英语人>词典>汉英 : 器质性病 的英文翻译,例句
器质性病 的英文翻译、例句


organic disease · structural disease
更多网络例句与器质性病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.


Students were excluded if they have brain disease or their relative had psychopathy history.2 Investigated methods: the purposes of this investigation were described to the schools teacher, students'parents and students.


METHODS:We examined the visual acuity of preschoolers aged 4-6 years after precluding the organic disease in the six public kindergartens in Daxing district.Children with visual acuity ≤0.8 and strabismus underwent skiascopy.


Tongue tie is too short, so that should not extend extraoral tongue, the impact of the flexible tongue movement, so the impact of the larger aspects of language development, commonly known as "大舌." 2, these are caused by organic disease transformer ambiguous words; There is also a non-organic ambiguous words, 2-year-old children with limited vocabulary; but would like to use language to express the results difficult to say if a series of adults, medically known as the "insinuations", also known as the "language disorder."


They have the clinical manifestations of organic disease or the clear pathophysiological period, the social and psychological factors play a very important role in the attack, development, treatment and prognosis of these diseases.


They have the clinical manifestations of organic disease or the clear path physiological period, the social and psychological factors play a very important role in the attack, development, treatment and prognosis of these diseases.


更多网络解释与器质性病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第三节 弱视(amblyopia) 眼部内外没有器质性病变而矫正视力达不到正常(低于0.9)者称为弱视. 弱视与斜视有密切关系,单眼偏斜可致该眼弱视,而弱视又可形成斜视. 一、分类 (一)斜视性弱视(strabismic amblyopia) 患者有斜视或曾有过斜视,

cardiac catheterization:心导管检查

心导管检查(cardiac catheterization)是利用不透X线的特制导管,经周围动脉、静脉将其送入心血管系统的预定部位,获取血流动力学资料,通过注入造影剂显影,以发现心血管系统的器质性病变和病理生理改变,是对心血管疾病有重要诊断价值的检查方法.

menstrual disorder:月经失调

月经失调(menstrual disorder)也称月经不调.妇科常见病 .表现为月经周期或出血量的异常或是月经前经期时的腹痛及全身症状.病因可能是器质性病变或是功能失常.许多全身性疾病如血液病高血压病肝病内分泌病流产宫外孕葡萄胎生殖道感染肿瘤(

primary dysmenorrhea:原发性痛经

原发性痛经(primary dysmenorrhea)是指在生殖器官无器质性病变存在的前提下在月经期发生的下腹部痉挛性疼痛、坠胀感,可放射至腰骶部、外阴、肛门及大腿内侧,部分患者伴有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、水肿甚至虚脱.


但反复发作或持续性头疼可能是某种器质性病变的信号.眩晕(dizzsiness vertigo)是指患者本人感到自身或周围环境物有旋转或摇动的一种主观感觉障碍,常伴有客观的平衡障碍.主要由迷路,脑干及小脑病变引起.晕厥(faint)是由于一时性脑供血不足所至的短暂性意识丧失状态,

Oriental lung fluke disease:东方肺吸虫病:寄生虫性咯血;同

organic disease 器质性病:器官或组织有确切改变的疾病 | Oriental lung fluke disease 东方肺吸虫病:寄生虫性咯血;同parasitic hemoptysis | Ormond's disease Ormond病:腹膜后纤维化

paralytic squint:麻痹性斜视

由支配眼肌运动的神经核、神经或眼外肌本身器质性病变所产生的斜视,称为麻痹性斜视 (paralytic squint),多由颅脑外伤、鼻咽癌、脑炎、脑膜炎、脑脓肿、脑血管病变所引起.


语言、表情和动作均极其幼稚,即所谓童样痴呆(puerilism). 因无脑器质性病变或其他精神病存在,癔症性假性痴呆有别于器质性或抑郁性假性痴呆. (4)癔症性精神病(hysterical psychosis)在受到严重的精神创伤之后突然起病,

paroxysmal diseases:阵发性病

organic diseases 器质性病 | paroxysmal diseases 阵发性病 | periodical diseases 周期病