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回暖 的英文翻译、例句


get warm again after a cold spell
更多网络例句与回暖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whole economy answers thaw to anabiosis truly, the process will be very long, need probably 3 to 5 years.


I bid them be quiet, now that they saw me returned, and, benumbed to my very heart, I dragged up-stairs; whence, after putting on dry clothes, and pacing to and fro thirty or forty minutes, to restore the animal heat, I adjourned to my study, feeble as a kitten: almost too much so to enjoy the cheerful fire and smoking coffee which the servant had prepared for my refreshment.


"The the most dangerous, darkest hour has gone; Whole economy answers thaw to anabiosis truly, need 3 to lustrum; Foreign trade demand won't drop considerably, but large order can be torn open small order."


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】"The the most dangerous, darkest hour has gone; Whole economy answers thaw to anabiosis truly, need 3 to lustrum; Foreign trade demand won't drop considerably, but large order can be torn open small order."


This draft stalks of grain only for Www.chemnet.com.cn of net of Chinese chemical industry international crude oil is climbed again and again tall, make businessman state of mind auspicious, below the influence that downstream not saturated colophony rises in most raw material, manufacturer price all has different rate go tall, the market shows trend of get warm again after a cold spell, drive in its, suitable anhydride market is small follow go up, in the meantime, below the influence that upriver cooking benzene goes up in suitable anhydride, low do not have shipment intent temporarily, the city after manufacturer is right is valued quite, farther small are carried go up quote, meanwhile, purchase intent to be carried somewhat to crude benzole brace up, the insecurity of crude benzole supply of goods, your manufacturer take advantage of an opportunity follows go up.


Because the weather of this year is anomaly and it get warm a month earlier than ever before(according to some experts say,not me ), depending on growth conditions, the growth of grapes are showing some particularity, for an example, this year the bourgeon of grape come out much earlier than ever before, so my family are discussing about the plans and arrangement to grow grapes .


Heng Bo supplies seamless pipe, senior market analyst believes that the steel industry in Yunnan has been warmer, but there is still the release of excessive production capacity and inventory pressure digestion social problems.


At some point, the central dilemma at the heart of this rally will have to be resolved.


Morning inquiry in the December 17, held in Dalian in 2009 Spring housing transactions press conference on the General Assembly, Dalian City Land and Housing Secretary Kim grindlays said nine "real estate New Deal" has been introduced, Dalian has become increasingly active real estate sales performance, second-hand housing market warmer more obvious, in order to further promote the real estate market in Dalian, a smooth and healthy development, government departments are studying some of the new policy next year is expected to launch a compensation for the use on land-related preferential policies.

晨报讯 在12月17日举行的2009年大连迎新春房屋交易大会新闻发布会上,大连市国土和房屋局局长金建利透露说,9条"地产新政"出台以来,大连商品房销售表现日趋活跃,二手房市场回暖比较明显,为进一步推动大连房地产市场平稳、健康发展,政府部门正在研究一些新政策,明年有望推出一个关于土地有偿使用的相关优惠政策。

Letting what industry pays close attention to very is, march in the market of get warm again after a cold spell, PE cuts a figure.


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Investment grade:(投资级债券)

投资级债券持续回暖 美资本市场复苏先声?美国企业债券市场大幅回暖. 根据美国Advantage Data公司提供的专业数据,美国企业债市场上的投资级债券(Investment Grade)发行总额自2008年9月跌到194亿美元的低点后 ..


[简介]由此引出了2009年存在"通货再膨胀"(Reflation)的机会和可能. 从通货紧缩到再通胀预期是多数机构判断明年股票市场走势一个核心假设. 在通货紧缩环境之中,政府通过反周期调控政策推动信贷/货币市场回暖,扭转通缩预期,



Chelonia mydas:绿海龟

绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)是濒危物种,过去本港仅在5至7月,曾於南丫岛深湾发现有绿海龟产卵. 但去年9月,一只绿海龟却罕有地在大浪湾海滩产卵,渔护署检走部分海龟蛋并进行人工孵化,结果成功孵化了60只小海龟,计划当天气回暖便会放养小海龟,

nijie sisi:继续乐天主义,为将来多做点准备

small qian 夫君早归,终守一生. | nijie sisi 继续乐天主义,为将来多做点准备. | tao xu 孤雁远飞,这边回暖咯. 该回来就回来. 家乡人民欢迎你.

The rains:雨水

]雨水(The rains)雨水--表示降水开始,雨量逐步增多. 公历每年二月十八日前后为雨水节气. 此时太阳到达黄经330度,为交"雨水"节气. 雨水,表示两层意思,一是天气回暖,降水量逐渐增多了,二是在降水形式上,雪渐少了,雨渐多了.