英语人>词典>汉英 : 囊孢子 的英文翻译,例句
囊孢子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Following 72 h co-culture, desquamate, sporozoites, trophozoites, meronts, microgametocytes, macrogametocytes, zygote, thin-wall oocyst, and thick-wall oocyst appeared orderly. Between the 60th and 72th hour, many oocysts emerged. Inoculated by the C. parvum -infected cell culture supernatant at the 48th hour, the immunosuppressed mice became infected.

在感染后72 h内,隐孢子虫出现连续发育阶段,包括脱囊、子孢子、裂殖子、裂殖体、滋养体、配子体、合子、薄壁卵囊和厚壁卵囊,在60~72 h内形成卵囊;用感染48 h的细胞培养上清接种于免疫抑制小鼠, 10 d后有隐孢子虫卵囊排出。

The author first reported the social phenomenon and synchronizing development incryptosporidia,the dynamic process of the sporozoites or merozoites aparted from theirparent substances and developed into trophozoites,the culture of C.baileyi in chickenembryo,and the excysting process without both the trypsin and the sodium taurocholatein 37℃ water.The high levels of excystation(60%)oceured at 37℃ water showedthat temprature was very important in cryptosporidia excysting process.


Compare with Zygomycetes which produce sporangiospores inside a sporangium.


Microspore Ye as the feather, small sporophyll sac formed by the polymerization, each polymer capsules formed by four small sporangia, small spores with dual airbags, and airbag Pinaceae pollen is similar to large sporophyll from the central axis and arranged in Brachypodium feather composition, Each Yibing has a shell bucket, each bucket containing shell upright ovules 10-12 months.


Soil available N was positively correlated with spore density of Salvia miltiorrhiza and Dioscorea opposite, and hyphal and total percent colonization of Adenophora borealis, while negatively correlated with arbuscular colonization of Aster tataricus; Soil available P exhibited a positive correlation with arbuscular colonization of Salvia miltiorrhiza and vesicular colonization of Dioscorea opposite, while a negative correlation with spore density of Platycodon grandiflorus and vesicular colonization of Atractylodes macrocephala; Spore density of Bupleurum Chinense had a positive affection with soil organic matter; Soil pH was negatively correlated with hyphal and total colonization of Adenophora borealis and spore density of Bupleurum chinense, while positively correlated with spore density of Adenophora borealis.


Megaspore development and abortion of"Pingyi Tiancha"Compar-ing with regular developing megaspore of normal M.baccata,the megasporemother cellof"Pingyi Tiancha"could form mono-nucleus embryo sacby perhaps irregular meiosis,then most of sexual MES depauperatedand degenerated,finally aborted,or only a few further developed.Of asexualembryo sac,one or more large cells at the chalazal end of nucellus developed in-to one to more asexual embryo sac initials.After the competition between sexu-al embryo sacand asexual embryosac,most ovules only had one asexual embryo sac matured.


Based on the security,efficacy,cheapness and easy gain three disinfectant drugs(acids, degerming agents,surface active agents)were chosen to killing coccidial oocysts in chicken.

本试验按照安全、有效、经济、来源容易的原则,从对鸡球虫卵囊有一定抑杀作用的三类消毒药物(酸类、消毒剂类、表面活性剂类)中,筛选了 17组不同药物和浓度的搭配组合,设计了 3个试验:抑制鸡球虫新鲜卵囊孢子化试验;抑杀孢子化卵囊试验;新鲜卵囊和孢子化卵囊经药物处理后感染小鸡试验。

Some of these spores in the sporangium After the mitotic generated, such as clothes swimming algae spores, Rhizopus spores of the cyst, chlorella-like pro-spores, etc.; some spores in the sporangia produced in the future through meiosis, such as Ulva lactuca , kelp, to money, gourd moss, fern and so on.


Yeasts, ascospores and the asexual spores of moulds are slightly more resistant than the vegetative

酵母、囊孢子和霉菌无性孢子的耐热性不及活细菌,杀菌温度通常在65 ~ 100°C之间。

Ninety seven spores or sporocarps of VAMF were wet sieved from the rhizosphere soil of mycorrhized pteridophytes, from which 25 VAMF species which belonged to the genera of Acaulospora, Gigaspora, Glomus, Sclerocystis and Scutellospora respectively were identified, and the taxonomic characters of the 25 species were described. The Glomus fungi were the dominant VAMF in the rhizosphere soil of pteridophytes, they took up 44% in the identified 25 VAMF (11 species belong to Glomus); the fungi in Acaulospora and Sclerocystis in the next place, they took up 24% and 16% respectively in the identified VAMF; the fungi in the other genera took up 16%. In terms of the relationships of pteridophytes and the VAMF isolated from their rhizosphere soil, there was no specifity between the VAMF and their host.


更多网络解释与囊孢子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(3)子囊孢子(ascospore):子囊菌的有性孢子.通常是由两个异型配子囊 --雄器和产囊体相结合,经质配,核配和减数分裂而形成的单倍体孢子. 子囊孢子着生在无色透明,棒状或卵圆形的囊状结构即子囊(ascus)内.每个 子囊中一般形成 8 个子囊孢子.子囊通常产生在具包被的子囊果内.子囊果 一般有四种类型,

ascospore yeast:子囊孢子酵母

ascorbinometrictitration | 抗坏血酸滴定(法) | ascospore yeast | 子囊孢子酵母 | ascospore | 囊孢子

bisporic embryo sac:双孢子胚囊

单孢子胚囊 monosporic embryo sac | 双孢子胚囊 bisporic embryo sac | 四孢子胚囊 tetrasporic embryo sac


第3个阶段是孢子生殖(Sporogony)阶段,此时合子外迅速形成一层包膜,即形成卵囊(Oocyst)随粪便排出体外. 在外界适宜的温度、湿度条件下,卵囊内发育形成孢子囊(4个)和子孢子(8个),含有成熟子孢子的卵囊为感染性卵囊.


ascospore 囊孢子 | ascosporic 囊孢子的 | ascosporous 囊孢子


ascosporic 囊孢子的 | ascosporous 囊孢子的 | ascribable 可归于

cystospore:囊孢子, 休眠孢子

cystosorus | 休眠孢子堆 | cystospore | 囊孢子, 休眠孢子 | cystostomy | 膀胱造口术


(2)孢囊孢子(sporangiospore):形成于孢囊孢子囊(sporangium)内. 孢子囊由孢囊梗的顶端膨大而成. 孢囊孢子有细胞壁,无鞭毛,释放后可随风飞散. 真菌营养生长阶段的结构称为营养体. 绝大多数真菌的营养体都是可分枝的丝状体,


spongin 海绵硬蛋白 | sporangiospore 包囊孢子,胞囊孢子 | sporangium 孢子囊,胞囊


spontaneous termination 自发终止,自动终止 | sporangiospore 孢囊孢子,胞囊孢子 | sporangium 孢(子)囊,胞囊