代遗民的后裔,主要集中在摩苏尔、巴士拉和巴格达等大城市. (2)亚美尼亚人(Armenians)约有7.203万人,居住在巴格达、巴士拉和摩苏尔等大城市. 据说,他们是在20世纪初期由土耳其迁徙而来.

Young Turks:年轻的土耳其人

究其原因,真不是CAA的对手们无心无力,而是创立CAA的超级经纪人迈克尔.奥维茨(Michael Ovitz)所设计的模式几近完美,接班的"年轻的土耳其人"(Young Turks)又稳扎稳打,使CAA一步步成为一架越来越强大的战车,以至于当奥维茨本人多年后重操旧业也未能再现传奇,