英语人>词典>汉英 : 圈套 的英文翻译,例句
圈套 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
decoy  ·  mesh  ·  snare  ·  springe  ·  toil  ·  trap  ·  traprock  ·  web  ·  toiled  ·  toiling  ·  decoyed  ·  decoying  ·  decoys  ·  meshes  ·  snared  ·  snares  ·  snaring  ·  webs

a put-up job · a got-up affair
更多网络例句与圈套相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If your a tt ack is going really well,it''s an


If your a tt ack is going really well, it's an ambush.


If your a tt ack is going well, it's an ambush.


Jean Valjean laid a host of ambushes for him; he changed his hour, he changed his bench, he forgot his handkerchief, he came alone to the Luxembourg; Marius dashed headlong into all these snares; and to all the interrogation marks planted by Jean Valjean in his pathway, he ingenuously answered "yes."


So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city , when it is brought within the circle of the " rounder " and the roue , even though it be at the outermost rim , they can come forth and use their alluring arts


So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city, when it is brought within the circle of the "rounder" the roue, even though it be at the outermost rim, they can come forth use their alluring arts.


Lucky star company shows to our newspaper reporter yesterday, after manslaughter, strange tiger 360 companies not only search a reason to solve a problem without actively, instead with " a vicious person manipulating sb or sth from behind the scenes of behind the curtain "," decoy is talked " wait for one's words recriminate, its are in charge of high express to media even:"Sample book of a virus is put intentionally in firewall, measure of this kind of technology is very easy those who cause ","The likelihood is the decoy that lucky star has designed ".


Never store traps in the "set" position as animals may wander into even unbaited traps.


Mr. Zhao again rose to the bait set by the guys.

圈套 rise to a bait 赵先生又上了那帮人的圈套了。

As soon as the intended cat is trapped, completely cover the trap and remove the trap from the area.


更多网络解释与圈套相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be caught in:遇(雨);陷入(圈套)

2.look into 调查 | 3.be caught in 遇(雨);陷入(圈套) | 4.be on hire 失火

It all reeks of a Burgundian trap:绝对是勃艮第人设下的圈套

Your Majesty, I urge you not to see this woman.|殿下... | It all reeks of a Burgundian trap.|绝对是勃艮第人设下的圈套 | My astrologers assure me the timing is propitious: Leo with Virgo rising.|占星师告...

decoy duck:诱惑物; 勾引人入圈套的人

chance the ducks 好歹试一试 | decoy duck 诱惑物; 勾引人入圈套的人 | fuck a duck [美俚]他妈的; 去你的(表示惊讶、不相信、拒绝等)

Thorny Decoy:多刺圈套,召唤一个圈套,让敌人远离你 主动

Nature's Medicine:自然之药,(?)增加回血速度 被动 | Thorny Decoy:多刺圈套,召唤一个圈套,让敌人远离你 主动 | Stone Storm:岩石风暴, 下石头雨给敌人造成伤害 主动

put up job:勾当; 诡计; 圈套

put-up affair 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | put-up job 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | settle one's affairs 安排自己的事 在(遗嘱中)把财产安排妥当


springe 设圈套 | springe 使上圈套 | springheadwellheadwellspring 泉源


springbok /羚羊的一种/ | springe /圈套/陷阱/使上圈套/设圈套/ | springer /跳跃的人/起拱石/一种狗/

rise to the bait:(鱼)上钩,(人)入圈套, 上当

1 rise to the bait(鱼)上钩,(人)入圈套, 上当 | take the bait上钩,上当,陷入圈套;(鱼)吞下的钓饵 | 2 be in the balance(生命等)在危急状态中,(命运等)未定.悬而未决, 犹豫

put-up affair:勾当; 诡计; 圈套

pretty state of affairs [口]窘境 | put-up affair 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | put-up job 勾当; 诡计; 圈套

a spider and a fly:设圈套者和落入圈套者

a spent bullet || 强弩之末 | a spider and a fly || 设圈套者和落入圈套者 | a spot of || 少量的