英语人>词典>汉英 : 团体 的英文翻译,例句
团体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bodies  ·  body  ·  community  ·  confraternity  ·  connexion  ·  fellowship  ·  group  ·  groups  ·  junta  ·  organization  ·  republic  ·  sodality  ·  communities  ·  confraternities  ·  sodalities  ·  fellowships

更多网络例句与团体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The elementary action group obtains the benefits of institutional changes by way of founding the secondary action group, using the method of conferring the licence rights. Certainly, the path that the elementary action group recognizes the licence rights is to study in this course. The course of institutional changes.


In fencing, women's team foil and women's team sabre will replace men's team foil and women's team epee.


This paper reported effect of group supervision , discussed about the related factors and suitableness of group supervis .


This paper reported effect of group supervision, discussed about the related factors and suitableness of group supervision, and gave some advice for the group supervision.


For almost eight months of leading the two TGGs, the co-researchers made use of various effective group skills in leading the groups and enhancing group interactions, group-openness, trustfulness, and discussion atmosphere. In the meantime, in order to achieve the group goals and satisfy the group members'' needs, we developed six models of operation suitable for TGG. Besides, we also found that TGGs might not be able to avoid some negative group dynamics, although they could develop some positive group dynamics.


This study examined leaders' experiences and members' perceptions of therapeutic factors in three types of group treatment in Taiwan: task, psychoeducational, and counseling groups, as classified by the ASGW Classification System. One hundred and thirteen college students and seven counselors participated and completed one of these three types of groups.

本研究旨在检视ASGW分类系统下三种类型团体:任务、教育心理与谘商团体之领导者经验与团体成员治疗因素知觉。113 位大学生和7位谘商员参与并完成三类型中的一个团体

The conclusion to junior high school student"s learning motivation intervention tactics of Group Counseling is: Positive self-suggestion of the member of group; Coming from member of community "important others" encouragement of significant others support; leader of group helps the member of group to improve and study successful understanding on the Basis of WDEP system-, Group"s leader helps the member of group to study and form correct casual attributions cognition.


The German-style, in which "the relationship between the team and the members who pose with it, is interdependence", reflects the stability of the common wealth for the group and the concept of security to balance the use of legal ownership in trade efficiency, comparing with the Rome-clear group in which the group and the personality of the members have a legible limits.


The German-style, in which "the relationship between the team and the members who pose with it, is interdependence",reflects the stability of the common wealth for the group and the concept of security to balance the use of legal ownershipin trade efficiency, comparing with the Rome-clear group in which the group and the personality of the members have alegible limits.


There are two issues in counseling groups related to the stages of group process. First, much of the existing literature on conceptualization of group stages is borrowed from theory or research of psychotherapy group and T-group; second, the lack of experimental evidence or the lack of theoretical basis for conceptualizing the stage development of a counseling group.


更多网络解释与团体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

behavior therapy groups:行为治疗团体 行为治疗团体

Behavior Therapy 行为疗法 | behavior therapy groups 行为治疗团体 行为治疗团体 | behavior transfer 行为转移

body corporate:法人团体

如立约人一方为法人团体 (body corporate)例如:有限公司之类,签署人必须获得适当授权. 另外,法人团体或公司的公章/戳记必须根据有关团体之组织纲领或公司章程的程序作出符印(affixing the common seal). 如立约双方未能依照有关规定确立契约的话,

BARTEL Cori:年加拿大温哥华 冰壶 女子冰壶 女子 团体 银牌 加拿大 巴特尔

2010年加拿大温哥华 冰壶 女子冰壶 女子 团体 银牌 加拿大 达比谢尔... | 2010年加拿大温哥华 冰壶 女子冰壶 女子 团体 银牌 加拿大 巴特尔 BARTEL Cori | 2010年加拿大温哥华 冰壶 女子冰壶 女子 团体 银牌 加拿大 摩...


因此,职业团体或法人团体(corporation)已成为现代城市社区发展机制中不可或缺的重要要素. 涂尔干在讨论职业团体在社会整合中的作用时,强调了它比其他团体更具优势的特点:"第一,职业团体到处都存在;第二,职业团体无论在什么地方都能起作用;

group difference:团体差异

group development 团体发展 | group difference 团体差异 | group dimension 团体维度

encounter group:会心团体

会心团体(Encounter group)是由训练团体变化而来,主张的训练重点由团体本身转移到个人成长方面,强调发展内在的自我,并且注重个人成长及自我发展. 会心团体是较少结构性的,团体间的互动并没有硬性规定,而团体的目标和方向也是由团体成员共同形成的,

Special interest group:特殊利益团体

特殊利益团体(special interest group)是许多志趣相投的人聚集在一起形成的. 假如为了维护团体的利益,所有成员决定齐心协力,争取让政治家制定有利于该团体的法律,那么这个特殊利益团体就具有了影响力.

pressure group:压力团体

今天上课是由庄国荣教授演讲,而庄教授所要演讲的主题是他所熟悉的智库与利益团体,庄教授把重点放再利益团体的说明上,利益团体又经常被称为压力团体(pressure group),与政党相同都是由一群人的组成,他们有著共同的目标或是信念,

Solving:团体问题解决 团体问题解决

group pressure toward uniformity 群体齐一性压力 | solving 团体问题解决 团体问题解决 | group process 团体历程

statutory body:法定团体

levant period) 就某法定团体或注册团体而言-(c) "法定团体"(statutory body) 指根据任何条例或根据任何条例所授权力而设立或组成(a) 有权在香港纺织业联会有限公司的大会上表决的该会的团体会员((b)(i)至(xii)段(2) 在第(1)(ja)款中,