英语人>词典>汉英 : 国王的王位 的英文翻译,例句
国王的王位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与国王的王位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fascination with the king draws Alais deep into political intrigue, and she soon discovers what Eleanor is prepared to do to retain her position as queen.


And his burp shook the throne of the king!


Then join Korin, the overthrown Cimmerian king, in a valiant quest to restore peace and reclaim his throne.

然后加入korin ,推翻cimmerian国王,在一个勇敢的追求,以恢复和平和填他的王位。

According to a disputed tradition, reported by Diogenes Laertius, Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus.


Not far thence may we see the Mahometan shutting up the children of the King of Sennar, at whose death the council sends to murder them, in favour of the prince who mounts the throne.


In Greek mythology, Danae was the daughter of the King of Acrisius. Since the king believed in the prophesy that Danae's son would deprive him of his throne, he locked his daughter in a high tower and kept her isolated from the outside world.


Answer: He rebuked Queen Herodias the wife of King Heroid on marital issue just for the fact that before he was exalted to the throne of Israel he was engaged in marital affair in other to become the king Son-In-Law for an exchange of the head of the Goliath which he beheaded as pre-condition.


Even though he is undoubtedly the best-trained heir to the throne we've ever had, the public seem reluctant to accept him as king.


Even though he is undoubtedly the best-trained heir to the Sony Laptop we've ever had, the public seem reluctant to accept him as king.


In the fourth year of Jehoiakim-that is, the year of the battle of Carchemish and of Nebuchadnezzar's victory and accession to the throne-Jeremiah proclaims that Yhwh, in revenge for Judah's sins, will bring His servant Nebuchadnezzar and the peoples of the north against Judah and the surrounding peoples; that they will serve the King of Babylon for seventy years; and that at the end of this time Yhwh will punish the King of Babylon and the Chaldeans.

在第四个年头Jehoiakim ,也就是当年的战役Carchemish和尼布甲尼撒的胜利,并加入了王位,耶利米宣布Yhwh ,以报复犹太的罪,将他的仆人尼布甲尼撒和人民对朝鲜犹太和周围的人民;他们将巴比伦国王的七十年;,并在本月底将惩罚时间Yhwh国王和巴比伦的迦勒。

更多网络解释与国王的王位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Constitutional Monarchy:君主立宪

这个法案在政治上解决了国王与议会的关系问题,实现了君主立宪(constitutional monarchy);在宗教上则解决了长期困扰英国的新教与罗马天主教的争端,规定凡信仰罗马天主教,或与天主教徒结婚的人,都不得继承王位.

terra cotta:陶器

哈努曼陶器(terra cotta)罗摩在寻找悉多的过程中遇到猴王国国王须羯哩婆,须羯哩婆被其兄波林夺去王位和妻子,罗摩和神猴哈努曼帮助须羯哩婆杀死波林,夺回王位.


但又过了没多久人民受不住新国王的高压统治,一个英雄(hero)出现了,他 偷走了梨,国王没了梨他的军队都不服从他了,那个英雄顺理成章成为国王. 过了几年,英雄国王的弟弟贪图他的王位于是毒死了他哥哥,又杀了他全家只有一个小王子逃出来了.




...dipus,有时拼为 Oidipous也有Odypus)是[[希腊神话]]中[[忒拜|底比斯]](Thebes)的国王,是国王[[拉伊奥斯]](Laius)和王后[[......妻. 后来正是由俄狄浦斯解开了斯芬克斯的谜题,解救了底比斯/忒拜. 他也继承了王位,

a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks:一个残暴的异教徒

and the king of England, 人称长腿爱德华的英格兰国王, | a cruel pagan known as Edward the Longshanks, 一个残暴的异教徒, | claimed the throne of Scotland for himself. 宣布苏格兰王位归他所有.

Parthian shot:帕提亞回馬箭

它'''安息回马箭''',也叫做帕提亚回马箭(Parthian Shot)属于骑兵的 [[1世纪]]时,[[安息|安息国]]发展出当时世界最强的骑兵. 骑兵分轻骑兵和重骑兵=== 安息战争 === ...世]](Osroes I)的王位,扶植Parthamaspates为罗马控制的傀儡安息国王. 三个行省在占领地上建立:[[亚美尼亚行省]]、[[亚


kingfisher 鱼狗 | kinghood 国王的王位 | Kinglake 金莱克

Elizabeth I:伊丽莎白

1603年,英格兰"童贞女王"伊丽莎白(Elizabeth I)亡故,将王位传于苏格兰国王詹姆斯六世(James VI,加冕为英格兰国王James I),两国实现了王位的联合,关系发生戏剧性改变.