英语人>词典>汉英 : 图形数据处理 的英文翻译,例句
图形数据处理 的英文翻译、例句


graphic processing
更多网络例句与图形数据处理相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The foundation of this system provides a good reference to promote the standardization and intelligence of the overhaul and maintenance of vacuum switches. This paper develops a special HF pulse power supply for internal pressure estimation, which achieves the output of HF-HV sinusoidal pulse wave whose frequency and amplitude can be modified respectively, and meets the design requirements according to the results of Simulink simulation and practical experiments. With the help of AT89S52, this paper designs an I~2C serial bus based signal detection system for peak value signal acquisition of HF pulse currents, which communicates with the upper computer by asynchronous serial communication for uploading the data. In the upper computer, a human computer interface is developed by Matlab software, whose functions are to do some computation and graphic display, such as calibrating the relation curve of vacuum degree and peak value of HF pulse currents, vacuum degree computation, and vacuum lifetime evaluation analysis basing on grey forecasting model as well as making relative suggestions.


The system mainly consists files and maps of basic graphics system, graphics elements (possess for processing point, the line, face, network graphic elements), the graphics operations (possess for blowing up graphics and dwindling graphics, movement, backdate and other operational functions), graphics import and export (possess for the mouse coordinate mapping,graphics data coordinate imported), conventions and the use of line-type, the son-graphics of filling the function module, to achieve the basic functions of the vector graphics.


This paper describes that how to realize the data processing in HL-2A DAS with two different methods.

介绍了HL-2A DAS数据处理软件中,实现数据处理与图形功能扩展的两种方法。

When coping with the data of "Two Liquid System Gas-Liquid Equilibrium Phase Diagram",the software can diminish the errors of data processing,make data processing easier and render the experiment reports more reasonable.


A request is received to send graphics data to a graphics adapter from a first graphics process within the plurality of graphics processes.


A determination is made as to whether a complete change in a current context is required for the graphics adapter to process the graphics data from the first graphics process.


This paper presents a design method of an off-line portable scanner, which can be used without computer. We discuss the system based on a synchronous Digital Signal Processor with multicenter, which is used to gather data with high speed. TIs TMS320VC5402 is a sixteen-bit fix processor, and we make it the core of our control system. Because it can not only handle data with high speed but also manipulate the data by abundant arithmetic/logic operations and determine the results of processing which can be output quickly as images.


Using the function of powerful data calculation of Excel and the capacity of complicated data figuring of Orgin, the data of fluid flow resistance can be computed and graphed respectively. In other words, the method can speedily and exactly dispose the data of fluid flow resistance.


The method includes acquiring with the frequency meter the tested clock signal and measuring its frequency; sending the tested frequency value to the data acquisition and processing module for calculation and processing regularly; and processing the frequency data comprehensively in the data processing output module and displaying output figure and historical data.


A reverse measurement system about the data collecting of 2-D object edge based on machine vision is discussed,in order to realize digital data input of the dimensions of 2-D object complex edge. This system realized calibration in large scene by virtual grid calibration method, and advanced the precision of system by using double CCD cameras. It realized data mergence by setting up referencer of regular shape. Some methods were put forward to realize graphics vectorization such as using eight-chain code difference to search for the turning points, and using change-length subjunctive beeline to distinguish linetype. The output data use the general DXF document format to connect the software of CAD. Research indicated that this system can be applied in reverse measurement to the dimensions of 2-D object complex edge.


更多网络解释与图形数据处理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data processing:数据处理

数据处理(data processing)是对数据的采集、存储、检索、加工、变换和传输. 数据是对事实、概念或指令的一种表达形式,可由人工或自动化装置进行处理. 数据的形式可以是数字、文字、图形或声音等. 数据经过解释并赋予一定的意义之后,便成为信息

DB DataBase:数据库

第二节 数据库概述 数据库(DB DataBase)是数据管理的最新技术,是计算机科学的一个重要分支学科. 数据库中存储的基本对象是数据(Data). 数据泛指计算机能够处理的各种事实、数字、字符等各类符号的集合. 如文字、图形、图像、声音、银行的账户记录、产品的销售记录等.

dynamic random access memory:动态随机存储器

Data Processing Memory Information;数据处理内存信息;DPMI; | Dynamic Random-Access Memory;动态随机存储器;DRAM; | Enhanced Graphic Adapter;增强型图形显示器;EGA;


16位浮点格式被称为"半"(half),兼容NVIDIA Cg图形语言的半(half)数据类型,而NVIDIA的GeForce FX和Quadro FX 3D解决方案也原生支持这种格式. 除了新的16X AA和128位HDR功能,G80还将内置和PureVideo类似的视频处理引擎以及量子效果(Quantum Effect)引擎.

System Memory:系统存储器

系统存储器(System Memory) 主板配置单个DDR2 SODIMM200 Sockect,用户自行选配 DDR2 内存,支持 DDR2-400/533/667,最大容量可达2GB. 注:DDR2 频率选要与 CPU 互相适应. 图形显示功能 * 主板内建的图形控制器具有可以进行并行数据处理和精确像素插入的3D超管线架构,

image mosaic:图像镶嵌

使地形块之间无裂缝,以达到地形的快速绘制.试验表明该算法可以处理海量地形数据.图像镶嵌(Image Mosaic)一直是计算机图形学和计算机视觉中的热点问题.本文提出一种基于特征点匹配的图像嵌镶新算法.考虑到所采集的图像序列中存在冗余,

fuzzy pattern recognition:模糊模式识别

结合全国荒漠化典型监测,以盐池荒漠化定位监测研究为对象,在分析以往大量资料的基础上,结合典型调查数据,在图形图象处理方面,采用R2V数字化软件以及ArcView GIS系统,并利用马尔可夫链(Markov)模型和模糊模式识别(Fuzzy Pattern Recognition)数学方法对盐池荒漠




在图形处理流水线中,处理的对象包括:顶点(vertices),几何图元(primitives),片元(fragment),像素(pixel). 图1展示了一个简化的七级图形流水线. 数据以流的形式(streamentities)在流水线中流动. 这条简化的流水线中,


VIEW以HP公司的HP900/835为主,图形处理采用SGI公司的图形计算机或HP SRX图形系统;配备了Polhemus空间跟踪系统来跟踪使用者手和头的位置;配备了LEEP广角立体视景头戴显示器和单色液晶显示器、Convolvotro三维音频输出设备、VPL数据手套(DataGlove)用于识别使用者手势