英语人>词典>汉英 : 四倍地 的英文翻译,例句
四倍地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The first thing I did, was to recompense my original Benefactor, my good old Captain, who had been first charitable to me in my Distress, kind to me in my Beginning, and honest to me at the End: I shew'd him all that was sent me, I told him, that next to the Providence of Heaven, which disposes all things, it was Owing to him; and that it now lay on me to reward him, which I would do a hundred fold: So I first return'd to him the hundred Moidores I had receiv'd of him, then I sent for a Notary, and caused him to draw up a general Release or Discharge for the 470 Moidores, which he had acknowledg'd he ow'd me in the fullest and firmest Manner possible; after which, I caused a Procuration to be drawn, impowering him to be my Receiver of the annual Profits of my Plantation, and appointing my Partner to accompt to him, and make the Returns by the usual Fleets to him in my Name; and a Clause in the End, being a Grant of 100 Moidores a Year to him, during his Life, out of the Effects, and 50 Moidores a Year to his Son after him, for his Life: And thus I requited my old Man.


Fruit trees and flowers, birds and animals, shimmering tiles, and the gleam and murmur of running water—these are the vibrant and delicate substances from which, like a beautiful carpet, the Islamic garden is woven.Indeed, Islamic carpet design and garden layout go hand in hand.Garden carpets depict in a stylized manner the chahar bagh, or fourfold garden with its intersecting axial watercourses surmounted by a central fountain.In addition, they depict symbolically the vegetation planted in actual gardens:the shade-giving plane tree, identified with the Tuba tree in the Quran; the cypress representing death and eternity; and fruit trees standing for life and fertility.The central cartouche can interpreted as a platform, which in real gardens was often surmounted by a pavilion.These form the basic and timeless design formula of the Islamic garden—one or more quadripartite sections defined by narrow water courses—which has its roots in ancient Persia where the archaeological remains of Achaemenid palaces trace the outlines of pavilions overlooking carved stone channels.

果树和花卉,鸟兽,闪烁瓷砖,以及闪光和杂音的自来水-这些都是充满活力和微妙的物质,像一个美丽的地毯,伊斯兰园林woven.indeed ,伊斯兰地毯设计与园林布局齐头并进hand.garden地毯描绘在程式化地察哈尔巴格,或四倍花园与其相交轴水道克服了由一个中央fountain.in此外,他们还描绘象征性的植物种植在实际花园:耐荫给予平面树,确定与大号树在可兰经;桧代表死亡和永恒;栽果树,站立,生活和fertility.the中央cartouche可以解释为一个平台,而在真正的花园往往是克服由pavilion.these形式基本和永恒的设计公式伊斯兰花园式的一个或一个以上的四方节所界定的狭窄水道-其中有它的根在古代波斯,而考古遗迹的阿契美尼德宫殿追查纲要凉亭俯瞰石刻渠道。

To show this diagram properly, I would really need a four dimensional s creen.


He acted illegitimately when he increased the rent fourfold .


Apparently, every year he went through the change from one form to the other, but had only recently realized he was tetraploid, and hadn't yet figured out the connection between the two.

/ 显然地,每年他经过从一种形式到另一个的改变,但是只有最近有了解他是四倍体的,而且没有理解之间的连结那二。

It indicated that the yield of tetraploidy not more than 25% induced by inhibiting the first mitosis with CB, colchicine and 6-DMAP, respectively, while it can be induced with higher percentage by blocking PB1releasing with CB. The tetraploidy percentage of groups shock began at 15—22min after fertilization are higher than that shock began at 42min, and the yield of tetraploidy also increased with the CB density and time lasting.


However, analysis of DNA methylation level indicated that the total DNA methylation levels were not significantly different between diploid and autotetraploid. Autotriploid showed a trend of low DNA methylation level. It implied that the alterations of DNA methylation levels were not linear with the autopolyploidy level in watermelon.


Gradually, the separate sine waves have become visible. The dominant signal, corresponding to a planet with about the same mass as Jupiter but which orbits 55 Cancri A more closely than Mercury orbits the sun, was detected in 1996. Two further sine waves emerged in 2002, corresponding to one planet that has the mass of Saturn and is also orbiting more closely than Mercury, and another with four times the mass of Jupiter that is located in what would be Jupiter's orbit.

逐渐地,&正弦波&曲线出现明显的分离。1996年,科学家探测到了起支配作用的讯号,这种讯号表明发出讯号的行星与木星有着相同的质量,但它围绕恒星&55 Cancri A&运行的距离比水星围绕太阳运行的距离还要小。2002年,另外两个&正弦波&曲线被发现,它们也分别代表两颗行星:一个行星有着土星的质量,围绕恒星的距离也比水星围绕太阳的距离要小;另一个行星有着木星质量的四倍,其位置将会预计在木星的运行轨迹上。

Even if dumping weedkiller on the crops of peasant farmers quadruples the local price of coca leaves, this tends to have little impact on the street price, which is set mainly by the risk of getting cocaine into Europe or the United States.


It also reported that cells treated with edelfosine came through the whole cell cycle without nuclei cleavage, and cells were blocked in G_0/G_1 and subsequent formation of quadplex or octploid nuclei. However, the mechanism still is unknown that edelfosine inhibits cytokinesis.


更多网络解释与四倍地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


charging room (食用或工业油脂车间的)装料间 充电间 | wurst (尤指德国式的)香肠 | quadruply 四重地, 四倍地

fourpenny:四便士的 (形)

fourfold 四倍地; 四重地 (副) | fourpenny 四便士的 (形) | foursome 四人的一组, 与赛的四人, 四人对抗赛 (名)


因为日本政府的预算赤字已达该国国内生产毛额(GDP)两倍,很难再增加财政支出. 孟加拉语(Bengali)为印度第三大语言,使用人口达9110万;泰卢固语(Telugu)、马拉地语(Marathi)分别以8500万、8420万使用人口居第四、第五.

quadruply:四重地, 四倍地

wurst (尤指德国式的)香肠 | quadruply 四重地, 四倍地 | low alloy tool steel 低合金工具钢


quadruplication 一式四份 | quadruply 四倍地 | quadrupod 四角架


在马德里、巴斯克(Pais Vasco)、艾斯德马都拉(Extremadura),以及拉里欧哈(La Rioja)等地的自治区域,所提出的修法需求都符合以下特点:包括七○%的机台出帐百分比、每注廿分欧元的赌金限制、奖金提高到最高为赌金的四百倍、机台运作每半小时不超过三百六十局、零钱不退还,