英语人>词典>汉英 : 回溯到 的英文翻译,例句
回溯到 的英文翻译、例句


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In practice this is the same as ascending from one child to a parent and descending to another child.


Dating back to the Eocene Period (55 to 34 million years ago), the Green River fossil beds are one of the most important in the United States of America.


This, he notes, pre-datesby a "fascinatingly short period" the great leap forward in human brain size, when our ancestors' brains underwent the last big expansion to reach today's size.


On reaching this stage of our story, we must turn back to the beginning, to Galileo's law of inertia.


Bethany continued to figure amongst the main shrines visited by members of the Jerusalem Church. The Armenian Lectionary, which dates back to 464-468, still sets down the ceremony for the Octave of the Epiphany and for the vigil of Palm Sunday.


Back to the 1974, a couple invited to harvest shulman Caribbean island of st. Thomas a memorable holiday, when the plane to romance in the land, and they have the reefs, and love the beach and Turkey lily-white blue seawater.


The subjectivist bias which is to be found in some of Husserl's work is traced by Levinas back to Descartes.


Transcendentalism is using a methodology of backdating, to any idea of experience, man should return to the premise which the idea derives from.


In the meat on the platter he saw the shining sun and traced its energy back through all its transformations to its source a hundred million miles away, or traced its energy ahead to the moving muscles in his arms that enabled him to cut the meat, and to the brain wherewith he willed the muscles to move to cut the meat, until, with inward gaze, he saw the same sun shining in his brain.


In the meat on the platter he saw the shining sun traced its energy back through all its transformations to its source a hundred million miles away, or traced its energy ahead to the moving muscles in his arms that enabled him to cut the meat, to the brain wherewith he willed the muscles to move to cut the meat, until, with inward gaze, he saw the same sun shining in his brain.

他从盘子里的肉看出了灿烂的阳光,又从阳光的种种转化形式回溯到它亿万里外的源头,或者 wwW.ssbbwW.coM 又从它的能量追踪到自己胳膊上运动着的肌肉,这肌肉使他能切肉。又从而追踪到支配肌肉切肉的脑子,最后,通过内视看到了太阳在他的脑子里放光。

更多网络解释与回溯到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


城堡位置: 伯克郡(Berkshire) 位于英国英格兰东南部区域伯克郡温莎-梅登黑德皇家自治市镇温莎,是世界上有人居住的城堡中最大的一个. 温莎城堡的历史可以回溯到威廉一世时期,城堡的地板面积大约有45,000平方米(484,000平方英呎)[1].


该词源于希腊语abyssos,14世纪末通过拉丁语abyssos被借入英语,其字面意义为"无底的"(bottomless). 但若进一步追根溯源,abyss 则可以回溯到世界上现存最古老的书面语言苏美尔语(Sunerian)中的一个词Abzu(原始海). Abyss经历了几个世纪,



charge conjugation:电荷共轭

CP 对称性是电荷宇称联合对称性, 其中的 "CP" 是电荷共轭 (Charge conjugation) 与宇称 (Parity) 的首字母缩写组合. 电荷共轭对称性通常也叫做正反粒子对称性. 夸克以彼此混合的方式参与弱相互作用的设想, 可以回溯到 1963 年意大利物理学家 N.

date back:回溯到

4.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑 | 5.date back 回溯到 | 6.make use of 利用某事物(某人)


这要回溯到90年代末,当时他给自己取了个名字叫"Go-go",呆在一个名为"嫉妒"(Envy)的男子团体当中. 他们曾上过>表演,当时的主持人是斯蒂夫?哈维(SteveHarvey),而这些男孩并没有得到很好的认可.


回溯到1969年,父亲乔斯(Jose)已夺得巴塞罗纳国际冠军大奖,当时他和他的父亲摩里斯(Maurice)联手. 乔斯和他的儿子尼克 (Nick),逐渐在比利时长距离鸽坛中闯出名号,其实,他们已是全球知名. 2001年,他们在波城表现突出,


时间回溯到1836年4月末,当时,莱昂内尔(Lionel)的婚期还没有最终确定下来. 他早已经不想在法兰克福停留下去了,他焦急地等待着父母的消息,期望着他们此刻已经离开伦敦,前来与他会面. 他想尽办法消磨时光,去位于Fahrgasse的伯父的银行,



e.g. trace back to:追溯到, 追究到, 追查到

8. trace n. 痕迹, 踪迹 vt. 描绘, 追踪, 回溯, 探索 | e.g. trace back to 追溯到, 追究到, 追查到 | 9. feature n. 面貌的一部分(眼,口,鼻等)特征, 容貌, 特色 vt.是...的特色, 特写