英语人>词典>汉英 : 图形用户界面 的英文翻译,例句
图形用户界面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

graphical user interface
更多网络例句与图形用户界面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How to design the software package of control system computer-aided analysis using the graphics user interface development tool of MATLAB are discussed in detail.


The article through the analysis of the various processing techniques to voice signal, in use of FFT algorithms and MATLAB language algorithms, uses MATLAB language guide orders generating graphical user interface GUI, achieves achieve real-time repeat, the plus window treatment, Butterworth filter processing and the repeat of processed voice signal and the display of spectrum analysis to voice of signals collection, functions of various window and filter characteristics analysis and display through the menus and controls of interface by the callback function for the operation; Doing them for the purposes of visibleness, audibility, visuality and intuitionistics.

本文通过对语音信号各种处理技术的分析,采用FFT 算法和MATLAB语言算法,运用MATLAB语言的GUIDE命令生成图形用户界面GUI,通过界面菜单和控件的回调函数的编写,实现对采集的语音信号进行实时回放、加窗处理、巴特沃斯滤波处理以及处理后语音的回放和频谱分析及显示,各种窗函数以及滤波函数的特性分析和显示等;达到可视、可听形象直观的目的。形成一套特色化的软件演示系统,操作简单,方便使用,形象直观,可直接用于课堂教学和实验,更一步促进上海大学的多媒体教学改革

Unlike the Privateer remake, Gemini Gold has no fan-content like buyable capships and space communists, but adds overall GUI improvements, new models, textures and sprite graphics, it boasts overhauled game balance and interaction on bases, adds malfunction of ship systems when damaged, and includes more and optimized base animations, with a printer-friendly manual.

与《私掠者》的重制版本不同的是,《Gemini Gold》并不包含诸如可购买的大型战舰以及太空共产主义者等等这样的爱好者的创意内容,不过它却增加有对图形用户界面的彻底改进以及全新的模型、材质以及子图形。

Batch mode, Command Line and GUI, each kind of UI style has been dominate in...


Any book on user interface design must discuss w indo w s, a hallmark of the modern graphical user interface.


By using the GUI program, the user can deal with practical problem conveniently: soil space distributing, soils parameter; having or no water and water distribution, loads distribution and values; earthquake condition; start element of KEM; pointing out the elements which displacement should be known and the displacement value.


By drawing the dot mat rix on the pixmap and putting the pixmap into the label of the widget , the Chinese user interface is realized.

在以X Window 为图形用户界面的条件下,通过提取中文字符的点阵信息产生点阵字库,将点阵信息以画点的方式绘制在象图上,将象图赋给组件的标签,从而实现基于 VxWorks 的中文图形界面。

In chapter 4, basing theories and methods of scientific visualization, and artificial neural network BP algorithm, we integrate the Visual C++, OpenGL graphics library and Excel VBA technique to develop the program of artificial neural network and to make the BP algorithm visually, this program works can be divided into four parts: Using C language to develop program about BP algorithm; Using Visual C++, develop the GUI Interface, make input parameter visually; Using OpenGL graphic technique to display the training sample point in three dimension; at last using Excel DDE technique display the error graphic tables in Excel system In chapter 5, on the view of engineering application, we establish new method of surface reconstruction basing artificial neural network, develop interface program between module and commercial CAD/CAM system, meantime deeply discuss some key problems, for example, setting up the base plane, using the API technique, cutting and editing surface boundary, and also discuss the more compliant problem: how to intersect surface, at end we finish the work of translation from our surface reconstruction module to commercial CAD/CAM system, then make reverse engineering system basing artificial neural network more useful.

第四章基于科学计算可视化理论,依据人工神经网络BP算法理论模型,综合Visual C++,OpenGL图形库以及Excel VBA等多项软件开发技术,编制了人工神经网络程序,实现了BP算法的可视化映射。具体工作分为四部分:利用C语言实现人工神经网络BP算法;利用VisualC++的GUI技术开发图形用户界面,实现参数设置可视化;利用OpenGL图形技术进行三维映射,显示学习样本及训练样本点;利用微软电子表格DDE动态数据交换技术,在Excel上动态显示学习误差曲线图。第五章从工程应用的角度出发,提出了一种新的基于人工神经网络算法的曲面裁剪重构方法,完成了曲面重建模块与通用CAD/CAM系统的接口设计工作,对其中的若干关键问题进行了深入讨论,例如基平面设定、API技术的应用、边界裁剪等问题,同时,对曲面计算中较为困难的曲面相交问题也进行的专门探讨,最终完成了曲面重建模块向CAD/CAM系统的数据传输工作,使人工神经网络逆向工程系统趋向实用。

Based on an idiographic design example,this paper introduces basic methods to generate GUI with GUIDE.


1 Visual Basic Introduction Visual meaning "visualization" refers to a development of graphical user interface way of using this method, the programmer need not write code for a large number of interface elements to describe the appearance and location of as long as the pre-establishment of a good interface elements (such as buttons, list boxes, labels and the like) to the screen with the mouse drag and drop the appropriate location.

2.1 Visual Basic 简介 Visual 意为&可视化的&,指的是一种开发图形用户界面的方法,使用这种方法,程序员不需编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,只要把预先建立好的界面元素(例如按钮、列表框、标签之类)用鼠标拖放到屏幕的适当位置即可。

更多网络解释与图形用户界面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

graphic object:图形对象,图形目标

1021graphic display resolution图形显示分辨率 | 1022graphic object图形对象,图形目标 | 1023graphical user interface图形用户界面

graphical user interface:图形用户界面

GUI 图形用户界面(graphical user interface)的缩写. GUI可使微机用户通过操作图形项而不必输入文本命令就同系统建立联系. 在PC机中,GEM是最早的GUI,目前Microsft Windows已经取代了GEM. 黑客(hacker) 计算机窃贼. 这是一个俚语,

graphical user interface:用户界面

图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface),作为人机交互技术的重要内容,以丰富的图形图像信息、直观的表达方式与用户交互. 使用GUI作为人机界面的软件系统简洁、美观、...

GUI Graphical User Interface:图形用户界面

64 GL General Ledger 总账 | 65 GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面 | 66 HRM Human Resource Management 人力资源管理

Graphical User Interface, GUI:图形用户界面

,"Goodwill",,"商誉" | ,"Graphical User Interface","GUI","图形用户界面" | ,"Gross Income",,"毛收入","N"

MCI graphical user interface:图形用户界面

graphical calculation 图解法,图解计算 | MCI graphical user interface 图形用户界面 | graphite moderated reactor 石墨慢化反应堆

and Graphical user interface:图形用户界面

图形化组态建模:graphical modular modeling | 图形用户界面:graphical user interfaces | 图形用户界面:and Graphical user interface.




我们来看看在Windows上宿主VMware Server的最后一个消极方面是主机操作系统的开销. 由于在Windows的默认情况下,所有不必要的服务都是开启的,所以Windows比Linux有更高的持续性开销,这还不用说Windows的图形用户界面(GUL)的开销.


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