英语人>词典>汉英 : 围廓 的英文翻译,例句
围廓 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In the south-west of Stalingrad, the German army tanks have also been implemented in the fourth spot, but the strong resistance of the Soviet Union, were forced into defense for the time being, to Aug. 17, was also in the outer layer of defense to stop enceinte In the southern region.


To August 10, the Department of the Soviet Union back to the east coast of the Don, in the outer defense of Stalingrad enceinte, to stop the German advance.


更多网络解释与围廓相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

parietal pleura:壁层胸膜

胸膜覆盖在肺表面的胸膜称为脏层胸膜(visceral pleura),覆盖在胸廓内面、膈上 面及纵隔的胸膜称为壁层胸膜(parietal pleura). 胸膜的脏、壁两层在肺根部互相反折延 续,围成左右两个完全封闭的胸膜腔. 腔内为负压,使两层胸膜紧密相贴,

visceral pleura:脏层胸膜

胸膜覆盖在肺表面的胸膜称为脏层胸膜(visceral pleura),覆盖在胸廓内面、膈上 面及纵隔的胸膜称为壁层胸膜(parietal pleura). 胸膜的脏、壁两层在肺根部互相反折延 续,围成左右两个完全封闭的胸膜腔. 腔内为负压,使两层胸膜紧密相贴,

costophrenic angle:肋膈角

肋膈角(costophrenic angle)是指胸部X光片中,横膈膜上方两侧,靠近胸廓边缘处,与肋骨内缘围成的锐角形的地方. 这个部位的肺野在正常的情况下,应该很干净呈透X光性很好的全黑色,与白色的围在外缘的肋骨及围在下缘的横膈呈强烈对比,

pleural cavity:胸膜腔

壁层胸膜覆于胸壁内面,膈上面和纵隔两侧面.脏,壁两层胸膜在肺根部互相延续,围成两个完全封闭的腔隙,称胸膜腔(pleural cavity).脏,壁两层胸膜互相延续处重叠形成三角形皱襞称为肺韧带.胸膜壁层根据所在位置可分为4部分.突出于胸廓上口,