英语人>词典>汉英 : 图形 的英文翻译,例句
图形 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
delineation  ·  figure  ·  figures  ·  graphics  ·  logo  ·  patterning  ·  G  ·  figs

更多网络例句与图形相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The system mainly consists files and maps of basic graphics system, graphics elements (possess for processing point, the line, face, network graphic elements), the graphics operations (possess for blowing up graphics and dwindling graphics, movement, backdate and other operational functions), graphics import and export (possess for the mouse coordinate mapping,graphics data coordinate imported), conventions and the use of line-type, the son-graphics of filling the function module, to achieve the basic functions of the vector graphics.


ABSTRACT To improve the parametric design method which is based on points, lines and circles, this dissertation presents the theory and methodology of parametric design which is based on relating-graph. The expression, organization, cyclic problem, covariation and extension method of relating-graph are studied.


The results showed that the activation ability value of the elite fencing athletes brain ability of infor oration processing was much higher than that of the normal people, which meant the brain could deal with more information and have more methods of information processing. The superior unilateral brain regions of information processing were the left forebrain and right epencephalon, which were the best match of both- side brain. Female athlete moods were more stable than the male athlete;besides, they were more active, having more powerful logic memory, and more rational thoughts. Among the parameter of FFQG, marginal modulus reflected the consumption of information processing which was related with the fencing athlete athletic for m. T his, the low er the modulus w as, the better w as the athletic for m. T he fencing athlete with good marginal modulus was 6z.4%.w ith the nor oral being 3 }.6%.which indicated that the efficiency of Chinese fencing athlete brain ability of information processing was rather high.


This paper introduces basic concepts, representation methods and practiCal applications of computer internal division graph and external divistion graph, and presents a linear mapping method of representing internal divisio.


The key technical problem of roughcast in the virtual machining environment is to handle three-dimensional shape, which includes the method of setting up geometrical model of three-dimensional shape of roughcast , the data structure that displays three-dimensional shape, process compiling three-dimensional shape, etc.


it was a routine way for graph- drawing based on coordinate data in application software to program and graph processing,because from coordinate data to graph it is uniqueness.in hydrologic analysis,we calculated related data according to figure parameters,as using rainstorm isoline to reckon average rainfall in the river basin.through examples and analysis,the paper proposed methods for curve numerical translation and area calculation by vb.


"Electronic 1C Chip drawing system" provides many functions such as "modify the position of the component"s diagram""modify the color of the component"s diagram""magnify and minify the component"s diagram without distortion""change the type of drawing line""edit some physical properties of the component""copy and paste diagram of one component""delete one or more component diagrams""move more than one components" positions""change the z_order of the diagram,set it to back or bring it to front""save the drawing of the electronic components to one file and the file extension name is *.brd""print the drawing".

电路板元器件绘制系统主要完成了使用鼠标拖拽、鼠标点按的方式绘制电路板上各种常见的元器件图形;编辑电路板上元器件图形的位置;编辑元器件图形的颜色;不失真的对器件图形进行放大和缩小;编辑元器件图形的线型;编辑电路板上各个器件的物理属性(比如电阻的阻值大小、电容的容量大小、额定电压等);复制已经绘制出的电路板上的器件;粘贴剪贴板上的器件;删除单个或多个已经绘制出的器件图形;同时改变多个器件图形的位置;改变绘制区内各个元器件的z order顺序,也就是可以将层叠在一起的图形置前或置后;把绘制的电路板器件图保存到指定文件中;能打开、查看和修改保存的电路板器件图;打印电路板器件图。

And their fractal figures have been drawn. Meanwhile, to obtain a better visual effect and simulate actual natural scene, software adopts the real color and color palette to enrich figures, and color animated cartoon to change them. To show the self-similarity and infinitive tractility of fractal figures, partial zoom has been made on them. In addition, the software also provides several groups of graphic parameters. Very different fractal figure can be created through slightly changing such parameters.


On the other hand, as illustrated in Picture B and D, the price drop would become material objects' price drop because of the continuous flow syphonage capital. Pictures stood by Picture B and D can become anti-syphonage theory pictures. The syphonage pictures and anti-syphonage pictures can simply stand for two converse investment opportunities. Under normal situations, commodity's syphonage capital flow can demonstrate a slow increasing situation in the long run. But the situation is usually affected by supply-and-demand situation in the middle and short run. Especially in the type of gurantee sum exchange, the supply-and-demand situation is a major factor affecting commodity price even in a price dominated market. The commodity's ultimate price will comparatively alter when the outer influence changes, and sometimes the price may change to a completely converse direction as expected. In case of the above case, we need to observe and research the influential factors. However the research is not like the Butterfly Theory research on slight variables. Syphonage theory deems that if continuous observance extends more than a certain percentage, such as 10% influential factor, and we continue researching, immediately putting 10% influential factors into research scale, we could finish the all-round research on commodity price analysis.


In fact, Computer Graphics indicate the developmental level of the Computer software and hardware, This is because Graphics have become the most important medium to transfer all kinds of information. Computer Graphics?research object is graphics, and the point , line and surface make up of the graphics ,In addition, During the real application, every graphics is made up of millions of the lines and curves, the speed and quality of the line and curve affected the implement of the whole graphics.


更多网络解释与图形相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

graphics cursor:图形光标 图形游标

graphic area 图形图形区 | graphics cursor 图形光标 图形游标 | graphics screen 图形图形萤幕

graphics cursor:图形区 图形区

Grads 百分度 分度 graphic area | 图形图形区 graphics cursor | 图形光标 图形游标 graphics screen

graphics digitizer:图形数字化仪

graphics capability 图形处理能力 | graphics digitizer 图形数字化仪 | graphics driver 图形驱动器图形驱动程序


鲁宾将较大的图形(在该较大的图形上面或里面可以见到较小的图形)称为背景(ground),而将较小的图形称为"图形"(figure). 关于这一术语如何运用,我们将在后面表述;现在,它有助于我们界定我们图样的模棱两可性:它们被如此组织,

GINO GraphicInterfaceManagementEnvironment:图形界面管理环境

GEA GraphicEscape 图形换码,图形转义符 | GINO GraphicInterfaceManagementEnvironment 图形界面管理环境 | GK GraphicJavaToolkit 图形"爪哇"工具包


随后,ISO发布了计算机图形接口(CGI)、计算机图形元文件标准(CGM)、计算机图形核心系统(GKS)、程序员层次交互式图形系统PHIGS等国际标准文本. 在产品数据交换方面,70年代末,美国CAM-I提出了初始化图形标准IGES、产品数据定义接口PDDI、产品数据交换规范PDES.

graphic object:图形对象,图形目标

1021graphic display resolution图形显示分辨率 | 1022graphic object图形对象,图形目标 | 1023graphical user interface图形用户界面

enhanced graphics adapter:增强图形适配器,增强图形显示卡

Envelop Generator 包络发生器 | Enhanced Graphics Adapter 增强图形适配器,增强图形显示卡 | Enhanced Graphics Display 增强型图形显示器,增强型彩显

Graphics window:图形窗口 图形视窗

graphics screen 图形图形萤幕 | graphics window 图形窗口 图形视窗 | graphscr 图形图形萤幕

show box:检查图形时,是否显示图形立体轮廓包围线

3D Bar Chart--三维直方图: | Show Border--检查图形时,是否显示图形矩形包围线: | Show Box--检查图形时,是否显示图形立体轮廓包围线.