英语人>词典>汉英 : 回车 的英文翻译,例句
回车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
CR  ·  enter  ·  entered  ·  enters

carriage return · drawing-in
更多网络例句与回车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can align the text with spaces and enters.


Standard ASCII character set The first 32 values (o through 31) are codes for things like carriage return and line feed .


At the start of line ?prompt, type 0,0,0 and press enter.


Start Excel. A new, blank workbook appears. In cell A1, type 1 June 2002, and press ENTER.

打开 EXCEL ,一个新的,空白的表格出现( Cloud920:这老外说话真唐僧),在 A1输入2002年6月1日,回车

In Windows - they are identified by a combination of carriage return and line feed.


The only new thing in this prompt is the carriage return, which starts the second line.


By default, the hard carriage return between the previous line and this one is also preserved.


In accordance, we need additional carriage return and NEWLINE characters in


A hard return, also called carriage return or paragraph marker , is an actual symbol inserted into text that separates one paragraph from the next, usually inserted by the Return or Enter key.

回车是一种插入文本中将一段与另一段分隔的实际符号,通常通过回车(Return 或 Enter)键插入。

Position the cursor to the " aintenance Options" options, and then press the Enter-key in the sub-interface, the cursor position to the " tilities" option, to car will be asked to select the hard disk repair, now can choose their own needs, and then press Enter to enter the sub-interface, the cursor position to the "Zero Fill Drive"(zero-filled disk) option, and press enter button will appear after the red warning message.

将光标定位到"aintenance Options"选项,然后按回车键,在出现的次级界面中,将光标定位到"tilities"选项,回车后系统会要求选择需要修复的硬盘,此时可以根据自己的需要进行选择,然后按回车进入次级界面,将光标定位到"Zero Fill Drive"选项,按回车键后会出现红色的警告信息。

更多网络解释与回车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bloodlifeblood 血 | bloodline 血族 | bloodmobile 采血巡回车

carriage return:回车

在囚徒的故事中,两个囚徒是当事人(players)又称参与者;当事人所做的选择策略 (strategies)是承认了杀人事实,最后两关于"回车"(carriage return)和"换行"(line feed)这两个概念的来历和区别.

carriage return:回车符

013 CR 为"回车"符,(carriage return)010 LF 为"换行"符,(line feed )常数大小超过了倍精度浮点(double)数据的表示范围,系统将给出提示信息. 设计(Structured Programming)的高级语言Pascal 和C 不同,也与支持面向(6)主函数不可作其它属性说明,

CR carriage return:回车

69 CPT carpet 地毯 | 70 CR carriage return 回车 | 71 CUCV commercial utility cargo vehicle 商用,轻型,多用途载货汽车

CR carriage return:回车符

cover editor 封套编辑器 | CR Carriage Return 回车符 | crack 闯入

carriage return character:回车[托架返回]符号

alter egoism 同病相怜 | carriage return character 回车[托架返回]符号 | EVATA Electronic-Visual-Auditory Training Aid 电子视觉听觉训练辅助设备

carriage return character:回车符

caret 插入号 | carriage return character 回车符 | carriage return 回车

carriage return code:回车码

回车字符 carriage return character,CR | 回车码 carriage return code | 换行键,回车键 carriage return key

initial carriage return:起始回车

initial capitalization 最初投资 | initial carriage return 起始回车 | initial carrier 出发道路,最初承运人

Ctrl J:输入框里回车(跟回车一个效果)

7.Ctrl F QQ里直接显示字体设置工具条 | 8.Ctrl J 输入框里回车(跟回车一个效果) | 9.Ctrl M 输入框里回车(跟回车一个效果)