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圆点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dot  ·  dotting

round dot · circle dot
更多网络例句与圆点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is then aptly applied to large quantum dots.


Yes, sort of like the way argyle socks and polka-dotted bow ties go together.


Remove the carburetor and backplate assembly. Notice the impressionmade on the crankshaft counterweight. Position it directly straight down


Remove the carburetor and backplate assembly. Notice the impression made on the crankshaft counterweight.


Well,a Struldbrug is a human being who will never die,but will live for ever.If a Luggnuggian baby is born with a round spot above its left eye,which never disappears,it's a Struldbrug.


Bullet: Phototypesetting term for a large dot used to organize unnumbered lists or for ornamentation.


Hawkers fitted a long sight bar for the ring and bead on which the pilot could choose the position of the two elements, some preferring the the ring in the centre with a bead at either end.


Past winners of the spotty jersey include Fausto Coppi, Federico Bahamontes, Charly Gaul, Eddy Merckx, Lucien Van Impe, Bernard Hinault, Luis Herrera, Claudio Chiappucci, Laurent Jalabert, and Richard Virenque. The latter has claimed the jersey a record seven times, but has now retired and the competition is wide open this year.

今年的圆点衫争夺少了环法7届圆点衫得主法国人Richard Virenque,让本届圆点衫得主预测有了不小的难度,因为往往最好的爬坡手都着眼于黄衫的争夺,真正向Virenque这样以圆点衫为第一目标的爬坡好手并不是太多。

Like the green jersey, the mountains jersey also requires consistency, but not in the same way. Most of the time, a rider wanting the dots will get in a breakaway on one of the first big mountain stages and win most of the points. The defense of it usually requires another long breakaway, but polka dot contenders don't have to concentrate on every single bonus like the sprinters do, because the big climbs are worth so much more than the small ones.


Think dark jeans with a bright polka-dot top, or contrast a nude shift dress with a tailored spotty jacket.


更多网络解释与圆点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concyclic points:共圆点

concyclic 共圆 | concyclic points 共圆点 | condition 条件

concyclic points:共圆点Btu中国学习动力网

concyclic 共圆Btu中国学习动力网 | concyclic points 共圆点Btu中国学习动力网 | condition 条件Btu中国学习动力网

dot chart:圆点图

doe research and development report 能源部研究与发展报告 | dot chart 圆点图 | draft of auditor's report 审计报告初稿


3.9 POLYLINE多段线(PLINE)显示在尺寸线的两端,标出尺寸线和尺寸界线的交点. 可以为箭头或终止符号标记指定不同的形状. 箭头有各种形态,如记号型(tick marks)、开箭头(open arrowhead)、圆点(dot)等.

int pointY:时钟圆点的纵坐标

int pointX ; /时钟圆点的横坐标 | int pointY ; /时钟圆点的纵坐标 | private int sx; /秒针头的横坐标

polka dot dress:圆点花纹服

Politen-Omni 波利滕-奥姆尼聚乙烯纤维 | polka dot dress 圆点花纹服 | polka dot frock 圆点花纹长外衣

polka dot frock:圆点花纹长外衣

polka dot dress 圆点花纹服 | polka dot frock 圆点花纹长外衣 | polka gauze 织绣点子纱罗

bicircular curve:重[虚]圆点曲线

双特征式(性线) bicharacteristics | 重[虚]圆点曲线 bicircular curve | 重[虚]圆点四次线 bicircular quartic

bicircular quartic:重[虚]圆点四次线

双特征式(性线) bicharacteristics | 重[虚]圆点曲线 bicircular curve | 重[虚]圆点四次线 bicircular quartic

bicircular quartic; cyclic quartic:重[虚]圆点四次线

969,"bicircular curve","重[虚]圆点曲线" | 970,"bicircular quartic; cyclic quartic","重[虚]圆点四次线" | 971,"bicircular surface; cyclide","重虚圆纹曲面"