英语人>词典>汉英 : 回肠结肠炎 的英文翻译,例句
回肠结肠炎 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与回肠结肠炎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results showed:(1) The number of ChAc-IR neurons (62. 25±1. 45) in the group of visceral pain increased obviously. The positive neurons (46. 38±1. 27) in the group of electroacupuncture and visceral pain were lower than those of VP (p.05). These indicate that there were changes in cholinergic neurons' activity, increasing of ChAc function and turbulence of intestinal motility in rat's ileum following the acute colonitis.


Results Forty patients with Crohn's disease, seen women and 33 men, underwent DBE, and the ileum was inestigated in 38 patients. There were 25 cases of ileitis, 2 of colitis, and 13 of ileocolitis. Jejunal lesions were found in two and ileal lesions proximal to the terminal ileum were found in 24 patients with Crohn's disease. DBE was superior to radiological study to detect aphthae, erosions, and small ulcers in the ileum.

结果 通过双气囊小肠镜检查发现的40例克罗恩病患者中女性7例,男性33例,其中对38例患者进行回肠检查。25例回肠炎,2例结肠炎,13例回肠结肠炎。2例有空肠病变,24例回肠病变发生在末段回肠。

Ulcerative colitis may be associated with backwash ileitis that results in dilatation of the terminal ileum with a gaping ileocecal valve and, at times, a shaggy thin wall.


Other Procedures: The use of the continent ileostomy, which was an operation with some promise before IPAA was developed, is not a good primary operation for patients with ulcerative colitis.


Total proctocolectomy and ileostomy is a cure for UC,total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis improves defecation control but followed by a high incidence of stomal ulcer.


Results showed that there was an obvious decrease in the number of an ileum SP-IR nerve fibers following an acute colonitis. Electroacupuncture could inhibit SP releasing and an excess of intestinal motility.


Figure 6: Transverse CT image in a 24-year-old woman with Crohn ileocolitis shows thickening of terminal ileum and cecum with fibrofatty proliferation in right lower quadrant.

图6 为一位24对女性克罗恩回结肠炎横轴位CT图像,显示回肠末端及盲肠增厚,伴有周围纤维脂肪增值。

Total proctocolectomy and ileostomy is a cure for UC,total proctocolectomy and ileal pouch-anal anastomosis improves defecation control but followed by a high incidence of stomal ulcer.


更多网络解释与回肠结肠炎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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ileocolitis 回肠结肠炎 | ileocolitis 回结肠炎 | ileocolotomy 回肠结肠切开术

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ileocolitis 回结肠炎 | ileocolotomy 回肠结肠切开术 | ileostomy 回肠造口术