英语人>词典>汉英 : 团矿 的英文翻译,例句
团矿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nodulize  ·  nodulizing

更多网络例句与团矿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After improvement of hot air stove for agglomerated ore drying process, heavy oil has been replaced by coal gas to produce hot air for drying agglomerated ore.


This paper studies crystallization rule of oxidized pellet based on mineralogical compositions and microstructure under different technological conditions.


Solid state reduction of raw titaniferous magnetic ore, its sinter , and pellets with H_2 and CO have been studied at various temperatures.


During the study of magnetite oxidation, a function for calculating the"equivalent osmosing thickness"of oxygen through the reacted product layer covered the unreacted part is put forward based on the oxidation process properties. It is this function that make the oxidation process model successful.


In order to raise the metallurgical property of pellets and the stabilize of the ironmaking furnace,the ability of linking crystal and the microscopic characteristics of balling iron concentrtes are studied through the characteristics of production technology and the raw materials condition at Nansteel.


Synthesized all above, the heat and mass transfer of charge bed is discussed in detail. After choosing seriously the former study results in this field, a whole temperature range process model for firing iron ore pellets containing solid fuel is established as well as its software is edited. The main physical chemistry reaction process within pellets and the heat statement can be calculated exactly with the process as long as the physical and chemical parameters of raw material are obtained through basic experiments. After finding out the reason of"temperature hysteresis"and"heat inertia"of the experimental induration device, a new kind of experimental induration device is designed. The"temperature hysteresis"of hot gas flow in the new device is avoided.


The method is to move the stoving from inside the pellet producing apparatus to one alone stoving furnace outside the pellet producing apparatus. Inside the stoving furnace, there are waveguide tube connected to microwave generator and conveying belt in the bottom, and the pellet is fed to inside cavity of the stoving furnace on the conveying belt, stoved by microwave quickly and discharged on the conveying belt to vertical pellet furnace for roasting.


And the production had proved that in the present technological conditions before ironmaking,the sinters (70%~75%) with 1.7~1.8 basicity adding (about 25%) acid pellet and a few lump ores are the reasonable.


The high temperature metallurgical properties of several burdens for Anyang steel were investigated. The results showed that RIof high basicity sinters was better than others, but the RDI(low temperature reduction degradation index) of it was the highest; the RDI and molten dripping property of pellets and lump ores were well, so we can get rational burden structure by combining sinters for blast furnace.


The hybrid pelletized sinter process can greatly decrease energy consumption and adapt to the agglomeration of iron ore fines. The hybrid pelletized sinter has the macrostructure and the physical properties similar to sinter and the good metallurgical properties similar to pellet.


更多网络解释与团矿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

briquette press:压煤砖机, 团压机

briquette 煤球 | briquette press 压煤砖机, 团压机 | briquetting 煤砖制造, 团矿


q一utuankuang球团矿(pellet)将细粒度的铁精矿配入少量球团私结剂,经过造球与焙烧制成的球状炉料. 它和烧结矿并称为人造富矿. 主要作为高炉炼铁的原料,也可以作为直接还原铁及熔融还原铁的原料,在炼钢过程中可作为氧化剂及冷却剂使用.

pellet feed:团矿料

pelican slip 滑钩 | pellet feed 团矿料 | pellet feed 球团原料

pellet feed:球团原料

pellet feed 团矿料 | pellet feed 球团原料 | pellet resistance 片状电阻

unburned pellets:未焙烧球团矿

umklapp transformation 反相变 | unburned pellets 未焙烧球团矿 | unburned refractory 未烧耐火材料

unfired pellets:冷固结球团矿

unfilled section 未充满的断面 | unfired pellets 冷固结球团矿 | uniaxial compression 单轴压缩


各类咨询公司对大宗散货的分类基本是一致的,主要是铁矿石[包括团矿(lump ore)、精矿(fines)和球团矿(pellets)],煤炭,粮谷,铝矾土,磷矿石5类. 大宗散货占全部干散货运量的60%多,而铁矿石、煤炭、粮谷3大散货约占大宗散货的90%,


brinell hardness 布氏硬度 | briquet 团矿 | bristle 刚毛


pellet 球团矿 | pelletizing 球团 | pellicular water 薄膜水

pelletizing plant:球团矿厂

pelletizing 成球 | pelletizing plant 球团矿厂 | pencil gate 淋雨式浇口