英语人>词典>汉英 : 圈占 的英文翻译,例句
圈占 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与圈占相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Worse, rich mudflats are being "reclaimed" for development. The most notorious example, in South Korea, is a 20-mile seawall built to enclose a huge estuary and mudflats at Saemangeum, an area two-thirds the size of Singapore where 400,000 birds, including the spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank, had fed.


Worse, rich mudflats are being "reclaimed" for development. The most notorious example, in South Korea, is a 20-mile (33km) seawall built to enclose a huge estuary and mudflats at Saemangeum, an area two-thirds the size of Singapore where 400,000 birds, including the spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank, had fed.


However,stepwise enclosure,landlords' appropriating the common into private pasture,deprived the poor's living materials and further deteriorated the pauperization. Moreover,those landless people had on alternatives but to wander otherwise to begaround and hence forced profound change in social policies.


One, cleaning up development zones to the "three represents" as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's 16th Party Congress, on the basis of the relevant state laws and regulations, The overall land use planning and the overall urban planning, corrective ultra vires and, of encirclements within them, such as land-transfer activities, and to promote the healthy development of all types of development zones and the sustainable use of land resources.


One, cleaning up development zones to the "three represents" as the guide, thoroughly implement the Party's 16th Party Congress spirit to the relevant state laws and regulations, land use planning and the overall urban planning in general, correct ultra vires and, of encirclements within them, such as land-transfer activities, and to promote the healthy development of all types of development zones and the sustainable use of land resources.


Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.


Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.


In this process there are a large number of encirclements within them the phenomenon of extreme social instability factor.


Because of strict land management system were not implemented, some places in planning large encirclements within them, the indiscriminate use of cultivated land, against the interests of the peasants and the impact of the macroeconomic operation, and increase social instability.


One, cleaning up development zones to the "three represents" as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's 16th Party Congress, on the basis of the relevant state laws and regulations, The overall land use planning and the overall urban planning, corrective ultra vires and, of encirclements within them, such as land-transfer activities, and to promote the healthy development of all types of development zones and the sustainable use of land resources.


更多网络解释与圈占相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coil spring:圈狀彈簧

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cable ferrule:电缆套圈

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igneous rock:火成岩

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