英语人>词典>汉英 : 回避 的英文翻译,例句
回避 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abhor  ·  abhorred  ·  abstain  ·  bypass  ·  bypassing  ·  obviate  ·  obviation  ·  parry  ·  runaround  ·  shrink  ·  sidestep  ·  skirt  ·  abhorring  ·  abhors  ·  abstained  ·  abstaining  ·  abstains  ·  bypassed  ·  bypasses  ·  obviated  ·  obviates  ·  obviating  ·  parried  ·  parries  ·  parrying  ·  shrinks  ·  sidestepped  ·  sidestepping  ·  sidesteps  ·  skirts  ·  evasions  ·  evite  ·  debarb

keep clear of · keep one's distance · keep one's distance from · slide over · turn away from · fight shy of · put by
更多网络例句与回避相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This dissertation started with etymon and origin of challenge, analyzed the meaning and the basis of principle of law at the establishment of challenge system in litigation, and through the comparative law introduced the systems in representative nations of the common law system and the continental law system.


Evading the draft is an offence punishable with imprisonment and loss of other rights; for example a draft evader by law cannot get married, issued with a passport, leave the country, stay in a hotel without getting arrested and summarily sent to join the army.


We try to be sensitive to beauty while avoiding the ugly; but avoidance of the ugly makes for insensitivity.


But the most fanatical in the market, we still have to keep clear of the diving should be avoided to avoid.


Phobic avoidance – You begin to avoid certain situations or environments.


The paper has summarized evasion types, and explained the producible reasons of evasion.


Fourth, in order to improve litigation efficiency, and to maximize the allocation of judicial resources, it is very necessary to add in simple overruling procedure.


The case-handling personnel who are interested parties to the case shall voluntarily disqualify themselves for the case; otherwise, the party concerned may apply for disqualifying them.


This research finds out that there are differences of students with different majors, grades and self-estimation in four dimensions of achievement goal orientation.


B evade 回避: He side-stepped the issue by saying it was not part of his responsibilities.


更多网络解释与回避相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

adroitly sidestepping conflict and finessing confrontation:灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题

让亚洲的声音受到国际社会重视gave Asia a voice in the global arena | 灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题adroitly sidestepping conflict and finessing confrontation | 鹰派作风hawkishness

adroitly sideste ing conflict and fine ing confrontation:灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题

让亚洲的声音受到国际社会重视gave Asia a voice in the global arena | 灵活回避冲突,巧妙处理对立问题adroitly sideste ing conflict and fine ing confrontation | 鹰派作风hawkishne

risk aversion:风险回避

很明显,选择A的期望收入是500块,大于选择B,但是这世界上大多数人会选选择B,无他,风险回避(risk aversion)而已:稳拿450块多爽!象国内的会计从业要考试上岗学习一套会计体系一样,心理帐户也有一个体系,主要有三个组成部分:评估,归帐和平帐.

avoidance learning:回避学习

avoidance gradient 离避梯度 | avoidance learning 回避学习 | avoidance learning 回避学习

avoidance reaction:回避反应

4.行为学指标 在污染水域的监测中,水生生物和鱼类的回避反应(avoidance reaction)也是监测水质的一种比较灵敏、简便的方法. 回避反应是指水生生物、特别是游动能力强的水生生物避开受污染的水区、游向未受污染的清洁环境的行为反应.

evasion maneuver:回避操纵

evaporator tube bank 蒸发管排 | evasion maneuver 回避操纵 | evasive steering 回避操舵法

evasive steering:回避操舵法

evasion maneuver 回避操纵 | evasive steering 回避操舵法 | ex mill 制造厂交货


sacrifice 牺牲 | shirk 回避 | shun 回避

avoiding reaction:回避反应

avoidance reaction 回避反应 | avoiding reaction 回避反应 | awn 芒

avoidance personality disorder:回避型人格障碍

avoidance personality 回避人格 | avoidance personality disorder 回避型人格障碍 | avoidance personality disorder 回避型人格障碍